Slapped the shit out of my ole lady 2 nights ago


Well-Known Member
i really want to get this off my chest.
About 2 years ago, i caught her stealing from friends and family- doing METH.:fire:

Our son was a year old at the time. Come to find out , it had been going on for about 4-6 months. Well. I "laid down the law", and she got clean. :peace:

2 nights ago, I got the munchies, and if you want to use the microwave, you have to turn off the heater in the bedroom. I come popping in the bedroom to find her and her glass dick, cleaning the stem, with our son watching a movie, 4 feet away. She tries to sit on it , like i didnt see, but i come unglued, knowing exactly what i saw. Walk right up, reach under her, take it , while she pleads for me not to look. I tell her I want her out . :cuss:
I really love her and want to help her, not lose her to that shit. And i have faith. Just want her to know how serious i am.:shock:
Well, i take the pipe, put it in the sink. Smash the shit out of it with a pot which sends glass flying everywhere. I immediately ORDER her to clean up the dam mess- its hers to begin with. I head to the bedroom to see what else I might find. As i start to look around. She thinks im in there to pack her shit. She heads into the office and attempts to open the gun safe. Im there before she can blink. Block her from it. I think she had intended to shoot herself. But the 2nd time she tried to get past me , I lowered the boom, and slapped her , open handed, across the face. Knocking her down to the floor and into the closet door, knocking it off its hinges. Now, shes no small girl, and im no small guy. So, i know she still feels it.
Now, i just dont know what to do. Ive been honest and told her, Im sorry it happened, but im not sorry i did it.
Shes pretty much on lock down now. I take her to work and pick her up. She know that if i even think shes doing it, I have a test from Wallgreens, ready to test her just like last time. Dirty= shes gone.
I was from a single parent family(mother) and just wanted my boy to have both, especially his mother for god's sakes.
She says "No more, she'll stop, just started doing it again". But i dont know what to believe anymore.
After a year and a half since her last episode. I was finally starting to trust again. Now how long will it take ?

How long do i keep the faith ?
I guess until my heart starts agreeing with my brain:wall:

needles to say. Combo on Gun Safe has been changed.:lol:
damn dude. thats some crazy shit.

you gave her a chance, and she fucked up - again. i know its hard, but obviously she doesnt care. let her go, and dont look back, it will be better for you and your child.

good luck :peace:
You have a child and your lady can mess him up with using meth close to him.
Meth will make any good person into a robot to get more of it.
Tweakers are the lowest lifeform out there.

I say kick her out because this can really hurt your son.
Deep; toughy there man. Think no matter what you are a better man from it. Theres a difference in slapping someone to achieve attention. I have never and say i never would strike a female. However at that point your playing a fatherly role i suppose? My generation was still taught the hand of god and im not even that old. Point being, maybe that "woke" her? Real toughy bro. Hope it all works and your desired out outcome is acheived.
I sympathize with your plight and can see how emotions can get beyond control quickly. But please, if there is ever a next time, take a breath, calm your self and take your child to a neighbors house or relatives. THEN, and only then, settle your differences. Never with the kids around....but I can see where a flareup can be spontaneous, I really do. Good luck....:peace:

out. :blsmoke:
damn that all sux man. so did oyur son see u smack her? that could be very bad for him to be around all that shit. i just have to say that if my wife was doing that shit there would only be that first chance. then out the door. so she had her chance, how many more u going to give her? the most important thing in all this is the health and safety of your child. i am father of 3 boys and my wife is pregnant with another boy, due anyday now. a person will only change if they want to change. you can not make them change, no matter how hard you slap them......
oh and my dad used to beat the shit out of my mom, she was smart and left him. my dad was also a drunk and drug addict and he died when i was 19 from drug overdose. i never really cared that he died. he was a shitty person. he always beat his new wife too. broke her ribs and shit. she always had black eyes.
i really think with your wifes drug addition and with you hitting her it has to be over.
have you talked to anyone, like a friend or family, about all this?
its all fucked up.
Dam thats crazy but from expierence one wont stop meth unless one wants 2 so that being said kick her ass out with nothing but dont worry she will come running home wanting 2 stay clean in a couple weeks

