Smoking oxycontin???

Hell yeh, OCs arn't worth it. But I've never heard of smoking it.

opiuts in general are only safe for people with nerve issues that effect the firing of the brain that allows for addiction to such. These people also have decreased effects to these drugs though.... so mj is a nice alternative. I took OC every day twice a day for 15 years and stopped cold turkey without any ill effects other than increased pain, but only slightly at that point due to resistance built up.. then decided mj would be a nice alternative. There are anti caesar drugs for people with this disorder that help with the pain to some degree too.
You're quite mistaken. There's a good population of hard drug users that function just fine in "normal" society. Prohibiton creates the "criminal drug addict" by forcing the drug user to interact with criminals. Crack and heroin, while you might be conditioned to jump at those buzzwords, are really just inert substances. Just like a firearm, they have no evil intentions of their own.

I'm of the belief that everyone is ultimately responsible for their own body and their own actions. People that steal from others should be punished, people that simply use a substance without hurting anyone else should not.

What sickens me is everyone's attitude that they are somehow "better" than other drug users because they only smoke weed. :spew:But whatever. I'm not going to change your mind, and you aren't going to change mine. All I can do is make my opinion known.

you are absolutely right, although not a user of other drugs these days, of course as a teenager i experimented with all kinds of stuff, minus x (which just seems unhealthy to me) I'm one of those people who think all drugs should be legalized and leave people to the freedom that was bestowed upon us by our creator and garuanteed by our fore fathers. If someone wants to binge and screw up there bodies that's there problem. At least with the drugs being legal, they will easily be able to seek help they may need without fear of prosecution continueing a downward spiral.

quick question, alcohol required the 18th amendment to become prohibited. Why do other intoxicants not require such a constituional amendmant.... probably because they are constitutionally cool.

yeah i know i cant spell, and am to lazy to hit spellcheck.
alot of you seem to be ignorent!!!! there is a big difference between any drug that is regulated by uncle sam and drugs that r sold on the streets. the mojority of heroin overdoses are not because the person used heroin, its because the heroin thy oded on was stronger or contained other drus that they werent used to or did not know it contained! when you do a oc 40 you know for a fact there is 40 mg of oc, or if it is generic then there is a 20 percent margin of error so a 20mg pill can be 16 mgs or 24 mgs...... either way any of these drugs are potentionaly dangerous or deadly be carefull if you use them!!!! i will never judge some one because of any drugs they like, ill judge them if they steal and lie to obtain the drugs, or do not try to get help if they have a problem. but not for the use of them! i believe any drug can be used responsibly!!!! BUT LIKE I SAID ANY ONEWHO CHOOSES TO USE THE DRUGS DISCUSSED IN THIS THREAD PLEASE DO SO WITH EXTREME CAUTION!!! IF YOU INSIST OF INJECTING USE A CLEAN NEEDLE!!! DONT SPREAD DESEASES!!!!!

