Smart Pots!...


Well-Known Member
This is just my personal recommendation for Smart Pots......I love them. These 100gl pots are in their 3rd season and still working like new. Best $20 I've spent in the garden. If you haven't tried smart pots, you should give them a try. They get a big thumbs up from me!.............................................................................................................


  • sunday update 8-25-2013 003.jpg
    sunday update 8-25-2013 003.jpg
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This is my first outdoor grow so I've been experimenting with lots of different techs. I've got plants in ground, in pots in holes in ground, plastic pots, clay pots, and a 10gal Smartpot. I do have several different strains going but the plant in the Smartpot has been doing the best and has been the easiest to take care of. It does suck up the water though. I'm definitely sold on smartpots. Next year that's all ill use, maybe 1 or 2 in ground just to get the big yields.
Mine are on the way for next year. Wish I had them to use for my current crop, oh well, live, love, grow, and learn !!
Agreed. Smart Pots are AWESOME. No hard digging, air pruned roots, excellent drainage and the list goes on.
Wonder Woman in a 20 gal tan Smart Pot (only 3/4 filled with soil).
I would just like to start of by saying garden boss and double jj your plants look gorgeous. This is the first year running them outdoors and it is simply amazing...having run them indoors I knew they were good but did not know they would work so great is a pic of one of our blackberry kushes in a 45 gallon smart, this pic was takin a few weeks ago just before they started flowering.

I'm a believer!!! i will continue to use, a big thumbs up from over here in Michigan.

I pulled a male out of a fabric pot today...the root system on that sumbitch, and it's barely a month old, was massive. Fabric pots + coco = winning. :lol:
so smart pots are probly the better choice instead of digging huge holes? i was gunna dig a few 3x3x3 holes, but i might just go with the smart pots if they work just fine. Those are some huge plants
so smart pots are probly the better choice instead of digging huge holes? i was gunna dig a few 3x3x3 holes, but i might just go with the smart pots if they work just fine. Those are some huge plants

I dug holes and used smartpots this year and: the holes are bitch to dig, they are harder to figure out how much to water, but they lower your plant height and they tend to grow huge. Smartpots are easier to figure out waterings, you can move them (I used 10 gal), and I think they might aerate roots better. I'm thinking about just putting smart pots in the holes but not sitting in the soil, supported buy sticks, a grate, or cut down pieces of metal rods. I've got a clay pot set into a hole supported off the soil and its doing great so far. Smartpots are easier to grow in IMHO.
^^^^^^^ exactly right

Ground is a little harder but you can get massive yields and have the holes for next year.
But smart pots do have a shit load of ++++++

Smart part thread would be sick! I love how they look, big old 6 to 8 footers look way bad ass in those big ol smart pots.

^^^^^^^ exactly right

Ground is a little harder but you can get massive yields and have the holes for next year.
But smart pots do have a shit load of ++++++

Smart part thread would be sick! I love how they look, big old 6 to 8 footers look way bad ass in those big ol smart pots.

Yeah, I feel you bro.......I really like smart pots8-)


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    9-12-2012 greenhouse 005.jpg
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one of the smart pot im usin I dug a hole in the ground and put it in the hole so when the roots get to the bottom they can just keep goin lol
I think one reason some people have problems with smart pots is, buy design they need to breath, this requires more water and bigger pots. When you see those guy's growing in 300gl smart pots, they may only be using 200gls worth. The outside 6"-8" all the way around are more for insulation to keep the roots cool & to dry out & provide oxygen to the roots. If your using a 20gl plastic pot, you should expect the same roots in a 40-50gl smart pot. I think most peoples issues are because of too small of smart pot. Dirt's cheap, & a great insulator. I use 100gl pots because they help keep the 50gls in the center cool....just my thoughts.......
so those big monsters u grew awhile ago those were 100gal?
Yes, but the plants got sooo big they shaded their own pots. The sun never hit the pot, so they could use all 100gls. I believe if you use a bigger smart pot than your used to, it will perform better.......
It's best for the bottom of a smart pot to make contact with the soil.......

Intreating. What climate are you referring to? Here in wet New England without knowing any better I checked mine out after a few weeks of being on the ground and they were by wet and getting moldy. After this I pulled them up on a bunch of pieces of wood like pallets. I wasn't sure I was down with inviting every fungi in the earth into my setup but again, not really sure either way. Just what I did.
Very nice jj. What material is that cover made of and does it ever come off or it lets plenty of light in?

Edit: i need something to cover from above but let in plenty of light.
Intreating. What climate are you referring to? Here in wet New England without knowing any better I checked mine out after a few weeks of being on the ground and they were by wet and getting moldy. After this I pulled them up on a bunch of pieces of wood like pallets. I wasn't sure I was down with inviting every fungi in the earth into my setup but again, not really sure either way. Just what I did.
I've seen HUGE plants grown in smart pot placed at the edge of a pond. One side touching the water, stayed wet all season.....