ps When I was on that shit it took prison 2 get my mind back on track:mrgreen:
You just need to find out why shes doing it,that is more than half of the battle.
There is always a mental or emotional reason that people start using totally insidious drugs.
Most of them use because they are unable to "switch off" their mind or their emotions.
If you can find out the "real" reason why then you can win,if not then you will probably lose her whatever you do:neutral:
yeah good friend of mine has been to prison twice now and all b/c of meth. this guy had it all going for him too back in the days when he was not strung out. pisses me off when good friends thrown it all away for that.
That she's done it in front of your son is wrong.I believe in personal choice for everyone,but you don't do drugs in front of kids.
That being said, by slapping her, you have crossed a line in the relationship that cannot be uncrossed.By seeking to control her every move, you will just drive her to want it more.This is her choice.Since you find her meth use unacceptable, she's going to have to choose to be clean and stay with you, or to do meth and leave.If the relationship has degenerated into this,then it's best it ends.Your son doesn't need to see his mother doing drugs, nor his father slapping her for it. Many people have the mistaken impression that staying together for the sake of the kids is the right thing.Not if the relationship has gotten to the point of lies and violence.Your son will still have a mother, she just may not be around all the time.You will have to try to be the best father you can be.
I'm not saying she's a bad person for doing meth,but it's obvious she's not being a responsible person,and she can't use good judgement.You can't change who she is or what her path is, no matter how much you try to force her to fit what you want her to be.Now that you have made the first foray into violence against her, it's going to be a lot easier to do it again.It's time to end it,it's become unhealthy for both of you,and it will continue to degenerate.:peace:
i really want to get this off my chest.
About 2 years ago, i caught her stealing from friends and family- doing METH.:fire:

Our son was a year old at the time. Come to find out , it had been going on for about 4-6 months. Well. I "laid down the law", and she got clean. :peace:

2 nights ago, I got the munchies, and if you want to use the microwave, you have to turn off the heater in the bedroom. I come popping in the bedroom to find her and her glass dick, cleaning the stem, with our son watching a movie, 4 feet away. She tries to sit on it , like i didnt see, but i come unglued, knowing exactly what i saw. Walk right up, reach under her, take it , while she pleads for me not to look. I tell her I want her out . :cuss:
I really love her and want to help her, not lose her to that shit. And i have faith. Just want her to know how serious i am.:shock:
Well, i take the pipe, put it in the sink. Smash the shit out of it with a pot which sends glass flying everywhere. I immediately ORDER her to clean up the dam mess- its hers to begin with. I head to the bedroom to see what else I might find. As i start to look around. She thinks im in there to pack her shit. She heads into the office and attempts to open the gun safe. Im there before she can blink. Block her from it. I think she had intended to shoot herself. But the 2nd time she tried to get past me , I lowered the boom, and slapped her , open handed, across the face. Knocking her down to the floor and into the closet door, knocking it off its hinges. Now, shes no small girl, and im no small guy. So, i know she still feels it.
Now, i just dont know what to do. Ive been honest and told her, Im sorry it happened, but im not sorry i did it.
Shes pretty much on lock down now. I take her to work and pick her up. She know that if i even think shes doing it, I have a test from Wallgreens, ready to test her just like last time. Dirty= shes gone.
I was from a single parent family(mother) and just wanted my boy to have both, especially his mother for god's sakes.
She says "No more, she'll stop, just started doing it again". But i dont know what to believe anymore.
After a year and a half since her last episode. I was finally starting to trust again. Now how long will it take ?

How long do i keep the faith ?
I guess until my heart starts agreeing with my brain:wall:

needles to say. Combo on Gun Safe has been changed.:lol:
By seeking to control her every move, you will just drive her to want it more.This is her choice.Since you find her meth use unacceptable, she's going to have to choose to be clean and stay with you, or to do meth and leave.

he's trying to control her every move by not accepting that shes addicted to a harmful drug and is forcing her to stop?

is that a joke?
spousal abuse
child endangerment

are you growing?


Good point. Abort! Abort!

