Smart Pots!...


Active Member
Wow those plants look great what are you guys average yield from those 40 and over smart pots. I thought my plants were big in 10 gallon smart pots. It was himalayan gold. They were about 7ft tall. I thought I was gonna get a pretty decent yield. Until it got robbed. Now just waiting for next season


Active Member
ya 10 gals outdoor in the cali sun is pushing it, my pots dry out so damn quick its ridiculous but they are doing the job and producing danks so i cant complain, but i still got another month or two left in the pots so hopefully everything goes well. Next season im definetly bumping up to at least 30 gals fersure



Active Member
Na dude just plant no buds yet but they were like 7ft tall and one super silver haze that was about 4ft. I'm pissed they got taken and more so I've never had plants that big and was curious to know what I would have yielded. So I'll wait till next season. I'm in Ohio so the grow season is pretty short


Well-Known Member
I've got a 6' plant in my Smartpot. It's had less issues than all my other plants in ground and in plastic and clay pots. Although it is a different strain than the others. I'm still going with 80% smartpots next year and some in the ground ,since I've got holes already dug.


Well-Known Member
How are the leaves yellowing? From the inside out? From the outside in? From back to front?? Front to back?? I ask because I wonder if its s magnesium issue... could be a number different of would help...but from the sounds of it I don't think it is a problem directly related with the smart pots.
They're yellowing from the outside in, and eventually turning crispy brown and dying rapidly.


Well-Known Member
That plant looks good for a 10 gallon but yea it could definently
be doing a lot better and be able to get a lot fatter buds with the extra room of say a.......... 25 or 30 or 50 would be sick but idk if you could really move a 50 hah.


Active Member
its a pain in the ass moving just a 10 gal, i could only imagine moving a 50, hahah. next season im increasing fersure tho