Slurricane #7

All nonsense.

Same lineage and nothing like a kit car.

Stop being silly.

Sorry its a fact and not nonsense.

This thread was started by a guy asking what kind of phenos he could expect to come from slurricane #7, which is a specific pheno of IHG slurricane. Why would you come here to talk about any other version anyway? To make yourself feel good for buying a cheap knockoff?

The scam artists LOVE customers like you.
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Sorry its a fact and not nonsense.

This thread was started by a guy asking what kind of phenos he could expect to come from slurricane #7, which is a specific pheno of IHG slurricane. Why would you come here to talk about any other version anyway? To make yourself feel good for buying a cheap knockoff?

The scam artists LOVE customers like you.

Fact eh?

With no concluding proof or any vague truth even, all Chinese whispers.

Show me facts.

Also, likewise, those high priced breeders love you gullible lot because its all fucking hearsay and Chinese whispers.

Show the facts instead of shouting about it offering nothing but hearsay.

If you didn't get a pic it didn't happen so they say so remember that when trying not to be a sheeple.

No facts, it didn't happen.

As I say, Anesia have a fucking good version of whoever Sluricane it is!

Calm down, it's only a plant that has been copied many times and to be fair nobody can claim rights on it so let's not be silly.

Same genetics, different breeder and a great smoke.
Just monster Anesia Slurricane

You sheeple stick to the overpriced other Sluricane which all rant about but can't provide proof where it's really from.

All mouth and no proof.
Right on new boy with Chinese whispers and hearsay.

Oh and the ever conclusive and trusted IG shout out which the sheeple refer to.

Deluded really to believe the hype, only in the good old USA eh!

Not good to mock the handicapped also new boy. Grow up!

My apologies. I should have never replied to the guy, I didn't realize that he was mentally handicapped.
A quick look at Anesia's site shows that they also sell strains like MAC, Banana MAC, White Runtz and GG#4. They claim to have created these versions also which is hilarious, but you need proof to know that it's not true? That says it all.

Anesia was honest in their description of the GG#4 in that they admitted to back crossing it from a cut that they received.

Regardless of their version of slurricane existing this thread was started asking about phenos of a IHG strain that the OP ALREADY purchased. Telling people that other versions are available doesn't help the OP or help you look sane. Plus your incessant rambling about "Chinese Whispers" doesn't help either.

Oh and I wasn't mocking anyone but you because you obviously have something wrong in the head.
EXACTLY as I was saying.

There is the PP side, the NORCAL cut as detailed on the Anesia page.

There is a fact for the In House sheeple as pointed out by @PJ Diaz


I thought that Purple Punch was a select cut, and that there were never seeds of it available. I'm not sure of the DoSiDo, but it stands to reason that the cut IHG used was also passed around t others and squired the name "The Norcal cut". If those two things are true, then the genetics would be the same for both seed companies.

That said, and to add some value to this thread, here's my Slurricane:

View attachment 4784416
EXACTLY as I was saying.

There is the PP side, the NORCAL cut as detailed on the Anesia page.

There is a fact for the In House sheeple as pointed out by @PJ Diaz

You do realise it takes 2 plants/strains to make a new strain and so you are missing the dosidos cut. if IHG used a cut of dosidos which they do actually claim they hunted from their own pack of seeds then it’s impossible for it to be the same genetically as IHG do not give out their breeding cuts to anyone certainly anesia seeds.

IHG made slurricane, They invented the strain and it’s name and sourced both sides of the genetics one side was purple punch but the other the dosidos was something not available to anyone else. It’s impossible it’s the same slurricane as there’s no way they have the same dosidos cut.

If anesia made “f2” from a pack they purchased it’s still not the same as they are f2 from a probably relatively small selection compared to in houses selection of 200 plants to get to the no7 cut they used in this specific slurricane no7 s1 hybrid. That cut is also not given out to people as it’s their breeding tool and a staple in their collection. It’s not something they will just give out.