Also, is she suicidal? The fact that she may have gone for a gun at one point...That's big. Me no like!

Get professional advice quick!

Send the kid somewhere safe quick!
Wow.... That's really all I have... wow. It's gonna take professional help to get her clean. As previously stated, it's her choice, and now is the time for her to choose.

Man, I remember growing up. I hated parent's fighting.... maybe that was just me :(
Yeah, read his post, she's basically on house arrest.You can't force someone to fall in lockstep with your will.She will either decide that her son is more important, or the meth.But you can't make someone stop, they have to want to.
By seeking to control her every move, you will just drive her to want it more.This is her choice.Since you find her meth use unacceptable, she's going to have to choose to be clean and stay with you, or to do meth and leave.

he's trying to control her every move by not accepting that shes addicted to a harmful drug and is forcing her to stop?

is that a joke?
Hey dude i feel you, i just had a buddy of mine who was on that ice and had a headon collission at 40mph because he fell asleep at the wheel. it turns out he was up too long and passed out. he was lucky to survive cuz he wasnt wearing his seatbelt and went right thru the windshield. he started out smokin it just like her and eventually over time he started shooting it.....hes now in a wheelchair for the next 6months recovering just so get his shit. Stuff is no good....let her know how u feel and be firm with your feelings...otherwise she wont stop.
There is no excuse to hit a woman...

Hitting someone does not make them change ,

Seek out a long term rehab..Meth is not a 28 day fix
Im so sorry to hear this Halzey68. I was in your shoes almost two years ago. First of all I want to say, You cant change a person, they have to want to change for themselves. My EX-wife was and still is addicted to coke. See how i said EX-wife. I tried for two years to get her to stop. I did what you did, watched her every move. It will wear you down to be a detective 24/7. In the end I gave her a million chances hoping she would see the light....and guess what she did, about a year after we got divorced. It has taken up until now for me to get back on my feet. She ran everything up. I was over 10,000 in debt. Cleaned out my entire house. I had nothing when she left. But to be honest I am better off. I now have a woman that loves me and I trust! I see my son every weekend, and sometimes in the middle of the week. Even thou she is a drug addict my state still automatically gives the child to the mother. SHITY YES I KNOW! I need about another 10 grand to fight for full custody. What im trying to say is....She will never change and you and your child will be drug thru shit until you get away from her. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family! Professional Help is greatly advised!
Tough times, Instead of kicking her out, I think YOU and your son should leave. Take everything that she could hurt herself with out of the house too (like the guns). Meth is some powerful shit, and if she can't give it up for her husband and son, she isn't going to give it up because you "laid down the law". I know it sounds rough, but you have a responsibility to take care of your son more so than you have to take care of her, and chances are, she won't quit, at least not yet. By leaving her, you are sending a clear message that what she is doing is absolutely unacceptable, and if he ever wants to see her son again, then she will have to prove to you that she is clean. Putting her on lockdown isn't going to do shit. She probably gets the meth from someone at work, or her dealer brings it to her. Also, and I know this sound terrible, maybe she needs to hit bottom before she can come back up. Do the right thing and get your son out of there, stay with relatives or friends until you can find a stable place for the two of you to stay.
I feel you man. i truly truly do... I have been in a very similar situation. I made all the wrong moves.

I hate to have to say this.... but your doing everything i did. STOP !!!

realize that your love for her has gone stagnit because of her actions. Its out of your hands.

your children are our future. please wake up my friend. This is going to hurt alot... trust me... ( 5 yrs later i am still recovering from my loss)

Nevertheless, I am worried about your child who's brain is still forming. A chemical embalance could really change things. Might as well throw darts at a dart board in the dark.

I just finished reading a book about DMT and the Pineal Gland.... and after reading your post i bout fell out of my chair.

Once again, though.... i feel it bro... i truly feel it in my stomach and my chest... your post brought back some horrible memories of my own actions.

the end all to end all : Not even a animal would do that to their offspring. and it sounds like she is not only messing with your blood but your DNA.

she has to go. no drama either. if your growing .... ABORT... and get the law on your side. because the drama has only barely begun.