Small Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
I wis h I were growing for my own use lol, I have family that is interested is some of the bud I produce that's one of my main concerns. I am sure having a plant or two every 14 weeks would hold me over but what I want to accomplish is a pound every 8 weeks or maybe like 3/4 pound.
I don't have a hard-on for auto's.....but I think that your goal CAN be accomplished with this type of weed. You just have to be good at growing autos. Let's say that you plant 2 seeds every two weeks. Auto's theory.....60 days from start to finish (in reality it's more like 75...but let's go with 60 for easy math). In eight weeks you'll have at least two ounces....if you're good 3-4 ounces ready to harvest. Two weeks later....same thing....3-4 ounces.....two weeks later...3-4 ounces. Your need to have 16 ounces all at once is a big stretch considering your grow space....but I suspect your family would be fine with always having access to weed every two weeks or so.

If you question the ability to grow such numbers, here's a link to where someone.....who did it on his second grow....grew 22 ounces with five auto plants. He did it with a SCROG and hydro though.


Well-Known Member
Here's a long-winded and very detailed description of a SCROG (SCreen Of Green)

The short version is using a screen....anything from chicken wire to specialized netting....creating an even canopy...usually involving several forcing the plants to grow horizontally and forcing the plant to grow many colas vs. its tendency to grow vertically and only having one or several colas.

Edited: For some reason my link to the long version of what a SCROG is was removed. Probably because it pointed to a different pot growing site. Google "What is a SCROG" and you'll find it.


Well-Known Member
I don't think a SCROG is something a newbie should attempt though.....there's a lot of nuances involved, and from the people I talk to that have done's a pain-in-the-ass.


Ohh okay i will look it up, The autos looks like somthing i would try, another question I have for you. Do you think that getting that many seeds would be even worth growing the weed. I mean with all expenses added up will it be worth it? I mean you can't really clone an auto because their already in flowing right or am i wrong? Not only the cost but optaining the seeds aswell how do you come about optaining such seeds?


Well-Known Member
No, you can't clone auto's. The Seed depot sells bulk orders of autoflowering strains anywhere from 20-100 seeds. I've ordered from them before and they are totally legit. Auto's, for the most part, don't really yield that great. You can almost achieve the same height of plant by going 12-12 from seed. When you use regular photo-period plants you can top them, you can't top auto's. You can also control how big they get with a longer or shorter veg cycle. I've grown a few auto's and they were alright, gave me something to smoke, but I got bigger harvests off of photo-period plants.


I really wish I had a bigger space its kinda annoying for me to be dealing with suck a small area. I have no idea how people use pc cases smh lol
Pc cases are great for vegging i have heard they grow to about 4" to 6" then put them in flower and get great yields from the research i have done i will be posting a thread with ?'s and how i am setting up my veg and flower cabs and the things i plan to buy to get the grow underway this thread has helped a bit


Well-Known Member
Let's say you pay $10 a seed....and get an ounce at the other end. have upfront cost, but once you get your equipment those expenses are done (if there's ever a "done" in growing weed).

Dbozz is correct about just growing good strains right from 12/12 and get about the same plant as an auto.


What happens though when you order 25 seeds at 250$ and 20 of them don't make it or are males? Just random questions not trying to argue lol


Well-Known Member
I looked at the seed depot and you can get 20 feminized auto-flowering seeds for 87$ plus shipping, which would be about 18$, but you also get free seeds with your order. That's roughly 5$ a seed which will produce bud. I've had good luck with the feminized seeds that I have run in the past. I haven't encountered any hermaphrodites yet.


Well-Known Member
Let's say you pay $10 a seed....and get an ounce at the other end. have upfront cost, but once you get your equipment those expenses are done (if there's ever a "done" in growing weed).
Yes, factoring in the startup cost, you might break even depending on how much weed sells for around you and how much you buy/smoke. After you get a couple harvests, they will be a helluva lot cheaper than buying. It's always best to think Quality over Quantity. That's my opinion.


Well-Known Member
cost per seed isn't realy an issue imo, most ppl get seeds to find a good mother to clone off of. so if you get 20 seeds and find 1 realy good mother, you can grow it over and over.


Well-Known Member
oh, didn't realize you were wanting to get auto's. i got no advice for that. i don't realy get the atraction to them.


Well-Known Member
For me, its hard to pick one. There are so many. My first grow was Lemon Skunk and that was some good shit. I've grown super sour OG by Emerald Triangle that was pretty bomb. Blueberry x grapefruit by Dinafem was also good. I just ordered some Rare Dankness that should be arriving tomorrow and can't wait to try that. I also was gifted some killer seeds like White Fire Alien x Lemon Alien Dawg and Alien Rock Candy and Stankberry Kush x Lemon Alien Dawg. Querkle X Spacedawg. So I'm pretty much stocked up for a while. I'm also currently growing Lemon Kush, Strawberry cough, and Goji OG.


Well-Known Member
Here's my cab I got three auto AK-47's from Seedsman, 1 Critical Jack Herer auto from Dinafem and the Goji OG (Bodhi seeds), Lemon Kush(Female seeds) and Strawberry Cough all 3 reg.P1000298.JPG(Hazeman). That's a 36" tall X 28" wide X 20" deep cabinet with 150 HPS and 4" inline fan with DIY Carbon filter I built off of Rollitup.


Well-Known Member
nice. how do you thnk the auto's are as far as quality/potency? i've only grown reg. i've always thought the auto thing was kinda scamy like led's or induction lights. also the no clone thing is a deal breaker for me.