Also again IHG actually came out publicly and called out anesia seeds version as being a fake as there is no way they have the same genetics to make their own version. Archive seeds did actually have the same genetics at one point so he can actually make the same strain and claim it’s the same especially if ihg did actually use the archive dosidos cut instead of their own hunted cut. either way anesia seeds does not have either of those dosidos cuts as archive was pretty strict about who he gave it to and after ihg supposedly made slurricane with it after being told not I doubt he is still giving it out to anyone as it’s one of his breeding tools.
My biggest issue with companies like Anesia is that they are straight copycats riding off someone else's work. The just see what's currently the hype, get some cuts, make some pollen chucks, steal the original names, and then repackage for sale. They are not breeders, they are basically just copycat pollen chuckers. I'd have more respect for seed companies like them if they at least gave credit to the original breeders, or gave the crosses unique names. Assuming that their genetics are in fact legit, there's no doubt that there is fire in their packs, but personally I'd rather support a reputable pollen chucker like Purple City Genetics, who come up with unique crosses from the work of other breeders, and give credit where it's due.
My biggest issue with companies like Anesia is that they are straight copycats riding off someone else's work. The just see what's currently the hype, get some cuts, make some pollen chucks, steal the original names, and then repackage for sale. They are not breeders, they are basically just copycat pollen chuckers. I'd have more respect for seed companies like them if they at least gave credit to the original breeders, or gave the crosses unique names. Assuming that their genetics are in fact legit, there's no doubt that there is fire in their packs, but personally I'd rather support a reputable pollen chucker like Purple City Genetics, who come up with unique crosses from the work of other breeders, and give credit where it's due.

More or less exactly how I feel. I'd have respect if they just made their own names for their creations or at least give credit to the creators. In their descriptions they leave it vague and word it in a way to suggest that they are the creators of the strain to trick unknowing people. Stealing names to ride the waves of other breeders is an unethical business practice, though I'm sure it's profitable.

What the heck is "Chinese whispers" anyway?

I had to look it up since the crazy guy wouldn't stop rambling about it. It's a game that when I was a kid at least, most called it "telephone". It's the game where someone whispers something in the first persons ear, then each person down the line whispers what they heard to the next person until it reaches the end and the last person says what they hear. Usually it's all wrong and backwards by the end.

Apparently to this crazy guy, unless you have pics of IHG creating Slurricane or Cap creating MAC then its all just rumors and as inaccurate as that kids game.
Jus wanted to add one last thing about anesia seeds, sorry lol.

Do we even know if anesia seeds are even real breeders? Doing actual breeding work or are they just another seed reseller posing as a “breeder” selling bulk seeds from Spain or somewhere an re package them as their own strains/names or as we can see steal other breeders names and attempt to ride the hype train. I have a funny feeling they are jus a reseller and not real breeders. Everything about them an their Instagram page screams reseller to me.
I had some trouble dialing in the plants on the pheno hunt round of 5 seeds. Here is the Dosi leaner I picked. #7#2 It only looks like a punch leaner because I came up slightly short on p demand in coco . Its a authentic 8 week plant but I give her 9. This genetic is the heaviest feeder I have ever kept. In all my years Slurricane #7 and Greenpoints Cookies N Chem where the best packs of seeds I have ever owned by a long shot. My slur tastes like dank fruit loops with a touch of flintstone vitamins on exhale, smells like skoal cherry snuff and has bag appeal for the gods. Be back in a month with pics from a dialed in round.


There is only one real slurricane which is the IHG version because they created it. You keep refering to the strain like there are more than one breeders of it. there isn't. There is only one and the others are copies. Everyone else is just copying the name to capitalize on hype. What you have may have the same (stolen) name, but they are not the same strains.

You've heard this but you don't care because you want to think that you have Slurricane too but you don't. What ever you have may be great, and could be even better than the IHG slurricane for all I know, but what you have is a COPY of slurricane in name only and nothing else.

This argument that you are making is like someone building a mustang kit car and then claiming that their "version" is better than Ford's. There are no versions, just the original and the variations that IHG created.
I think a better analogy is your dad and your mom made you. You are awesome so someone wants to recreate you. So they get your Dad to sleep with your moms sister, then run around claiming that kid is you.