i own a pharmacy. and im telling you right now. oxycontin is made to dissolve in your stomack traveling through your blood into you opiod receptors.....YOU CAN NOT SMOKE OXYCONTIN. throw that shit away, or you may just be sucking dick for heroin a year from now. oxycontin IS the destroyer of worlds. throw that shit away. there is no difference between heroin and oxycontin....oh wait there is THE WITHDRAWAL FROM OXYCONTIN IS TEN TIMES WORSE. YOU WILL FUCKING DESRTOY YOUR LIFE. I CANT SAY THIS ENOUGH. DO NOT FUCK WITH THOSE.
Coll you my man are full of shit. There is no way you took ocs bid every day ( bid meaning twice a day) for 15 years and stopped cold turkey. You must have been on plain asprin my man, because opiates will addict anyone who takes them for a long enough period of time. Opiates fill the opiod reactors in your brain. When you start taking oc for a long time your brain stops creating natural endorphans to fill those receptors.....if you start off with 5 receptors. After 10 years your brain would have so many receptors that there is noooooooo way your body could compansate to fill those. So now that your body is addicted you either stop and suffer greatly till you get used to it and your brain starts to heal. Or you go on something like methadone or will become addicted no matter who you are and that is a fact....anyone who says they used ocs for 15 years every day and didnt get sick. Is not telling the truth or is not taking real oxycontin. Im calling you out coll. Your full of it. And your an asshole for telling these kids on here that they can take something like ocs and not get addicted.
Kiddcoruption. Sorry about your sis man i feel your pain hard core. Ive buried seriously around 30 friends in my life......alll because of oxys and heroin. Once people started mixing xanax and klonopin with the opiates they started dropping like flys.......stick to the ganja. By the way did i mention i own a pharmacy. Handed down from my father. He bought it 32 years ago. So i do know what im talking about. Nevermind all the work ive done in south boston with the recovery was bad enough, oxies fucking destroyed a generation and is now attacking the next. Oh kiddcorruption they changed the phentynol patches, you can no longer open em and eat em like people did. Now its just an empty patch....that shit sucks.
Coll you my man are full of shit. There is no way you took ocs bid every day ( bid meaning twice a day) for 15 years and stopped cold turkey. You must have been on plain asprin my man, because opiates will addict anyone who takes them for a long enough period of time. Opiates fill the opiod reactors in your brain. When you start taking oc for a long time your brain stops creating natural endorphans to fill those receptors.....if you start off with 5 receptors. After 10 years your brain would have so many receptors that there is noooooooo way your body could compansate to fill those. So now that your body is addicted you either stop and suffer greatly till you get used to it and your brain starts to heal. Or you go on something like methadone or will become addicted no matter who you are and that is a fact....anyone who says they used ocs for 15 years every day and didnt get sick. Is not telling the truth or is not taking real oxycontin. Im calling you out coll. Your full of it. And your an asshole for telling these kids on here that they can take something like ocs and not get addicted.
Kiddcoruption. Sorry about your sis man i feel your pain hard core. Ive buried seriously around 30 friends in my life......alll because of oxys and heroin. Once people started mixing xanax and klonopin with the opiates they started dropping like flys.......stick to the ganja. By the way did i mention i own a pharmacy. Handed down from my father. He bought it 32 years ago. So i do know what im talking about. Nevermind all the work ive done in south boston with the recovery was bad enough, oxies fucking destroyed a generation and is now attacking the next. Oh kiddcorruption they changed the phentynol patches, you can no longer open em and eat em like people did. Now its just an empty patch....that shit sucks.

ever heard of RSD? allot of us cant take any sort of pain med or aenastesia with the same effects as others, so i would say the 8 plus surgerys i've had without being put under would say your full of shit. your a pharmacist not a doctor.
you are supposed to swallow pills. if they were meant to smoke then they would be in a smokable form. and drug abuse does not take away from legit people. if you have a legit prescription, your pharmacist will fill it. there is a class action lawsuit againts phizer, that anyone who has wasted the last ten fucking years of there life can get in on. you wont get much. but it is sending a message to the drug companies that if they go out to doctors and push and push and push them to prescribe drugs for many different reasons, that it will catch up with them. beleive me there is no shortage. i have about 10,000 tablets locked in my narc box right now. the only reason you see signs on pharmacy windows saying we dont carry them anymore is so scumfucks dont walk in with a gun and rob us. there is a 3 day waiting period in many places, but again if you are a legit patient your rx will be called or faxed over a week before you need them. my pharmacy deals wth mostly hospice care and nursing homes. we put out thousands of oxycontins a month. no one has to wait for them. and especially now that there is a generic form, they will never run out.
I've smoked it back in high school, but not sure if it did anything. I was already snorting some and we rolled a blunt and decided to try it out and put a fairly large amount in the blunt. I was so fucked off of what I snorted that I don't know if it really did anything. I never tried smoking it after that and stopped doing pretty much all the downers I used to do about a year later because I don't like them much. I'd rather be forced awake, tripping or rolling, coke on occasion. But I really don't think smoking it does much, if anything.
alot of you seem to be ignorent!!!! there is a big difference between any drug that is regulated by uncle sam and drugs that r sold on the streets. the mojority of heroin overdoses are not because the person used heroin, its because the heroin thy oded on was stronger or contained other drus that they werent used to or did not know it contained! when you do a oc 40 you know for a fact there is 40 mg of oc, or if it is generic then there is a 20 percent margin of error so a 20mg pill can be 16 mgs or 24 mgs...... either way any of these drugs are potentionaly dangerous or deadly be carefull if you use them!!!! i will never judge some one because of any drugs they like, ill judge them if they steal and lie to obtain the drugs, or do not try to get help if they have a problem. but not for the use of them! i believe any drug can be used responsibly!!!! BUT LIKE I SAID ANY ONEWHO CHOOSES TO USE THE DRUGS DISCUSSED IN THIS THREAD PLEASE DO SO WITH EXTREME CAUTION!!! IF YOU INSIST OF INJECTING USE A CLEAN NEEDLE!!! DONT SPREAD DESEASES!!!!!


