Slurricane #7

Wondering if anyone out there has grown out the Slurricane #7 ? I'm currently running one ,
curious what Pheno is the better to best to look for ?

thanks !
moruga .......
I have grown out the InHouse #7 (not Archive) several times and there is a nice purple pheno that has rock hard frosty buds and also got a SUPER frosty green pheno that looks dipped in sugar. Both were keepers imo. The rest were green with lesser amounts of frost. A low yielding plant but quality of smoke and bag appeal are ever present.
I can tell you dude, I've seen my friends run of slurricane (he gave me cuts) and it brings insane amount of frost. Just blown out covered in mini diamonds with not much pistils. They are truly stunning plants. When it comes to bag appeal there is no denying in house is on top of their game.
how was it -potent --have heard thst this strain is OK in the thc level making it average at best If you want a strain berter than that try Sugar Cane (Platimun x Slurricane) no Deluxe Sugar cane sticj with the orginal sugar cane !!
I ran sluricaine last year from the #7 s1, blinged out for sure but was pretty weak potency wise. I personally didn’t feel like keeping it around.
Thanks , Thats what I was looking for . 50 / 50 of both parents . Exactly what I got . Buds white as a fresh sheet of paper ,
smell of pure white sugar , and gooey tasty shit .

I hope you liked, let me know how she dried and cured oh, yield too. Think I'm gonna throw a wrench in the Fire and runner now the price is down with our economy.....
I was thinking the same thing. That fathers day pre sale came out for the s1 and i grabbed that day. Wish i would of snagged a ten pack insteadof 5 pack. I just popped two more seeds few nites ago and i have one left over. Going to clone these next two and hopefully find a keeper. I also just ordered Sugarcane from in house genetics. Platinum x slurricane

Which one was the better of the two #7 slur or sugarcane ? Seem similar overall but the Jelly lines look like winners to the eye of a picture! Lol
Sorry its a fact and not nonsense.

This thread was started by a guy asking what kind of phenos he could expect to come from slurricane #7, which is a specific pheno of IHG slurricane. Why would you come here to talk about any other version anyway? To make yourself feel good for buying a cheap knockoff?

The scam artists LOVE customers like you.
Now that's a fact, pheno #7, 22, and 44 were all selected and labeled by IHG, anything else is different unless you got clones of those three.
I have a boy on YouTube that grows and is very skilled doing so and his video shows several different phenos grown out completely and it's a treat to watch and music James too! If somebody wants to see I can post the link. It's a true site to see