Smart meters a concern??

You think cops don't use them to see if you're growing? They just can't use that info to get a warrant but it's another tool in the box to help them get info they can use legally.

Once they start looking at you they already know what to look for. They just don't bother with little guys growing their own unless they got nothing better to do at 5am on a Sunday morning. :)

Yeah, I agree with that. They're crafty as hell nowadays.
Thermal imaging for law enforcement was ruled illegal search and seizure, it isn’t something you should worry about unless your op is pretty sizable. The lawman has ways around the FLIR ban, they can hire private detectives to spy on you with infrared then take their time gathering evidence they can actually use, once they know they have you by the nuts. It costs them more now, so they won’t go to the trouble unless you are important to them for some reason. Stay small.
Yeah I'm just using an 8x4 for flower and 5x5 for veg, both tents. Nothing too big
Be worried about drone's with flir, the bad guys are using them to find sheet to jack. Yeah choppers should always be viewed as hostile.. ;-)
I live in a very by the books town, full of old people. Shouldn't have to worry hear I don't think but the neighboring hostile town of about 300,000 could be a different story lol
Be worried about drone's with flir, the bad guys are using them to find sheet to jack. Yeah choppers should always be viewed as hostile.. ;-)
Although now that I think about it, 2 seperate grows have been busted in this town just this year, was big news for the town. Maybe I'm not alone after all bongsmilie
You think cops don't use them to see if you're growing? They just can't use that info to get a warrant but it's another tool in the box to help them get info they can use legally.

Once they start looking at you they already know what to look for. They just don't bother with little guys growing their own unless they got nothing better to do at 5am on a Sunday morning. :)

You are right, I wasn’t being clear. If they get caught it is a no no, but for PIs it’s all good. And of course cops do dirty shit all the time.

So speaking of flir, can that actually penetrate walls, roofs and tents to show the heat source?
Yes, to a point, good enough to rail you.
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So speaking of flir, can that actually penetrate walls, roofs and tents to show the heat source?
Speaking of flir. I got the flir app for the phone and shoved it partially up my ass after taking a shit. The readings were crazy!!! You should try it, great learning to understanding flir.
Meh. I don't trust anyone but myself. I mean I got a couple friends that would even put thier life on the line for me and I would do the same.

I still wouldn't show them. It's human nature to screw up. Loose lips and all that.

Ill clarify on my original statement. I'm sure that light bills have been used as evidence. It wasn't the sole factor in getting someone busted.

The electric company is selling something. Pay them and they don't care as long as you are not stealing or sending interference out.
I agree, don't tell ANYONE. I can't say about other power companies but mine will flat out call the cops if they were to find out you were growing. I don't think they would go out of their way to find out, but if they were to find out some way they would snitch in a heartbeat.
IMO, you have as much (maybe more) reason to be concerned about posting on forums like this as you do about your electric company tracking your electricity use back to pot growing. Nothing is anonymous with web surfing or IRL purchases--if they want you bad enough, they will find you.

I actually had my phone & computer tapped by my ISP/phone company in high school (illegally) due to some crazy shit I was doing at the time, and they ended up with access to every document & photo saved on our computer, including my mom's saved dick pics from strangers, lol. Everything that was supposed to be "my personal business" on our family PC was handed over to police to make a case against me, even though there was no warrant or trial. They just strong-armed me into going to treatment because I didn't know my rights (what high school kid does?!) and that was that. It was humiliating.

But I digress. I wouldn't wanna be using crazy amounts of electricity at weird hours regardless of whether there was a "smart meter" or not. That's how many indoor grows get busted. Always has been. But unless you're already under surveillance for some reason, it's unlikely that your electric company is going to 'red flag' you & turn you in. After all, you're using their service & making them money. What do they care where the electricity is going? ;-)
I use TOR and an anonymous email server to hang out in pot forums. They would have to work a lot harder to find me than anyone using the spy browsers common these days like Chrome, Internet Exploder, (now Micro$oft Edge or some shit.), and whatever most use on their phones that hide nothing.