Absolutely Correct
definitely agree
No, smoking oxycontin will not work. The chemical will deteoriate into nothing when it burns. There are other inactive chemicals in the pill that you probably don't want to smoke. It's called "fillers", and it's used to make the pill weigh a certain amount. Also, you have the coating on the pill (usually an enteric coating) that is made of sugars or some other random chemicals you probably don't want to smoke.

Jesus man why don't you just smoke some heroin? If you put oxycontin in a blunt you'll ruin your weed. Kind of like how you'll ruin your life if you get hooked on the pills.

Not to be a preacher, but my brother started with oxycontin. Now he sucks people's dicks for heroin. They are basically the same drug--synthetic morphine derivatives that are usually stronger than actual morphine.

Many people say that addictive drugs are fine in moderation. Your brain is responsible for telling you what is moderation. So many people with drug problems (like crack and heroin, etc) will deny that they have a problem. They still think their brain is in control, and that it is in moderation. What they fail to realize is that even in "moderation" , it's addictive. Maybe keep your use of oxycontin to once a month, otherwise there is a very real possibility of becoming very addicted.

If you want to get really fucked up really fast off oxycontin, crush it up to powder. mix it into a solution of water--use distilled water if possible. depending on the pill, some shit might float at the top of the water. scrape off this residue. Drink the water. Oxycontin is soluable in water and this will make it absorb faster. Be careful not to overdose. And if you die while using the above mentioned method, don't even try to sue me. I'm broke anyways.

Whatever man , have u ever smoked em? Im not down with OC's but i know people that smoke 80mg oxy;s RELIGOISLY there heroin and u can smoke heroin and get high. Ive smoked em once myself too, got pretty fucked up (say all u want i dont care) im just trying to prove a point and get this man the info he needs, so yes u can smoke em anyway u would smoke any other rock/powder.... (ie foil, pizzo, bong and screen??) and yes it WILL get u high. That being said opiates are bad juju and they WILL ruin ur life if u take a liking to them. consider yourself warned!!! (Cantt streess this enough, try them dont use them...3 days of back to back use will cause addiction!!!!
Apparently there are a whole lot of people who are lining up to be homeless addicts... Oxy is one of the worst drugs you could possibly do. Fuck that shit about oh I'm cool and I can still function. If you do oxy on a regular basis you will soon have a full blown opiate addiction and holy fuck kids you have no idea what hell it's like to dry out from that shit. I broke my back and had to take them and had a doc that required I take them all the time not just when I felt I had to... Addicted in 6 months and it was obvious to me I wanted off them. Had to sweat and struggle through major withdrawl symptoms. An absolute living hell to go through those withdrawls.

You are idiots if you do it more than on a rare occasion as a recreational drug. Everyone has warned you...
fentynol is no longer in a patch with the jelly shit inside . its just like a sticker. they ditched the other ones. fentanol doesnt work that way anymore. scumbag nurses were sucking the gel out with hypos and bangin or eating the shit. the drug comp. fixxed it. fent is absolutly nothing to fuck with. anyone who comes on here and tells kids oh yeah its awsome go eat a 100 microgram patch or yeah chow oxys you wont get addicted, deserves to be hunted down and killed
fentynol is no longer in a patch with the jelly shit inside . its just like a sticker. they ditched the other ones. fentanol doesnt work that way anymore. scumbag nurses were sucking the gel out with hypos and bangin or eating the shit. the drug comp. fixxed it. fent is absolutly nothing to fuck with. anyone who comes on here and tells kids oh yeah its awsome go eat a 100 microgram patch or yeah chow oxys you wont get addicted, deserves to be hunted down and killed

Agreed,it amazes me the stupidity of some members here,the ones who really get me are the ones who try to compare when we get on them for doing the most harmfull drugs known to man to marijuana prohibition,sheer fukin stupidity.

