I always associated "skunk weed" with guerilla growers putting their crop in the swamps by all the skunk cabbage when I was younger, in the mid-late 90s. I even grew some of my plants next to the same swamps because that stuff would reek 10x worse and cover the smell, and the deer would leave it alone too.
Sometimes I still wonder if that's true, and they actually rolled the buds up into the cabbage stalks or something. I haven't smelled real "skunk weed" since back then anyway. Sometimes I drive by a cabbage patch along a road and I get a big whiff, and it takes me right back, lol. I've been lead to cabbage patches thinking "OMG someone is growing the dank in the woods.." on more than one occasion back in those days, haha.
Maybe 20+ years later we just can't smell and taste as good, or olfactory fatigue has set in.. and weed will never smell that skunky again, except for young people? Kinda like how little kids can hear 2x as good as adults, @ way higher frequencies.
I know I know, skunk was a real strain..