Thanks for the prayers. I keep hoping it will help. My son's even praying now - that's something he hasn't done in 15 years. Now he's worried about us (his parents) dying. We've been there for him every time he got into trouble. But now he's started to wonder what would happen if we weren't there. He's scared now. If the folks at RMH would have kept him in the hospital and given him another shot of Invega, I think he would have killed himself.
I managed to get him an appt with a Psychiatrist yesterday. This Dr. is one of the few who are well versed in alternative healthcare, but he will also prescribe standard psychotropic drugs, if it seems warranted. He gave my son a prescription for Prozac, which he thought would probably help with the depression while the effects of the Invega wear off. It actually worked like a charm last night. But this morning he reported a rather sleepless night with zero dreams, and feeling bad again. I guess that's better than the nightmares he's been having, but still not normal. After another Prozac, a trip to the gym, and breakfast, he got much better for a little while. But now he's back in the dumps again, wondering whether life is worth living.
He has many of the same problems that you do - depression, anxiety, and the rage, which is scary for all of us. I have often thought he could easily become a headline one day. He's starting to realize that his method of getting what he wants through being tough, unrelenting, and strong-willed isn't working any more. But he doesn't have the skills or tools he needs to relate to people. He got evicted from his apartment, got served a restraining order (again), suspended from school for a year, and didn't get a part time job that he wanted. Now he's living with his parents again, with nothing to do. It's sad.
He just tried some new CBD vape oil with nicotine. It also seems to help a little bit - but not enough.
It's too bad that the weed everyone smokes now is so unbalanced in favor of high THC being the 'gold standard'. It's not gold - at least not for some of us. Resin needs the CBD to balance out the negative side effects of the THC.