Its easy to see who the youngsters are on this site,even though they proclaim otherwise the real adults here still know their youngsters.

Im prescribed Oxycontin 80mg along with Vicoden 7.5 & Stadol NS,i will take pain meds for the rest of my life & i know that,i have a choice to either live in a pain level 10 or to take what im prescribed, even though my pain management doc will give me as much as i need i try like hell not to take that shit,or to take as little as possible,the shits bad fukin news,i hate taking any of the meds but its a quality of life issue with me,without them im house bound.

You cant convince these kids,their all grown up & they know everything,only loosers get strung out,or other people,it cant happen to them because they know what their doing,they know when to stop,fukin idiots:wall:.

Im close to 60 years old & most of the people i know are on some sort of pain meds from their doctors,i personally know 2 people who have died from oxycontin & these are people who were following the directions prescribed to them by their doctors,and these stupid kids think they can handel it.

This whole thread makes me sick,especially the idiotic asshole who keeps defending recreational use of oxycontin.

Im glad to see you keep on these stupid kids about this shit,plus rep.
I know people who smoke it...just like the way they smoke glass...

that shit is heroin, and EVERYONE I know that starts using that shit, turns to shit in about 6 months time...Its a downward spiral that noone should jump on..Throw them away brother!! its not worth it!
You must know a lot of stupid people.

Smoking it isn't any better than railing it, and more time consuming.

EDIT: If you do a drug without researching it, you're stupid. OC isn't coke or crack or anything where you'd feel like you HAVE to have it again instantly, if you get hooked (and you don't have legit pain issues so that you have to take them) you're just.... stupid. I don't think the issue is being elitist, I think the issue is people being overly defensive and thinking that as long as it happens to lots of people it's not their fault and they aren't stupid for letting it happen.

EDIT #2: Also, that said I've been off of opiates for about a year. I got a minor addiction because I was an idiot, stopped, did it every now and then for a while and realized it just wasn't for me.
rails are were it's at thou you nose gets gunk up but best high and most recommended.
chewing them makes you sick and crash on a couch.
smoking just makes you really num for a bit (you could take a pretty hard hit tho and not feel shit)
taken them normally makes you feel sick and crash on the couch

Of course addiction is not a funny thing
If you ever touch this stuff don't do it day to day

I'm surprised on how some people preach here not to do oxys but the whole put of this forum is to ask questions on any drugs , even if you disagree with use tho i still against creating another crackhead it's their choose and you can't live their life.
Every drug has it's risks and if you have to accepted those risks then go ahead but don't be surprised if you fuck up your life,don't come to me to bail you out, got to have self control and know when just like Ronald Reagan " just say no " when you use any drug to much even weed can mess you life up i see plenty of teens smoking weed not going to school and pissing there life away every drugs has risk ,you've taken the red pill over the blue pill, got to know when you've gone down the rabbit whole gone to far.It's taken you to the end of the whole no more can be reached,it's pointless to try and it's a waste of red pills, I need thoose red pills in a couple of weeks so take the blue and piss off,plus red pills cost too much these days, take the blue, it would help new kids trying drugs and the people who still use drugs if you would take the blue pill from time to time make it a bit cheaper for everyone.

abusing anything from mcds to coffe is not good
i live in an area where pill use has become an epidemic . i have lost tons of friends to oxy. and if you are so far gone that you have to smoke them you might as well go do meth and totally ruin your life. but that is just my opinion. DUMB ASS.
when i used to do oc i hated smoking them taste like bbq and coffe? ew... but you just get coiting off and get a piece of foil. OC if the only painkiller that is pure enough to melt when you smoke it. usualy you take like 1/4 of a pill and you smoking it just like heroin chasing the pill with the ligher as it melts away
only way ive seen people smoke oxys was with foil and thats kinda baser if u ask me id just stick to weed