Skunk seeds just germinated from the mid 1980's - 35 years old!!!

Are you suggesting that males will grow seeds and will turn the females into more males? I don’t think that’s how it works, they will pollinate the females and the buds will have seeds in them. Still perfectly good smokable bud, just pick the seeds out like everyone did in the good ol’ days. Have your Mom explain the birds and bees one more time, and rethink giving advise when you have no clue what your talking about please, it confuses people.

Edit: And to the OP keep us posted on the Skunk. We’ve all seen the same post a hundred times so excuse some of the skepticism, if it’s real deal 80’s skunk let them males make seeds however they want, and take a clone or two hundred from the females before those dirty males change them.
That's why I said I wish I knew what to tell you, I thought that was sufficient enough to say I don't really know but obviously not. Although I always thought that males produced pollen that fertilised the female plants which make the female plants produce seedy bud like males that isn't as good to smoke. Also my mother never did have that convo with me so that might explain alot lol
as connorc said, everything was called skunk back then, just to sell the stuff, as thats what everyone wanted to buy. as they grow, you will know if there true skunk or not by the smell.
can i ask why you germed all 26 of them? seems like you would do best to germ a few at a time.
hope your one of these growers who take cuttings and pass them on. if its old skool skunk, there worth a sma;ll fortune
A lot has changed since the mid 80's. If they really are that old school, then they would probably respond poorly to a sudden introduction to a new age indoor grow/lighting setup. Unlike many of today's strains, that are used to the high lumen outputs of modern HID/LED. You gotta go back in time with them to the 80's. Provide retro fluorescent tubes with tin foil walls for awhile, especially if trying to bring them back indoors for propagation purposes. And the right tunes, of course. :cool: I'm sure that's what he was doing before he stashed them in the old fridge, right? They sure don't make refrigerators anymore like they used too!
I lived/grew in Humboldt in the 70s and early 80’s. You could tell skunk weed when someone pulled into the driveway with a bag in their trunk! It was a very strong smell, just like a skunk. At that time Sativa was mostly grown, Indica was just starting to arrive in good amounts. I have not smelled/smoked anything close to that NorCal skunk weed in several decades!
I lived/grew in Humboldt in the 70s and early 80’s. You could tell skunk weed when someone pulled into the driveway with a bag in their trunk! It was a very strong smell, just like a skunk. At that time Sativa was mostly grown, Indica was just starting to arrive in good amounts. I have not smelled/smoked anything close to that NorCal skunk weed in several decades!
Of course mate proper cheese you can smell before they even chapped your door you know there there lol anything like proper skunky skunk is even more so id also say its the reason its rare or gone pretty much it just reeks so bad its a liability
No matter what they are, since they're that old, I would do an open pollination preservation. Remove any undesirables, and let the skeet fly.
Agreed unless they all got problems and you only have a small amount of plants to work with the first run in that case id make a huge amount of seeds then run through em second run looking for good/sexually stable plants and remove the bad ones but fingers crossed your first run turns out good and saves you work and time
Of course mate proper cheese you can smell before they even chapped your door you know there there lol anything like proper skunky skunk is even more so id also say its the reason its rare or gone pretty much it just reeks so bad its a liability
Hoping that will change, now that many states have made recreational use legal. I remember in certain areas in the late fall, even driving down the highway it smelled like a dozen skunks had been run over!!!
It turned out only one smells like skunk, which I’ll get pics of later. In the meantime here’s a pic of one that has red purple stripes down the main trunk with solid red/purple stems. Smells like cat piss. Can you tell if this is a male or female? View attachment 5306922
One of them is skunky in veg? While not unheard of, that is noteworthy. The catpiss is exciting too.

Thank you for the update!
It turned out only one smells like skunk, which I’ll get pics of later. In the meantime here’s a pic of one that has red purple stripes down the main trunk with solid red/purple stems. Smells like cat piss. Can you tell if this is a male or female? View attachment 5306922
Not from that pic regarding sex and i wouldnt put too much faith in stem rubs if thats what u going off of cos they change through stages in a plants lifecycle ime hopefully they turn out pungent regardless mate :bigjoint:
damn, in the 80s and early 90s all we smoked was mexican crap that was nothing but stems and seeds. lol.

You just had to know the right Mexicans, which my buddy met in Vietnam....Yes, most of it was seedy crap. I use to reject about 5 types before they would break out the good skunk, for around $500 a pound, on this side of the border. The seedy crap we could get for under $100 a kilo.

The good old days before 911, when you could check 2 bags stuffed full of weed onto the airline without anyone blinking an eye.
Good skunk use to come out of Mexico back in the 80's, under the name of "ghani", for Afghanistan skunk. It was always about the best they had at the time. Sure wish I kept a few seeds, although seeds were rare to find in the good stuff.
We used to get a lot of skunk in the early 80s in SoCal, our guy always said it came from up in humbolt area though, just called it skunk. I don’t think he really knew what he was talking about half the time, just selling what he had to us kids. I remember it was about twice the price of the brick weed and we considered it well worth the extra cost.