Smoking high-strength cannabis may damage nerve fibres in brain

I do use, i do grow and i love my plants.they r basically my life. But im noy going to act like mj doesnt hurt brain cells. It can. First, holding in the smoke kill brain cells. But dont take that statement as me not think mj is helpful. It is. But.even.beneficial things hurt rhe brain sometimes. Ppl build tear fibers. Brain restructuring happens contantly. The main.point im makimg is the comtrary ppl r taking it. Mj hurts the brain, it doesn't mean its bad overall. If u see studies that say marijuana can hurt u. Its true. So can beer and it can also help the braim if used moderaly and in proportion. Mj is similar. Dont think that because i accept the negatives of a substance, i dont appreciate the positive. But the hippies here i hope could at least accept that all things will come will positives amd negatives its based on what and how you measure. Can i show degradation of brain components in the brains of "heavy" cannabis users? Probably, but that may even b limited to one chemical in cannabis. Or multiple, Idk but there is evidence for both sides. That mj heals and mj hurts. If u have a chronic mental illness mj may not help u. Such a schizophrenia or bipolar disorder but may help anxiety. And some mj with different concentrations of different chemicals can make small differences. Hell, one of my patients has to give me his stuff to grind up cuz if he does it, he gets an eczema like rash on his hands, but he's smoke for years. Hes in his 30s. So its sometimes easy to show results that are not always indicative to a general population but may just exsist in some population sampls and.mayb some species of mj. Which is nearly impossible to pinpoint due to breeding and hybridization, no plant is pure Oaxacan anymore .lol.

Im glad it helps u, it helps me. But it does have drawbacks and i stick to that. But for most people in need of an effective vice andor medicine the drawbacks r less significant than the relief.

Thank you

Right now I'm on a lot of Pharm meds. I do not mind sharing my story. Thats what makes are knowledge about this get better. Here's my list. Wait. Now these medications don't work sometimes. This morning I finally got a theraputic response from MJ. I woke up today without a migraine. I might not have any today. I have a severe migraine daily. I need 4 to 6 hours to sleep it off. Longest one was 8 hours. When I wake up I have a hang over type feeling. I do vape my buds. I prefer the taste that is missing once fire hits it. Ok medicines

Depakote 250mg tabs 2 in morning 3 before bed. Anti-epileptic
Klonopin 1mg tab in the morning 1 tab before bed. Anti-psychotic
Seroquel 400mg tab. To keep me out of jail. Makes me pass out when I desire to kill people with my hands. This is for real. I can turn into a killer in less than a second. As needed. I can take up to 2 at a time.
Hydroxyz 50mg tab may take up to eight a day. Max dose per PDR. To calm me down. Try to calm anxiety. As needed
Zoloft 100mg at bed time. Anti-Depressant. Anti-psychotic. Needs to be paired with other medicines.
Seroquel 200mg tab before bed everyday. Anti-psychotic
Bupropn HCL 300mg every morning. Low strength anti-depressant. Also a smoking cesation med. I can use Nicotine when needed without an addiction with this pill.
Flexeril HCL 10mg before bed. Muscle relaxor. An attempt to control my Chronic pain/fibromyalgia syndrome.
Lipitor 10mg before bed. Cholesterol big deal

Right now because of the mj I'm comfortable and solidly in control of myself. Every doctor that looks at my meds says I'm on some pretty heavy drugs. I don't look new medicines up on line anymore.

Every one of my symptoms gets covered by MJ now.
I'm pretty sure today will get the right level in me. I felt it when I woke up. Didn't have a migraine. Still woke up in severe body pain. So it's a start. I have tried looking up the negatives. Not easy. Its like you are asking Google how old the earth is?

Before I started growing. It has taken me a year to get my shit together. I researched as much as I could for 2 months. I'm disabled. So I'm home. In order for me to do this I needed to be comfortable with it. Once I got that. I then started on making my closet into a grow area. It takes me a while to do anything. With my good mj in me still at a sober level. I can get lots done. I can see a better future for myself. So much of my life has been taken away by all these troubles. So if mj was found to cause cancer I would still be taking it. I have a high tollerance to narcotic pain killers or even NSAID's. I can take 24 tylenhol at once. Not notice anything different. I can to the same ibuproprin. All that does is kill my liver. Narcotic pain meds I always add some NSAID's to it. Then the chance for help rises.