My ISP couldn't tell the cops anything about what websites I visit except for when I use my regular Firefox browser the check for emails from my mom.

I'm just a very small fish in a huge pond growing a few plants for his own use and not a cash cropper so I doubt they'd waste their time looking for me.

My little farm is wired for light industrial use so they likely wish I was using more power and my old meter just tells them how much power I use in a month and not what time of day it's being used. No discounts any time.

I use TOR and an anonymous email server to hang out in pot forums. They would have to work a lot harder to find me than anyone using the spy browsers common these days like Chrome, Internet Exploder, (now Micro$oft Edge or some shit.), and whatever most use on their phones that hide nothing.

My ISP couldn't tell the cops anything about what websites I visit except for when I use my regular Firefox browser the check for emails from my mom.

I'm just a very small fish in a huge pond growing a few plants for his own use and not a cash cropper so I doubt they'd waste their time looking for me.

My little farm is wired for light industrial use so they likely wish I was using more power and my old meter just tells them how much power I use in a month and not what time of day it's being used. No discounts any time.

They can reroute your connection thru entry/exit nodes they control. Tor was compromised about 5 year's ago. You start getting sniffed about 90 seconds after connecting. Every wonder why tor starts slowing down after you start surfing?..

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They can reroute your connection thru entry/exit nodes they control. Tor was compromised about 5 year's ago. You start getting sniffed about 90 seconds after connecting. Every wonder why tor starts slowing down after you start surfing?..


Then it speeds up again when it switches to a faster server. It can be a PITA but I'm not into watching videos so don't miss that. Our neighbour's son is one of the techs for the company that supplies our wireless and I was talking to him last Xmas. He says they can't tell anything other than I am using TOR and have never had a request from the cops for a TOR user's data.

I've been using it ever since I got this ISP 10 years ago and pretty sure it helps keep me a little lower under the radar but I'm pretty much out of sight anyhow by keeping my lip buttoned and only having a very few trusted friends knowing about my grow. They are all doing shady stuff too with pot so it's in all our best interests to keep mum.

Are you sure you're not thinking about TrueCrypt? I know it got compromised a few years back.

Some sites like 420mag reject TOR so I just gave up going there. Will be fine if I can log on then just lock me out when TOR flips to a banned server. Oh well. Their loss. :)

I got a mitre saw that pulls more juice than that. ;-)
Funny enough I found LED bulbs for my stove hood and i had 2 fixutres for actual lighting that still had old bulbs and now have LED. The lights were consuming 300 watts and it is down to 45. Now the 315 CMH doesnt even exist. :D
Then it speeds up again when it switches to a faster server. It can be a PITA but I'm not into watching videos so don't miss that. Our neighbour's son is one of the techs for the company that supplies our wireless and I was talking to him last Xmas. He says they can't tell anything other than I am using TOR and have never had a request from the cops for a TOR user's data.

I've been using it ever since I got this ISP 10 years ago and pretty sure it helps keep me a little lower under the radar but I'm pretty much out of sight anyhow by keeping my lip buttoned and only having a very few trusted friends knowing about my grow. They are all doing shady stuff too with pot so it's in all our best interests to keep mum.

Are you sure you're not thinking about TrueCrypt? I know it got compromised a few years back.

Some sites like 420mag reject TOR so I just gave up going there. Will be fine if I can log on then just lock me out when TOR flips to a banned server. Oh well. Their loss. :)


In all tor is better than nothing but isn't end to end encryption. Just another layer of security.

I agree, don't tell ANYONE. I can't say about other power companies but mine will flat out call the cops if they were to find out you were growing. I don't think they would go out of their way to find out, but if they were to find out some way they would snitch in a heartbeat.
I don't doubt the electric company would call if they found out. I doubt they are going out if their way looking.
I also doubt any electric company in the US is capable of telling what appliances are used.

The software is in it's infancy and only being tested in pilot programs in other countries.

I have yet to find any article that states they use it in the US. With the exception of a couple of fringe sites like off grid or what ever it is that supports going away from electric companies.