SLH - BB Cheese - SSH 12 's since 3-21-10


Well-Known Member
Long story short -

10 x 10

1000w horti super HPS

under bat wing

Genetics -
Green House seeds, Super Lemn Haze (began Veg Feb 4)

Big Buddah, Cheese (Began Veg Feb 4)

Green House Seeds, Super Silver Haze (Began veg 3-15)

Soil - Fox Farms, Ocean forrest (10 % Perlite added)

Transplanted 3 times, clone - pint - 1 gal - 5 gal

Veg Nutes -
-------Started 1/4 nutes and built up to full strength,------
Fox Farms, Grow big (as per bottle instructions)
Fox Farms , Big Bloom (as per bottle instructions)

Flower Nutes (Advanced nutrients line)
---- Feed schedule as per Advanced nutrients technician (the 1-800 tech support line kick ass BTW)

3-21-10 Recieved Nutes as follows per gal
Sensi a+b - 7.4 ml
BUd Blood - .25 tsp (1/4 tsp for us stoners :eyesmoke:)
Rhino Skin - 7.5 ml
Bud Candy - 7.5 ml
BudSwel - 10ml <---- NON AN product hydro recomended

6.8 PH

800 ppm (run off 820's)

3-29-10 Recieved Nutes as follows
Sensi a+b - 10.2 ml
Big Bud - 3 ml
Rhino Skin - 7.5 ml
Bud Candy - 7.5 ml
BudSwel - 15ml <---- NON AN product hydro recomended

ppm - 830's

6.5 ph

4-5-10 Received Nutes as follows
Sensi a+b - 13 ml
Big Bud - 3 ml
Rhino Skin - 7.5 ml
Bud Candy - 7.5 ml
BudSwel - 15ml <---- NON AN product hydro recomended

ppm 1120's

ph 6.5

Water Schedule (will change as plant needs change)
- Monday's Get Nutes (heavy feeding)
- Wed (moderate watering)
- Fri (light watering)
- Monday Repeat

The pics are of the same plant (Super Lemon Haze) from when I got her until now.

pic 1 taken 2-6-10
pip 2 taken 2-15-10
pic 3 taken 2-24-10
pic 4 taken 3-23-10
pic 5 taken 3-30-10
pic 6 taken 4-2-10
pic 7 taken 4-6-10

The last pic is 12 days into flower (since I seen flowers) They lookpretty advanced for only 12 days.. These Nutes kick ass ....

Any how what do y ou guys think?



Active Member
LOOKIN GOOD BUDDY!! lol i know what you mean about the comments, oh well. Everything is lookin good and healthy i am subscribed and am looking forward to see how these ladies progress (especially the BB Cheese) i got some BB Blue cheese going right now. anyway keep up the good work ill be staying posted. here is the thread to my grow journal of BB Blue cheese if your interested
Have you grown the big buddah cheese or anything like it before? How did it turn out if so? GOodluck keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
17 days in flower

4-12-10 Received Nutes as follows (per 3 gal batches)
Sensi a+b - 45 ml
Big Bud - 9 ml
Rhino Skin - 22.68 ml
Bud Candy - 22.68 ml
BudSwel - 45ml <---- NON AN product hydro recomended

ppm 1220s

ph 6.3

The crystal production is going nuts on all of em but the SSH seems to be putting on the most crystal weight.

I trimmed up the undercariage of the girls to increase air flow. I was seeing alot of yellowing lower leaves so it was time to clean em up.

I have not seen alot of vert growth I think they are about done stretching ( I think the Bud Blood did the trick)

pic 1 = Big Buddah Cheese
Pic 2 = Green House seeds super Lemon Haze
Pic 3 = Green House Seeds Super Silver Haze



Well-Known Member
some new pics for ya, these were taken on the 14th. The cola's on the SLH is comming along very well ( I think they are going to be HUGE) The SLH has gotten about 4.5 feet tall with tons and tons of secondary buds running down all the stems. Tonight I am going to LST a little to open up the plant and let more light to the secondaries. The over all smell in the room is getting very nice. The smell of the SLH buds are definatly a nice lemony / fuel smell and getting very sticky.

The SSH is getting taller as well ( there only in 1 gal pots) they are about 2.5 feet tall.

Well thats it for now.



Well-Known Member
Ya and only at day 20 those bitches still got 57 day (or close to it) to go. I may need to tie em up soon.

All I have to say is. To all you Advanced nutes Haters out there...

This is my first grow on my own ( I have been helping a buddy for a couple of years). We ran these same strains in his garden and at this stage they didn't even come close to looking like this. My buddy uses 8 1000 watters and uses GH bloom nutes and Miracle grow bloom blaster, and thats it... NUtes make a huge diferance.


Active Member
Im using advanced nutes as well and see a huge difference from my last go around when i didnt use them. You say there 20 days in but thats from when you saw them first flower right? It normally takes atleast 1-2 weeks to see them flower intially so you prolly have like 7-10 days of flower before you saw the pistils than that 20 so i would say like 27 days in to be safe but they still look amazing for 27-30 days in and are coming along amazing cant wait to see the final outcome and how monster those buds are going to get. Are you using big bud or any bud enhancer to make them denser or anything?


Well-Known Member
4-12-10 Received Nutes as follows (per 3 gal batches)
Sensi a+b - 45 ml
Big Bud - 9 ml
Rhino Skin - 22.68 ml
Bud Candy - 22.68 ml
BudSwel - 45ml <---- NON AN product hydro recomended

ppm 1220s

ph 6.3


Active Member
Ya so they have been flowering for 29 days then correct? Do you not count the time that you switch to 12/12 im pretty sure when you flip lights to 12/12 that starts your flowering time


Well-Known Member
No, I have always started from 1st visable flowers. BUt I may be wrong..

Regardless they are way ahead of there non Advanced Nutes grown MOMS. Durring there first bloom feeding I used bud Blood on Cheese and SLH (not on the SSH due to them being young and didn't want to slow there vert growth) I really think that has alot to do with the early and advanced bud develpment. As for the trichomes (wich the Moms didn't have this early) would be do to (at least in part) the use of Rhino Skin (potasium Silicate) and my watering schedule. I have been really pushing the drought - flood method

I will feed on Mondays ( nutes), with a heavy watering (making soil very wet, IE soil water retention is 100%, no standing water but wet) then wait until leaves are drooping then give them a light to moderate feeding of just PH adjusted water. Then repeat the process on MOnday. Currently the leaves don't start drooping until Thursday or Friday.


Active Member
Ya i have been waiting a little longer before i water my plants to or atleast in my soil grows and i find it helps alot. Good to know your getting some little things like thae watering and the nutes dialed in with the ladies becasue those little changes go a long way and your plants are looking great and look to be loving whatever your doing. I checked it out and the flowering time starts from the day you switch over to 12/12 not the day you have visible flowers. Just letting you know as this should affect the harvest date for you and i want you to harvest at the correct time so you get all you deserve out of these ladies. Yes they are still looking very very nice and far along for their time of flowering though. Good luck cant wait till the next pics get posted!!