So now when I finally got the good stuff and it knocked me out I was surprised. I was thinking just a little better than narcotic. I'm glad I was wrong.

Its nice to be in control of all your symptoms that you have had for 3 and a half years now. The Rage or murder part. It is so nice to have that covered by Mj.

Just wanted to share. Many tokes to you.
Thank you all for your concern. I have multi doctors working on me. The Zoloft is down from the Prozac I was on at 60mg. Everything there is true. I'm not making up a story to get pity from anybody. I just wanted to share how MMJ can turn my life around. I also wanted to be real. Out of all those drugs the only one they monitor levels on is the Depakote. Been taking that since 1989. So in theory I could try to replace all those drugs with MJ and not tell anyone. I know that would be better for me. It's just thats a huge lie that could bring me more trouble than any MJ could. I'm a man of God. If I meet him sooner rather than later its not to big of a deal. I'm not suicidale. Can't even spell the word. Some negative things like hard to concentrate I had before MJ use. Shaky hands. Bad memory. I also had that before. The list goes on and on with that.

Because I have read of so many people getting real help from this. I wanted to share my story and my battle with there chemicals. Klonopin is a street drug. It is a Schedule 4 drug. Coming off it would be a detox with monitored care thing.

I can also look at the list and think its bad. That changes real fast when I need the big dose of Seroquel to stop me from killing people.

The Rage is the most dangerous part. My bodies pain system turns on real fast. Then my adrenaline goes to max. Then my mind is in search and destroy mode. This is scary. Not much else is scary to me. I wish I had the pain control for all the time. Thats my body preparing to fight a war.

The only thing I lie about in here is my name and my location. I know the admin and moderators can see my IP. Thats just something you hold to trust in privacy.

Hey Gmack eat Shatter. Thats a good one. I thought you needed extreme heat to do those.

The Hydroxyz is a downer. It just balances me through out the day.

Thank you
Thank you all for your concern. I have multi doctors working on me. The Zoloft is down from the Prozac I was on at 60mg. Everything there is true. I'm not making up a story to get pity from anybody. I just wanted to share how MMJ can turn my life around. I also wanted to be real. Out of all those drugs the only one they monitor levels on is the Depakote. Been taking that since 1989. So in theory I could try to replace all those drugs with MJ and not tell anyone. I know that would be better for me. It's just thats a huge lie that could bring me more trouble than any MJ could. I'm a man of God. If I meet him sooner rather than later its not to big of a deal. I'm not suicidale. Can't even spell the word. Some negative things like hard to concentrate I had before MJ use. Shaky hands. Bad memory. I also had that before. The list goes on and on with that.

Because I have read of so many people getting real help from this. I wanted to share my story and my battle with there chemicals. Klonopin is a street drug. It is a Schedule 4 drug. Coming off it would be a detox with monitored care thing.

I can also look at the list and think its bad. That changes real fast when I need the big dose of Seroquel to stop me from killing people.

The Rage is the most dangerous part. My bodies pain system turns on real fast. Then my adrenaline goes to max. Then my mind is in search and destroy mode. This is scary. Not much else is scary to me. I wish I had the pain control for all the time. Thats my body preparing to fight a war.

The only thing I lie about in here is my name and my location. I know the admin and moderators can see my IP. Thats just something you hold to trust in privacy.

Hey Gmack eat Shatter. Thats a good one. I thought you needed extreme heat to do those.

The Hydroxyz is a downer. It just balances me through out the day.

Thank you
my wife got off all her narcotic pain meds by using phoenix tears or Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)
keep on it and way to go!
treating a psychological problem with cannabis is a little different though...

good luck
agreed but if you deal with the pain, the brain can work a bit better.
you're not as tense all over and more relaxed.
i know when my wife has a bad day, some conversations are really hard. thinking is not easy at all....then you get frustrated and it makes it worse. vicious circle
sure but note the strong anti psychotics mood stabilizers and anti depressants hes on

while the only pain medication is a low dose of flexeril.

ps. if you take 24 tylenol..say bye to your liver, pls dont try

im just saying.. be careful, good luck. ive seen it help and hurt, weed is not a cure all
Thank you all for your concern. I have multi doctors working on me. The Zoloft is down from the Prozac I was on at 60mg. Everything there is true. I'm not making up a story to get pity from anybody. I just wanted to share how MMJ can turn my life around. I also wanted to be real. Out of all those drugs the only one they monitor levels on is the Depakote. Been taking that since 1989. So in theory I could try to replace all those drugs with MJ and not tell anyone. I know that would be better for me. It's just thats a huge lie that could bring me more trouble than any MJ could. I'm a man of God. If I meet him sooner rather than later its not to big of a deal. I'm not suicidale. Can't even spell the word. Some negative things like hard to concentrate I had before MJ use. Shaky hands. Bad memory. I also had that before. The list goes on and on with that.

Because I have read of so many people getting real help from this. I wanted to share my story and my battle with there chemicals. Klonopin is a street drug. It is a Schedule 4 drug. Coming off it would be a detox with monitored care thing.

I can also look at the list and think its bad. That changes real fast when I need the big dose of Seroquel to stop me from killing people.

The Rage is the most dangerous part. My bodies pain system turns on real fast. Then my adrenaline goes to max. Then my mind is in search and destroy mode. This is scary. Not much else is scary to me. I wish I had the pain control for all the time. Thats my body preparing to fight a war.

The only thing I lie about in here is my name and my location. I know the admin and moderators can see my IP. Thats just something you hold to trust in privacy.

Hey Gmack eat Shatter. Thats a good one. I thought you needed extreme heat to do those.

The Hydroxyz is a downer. It just balances me through out the day.

Thank you
Try og strains they have terpenes thaf help with mood stabilizing properties. I would recommend jucing fresh bud imo
sure but note the strong anti psychotics mood stabilizers and anti depressants hes on

while the only pain medication is a low dose of flexeril.

ps. if you take 24 tylenol..say bye to your liver, pls dont try

im just saying.. be careful, good luck. ive seen it help and hurt, weed is not a cure all

My liver is ok. I did the 24 like 7 times in 4 months. I figured that indica is my best chance. I need the sedative effect like the meds I'm on. I'm only on my first real harvest in over a year. I'm only a few days in. Today I didn't wake with a migraine or have one all day. A small one started a bit ago. Today was 3 small nugs vaped with a Gpro. Not the best. But very functional and zero smell. Right now its wearing off but I want to try not to feed it till tomorow morning.
Try og strains they have terpenes thaf help with mood stabilizing properties. I would recommend jucing fresh bud imo

I like earthy taste. Like the cigars I smoked in the past. OG Kush I think is Indica.
Thank you
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careful with the meds folks.... geeeesus

White coats and scripts are like dealing with the devil.

I know the Klonopin has a chance of killing me if I drink hard alcohol. Only beer I drink is NA. Don't even chance it. I have found that some sideffects of long term use is a lot of my symptoms right now. I don't know. Got the body pain back. The big thing is I get a shit eating grin making them grow. I feel a relationship with the plants. That alone makes me feel good as well. I have a basic set up. So its not high tech and complicated. Its a watching the leaves in the wind in my closet grow.

Peace to all.
agreed but if you deal with the pain, the brain can work a bit better.
you're not as tense all over and more relaxed.
i know when my wife has a bad day, some conversations are really hard. thinking is not easy at all....then you get frustrated and it makes it worse. vicious circle

You know how pain really hurts. Thank you. After 3 years I'd did whatever I could. I need to look into the white widow or ice stuff. I think?
Thank you.
thats horrible. assuming a low dose of 325mg is near 8000mg
that could easily shut down a liver...ive seen it... dont continue it. tylenol has long term effects as well.

i remember a few years back when i was fighting for vicodin to lower and now we just have norco at 10/325 the most common pain rx..cant stand the stuff
and last year the limits have gone lower on daily limit, and pill size

tylenol is horrible at even low doses..