fentynol is no longer in a patch with the jelly shit inside . its just like a sticker. they ditched the other ones. fentanol doesnt work that way anymore. scumbag nurses were sucking the gel out with hypos and bangin or eating the shit. the drug comp. fixxed it. fent is absolutly nothing to fuck with. anyone who comes on here and tells kids oh yeah its awsome go eat a 100 microgram patch or yeah chow oxys you wont get addicted, deserves to be hunted down and killed
Agreed,it amazes me the stupidity of some members here,the ones who really get me are the ones who try to compare when we get on them for doing the most harmfull drugs known to man to marijuana prohibition,sheer fukin stupidity.
Its easy to see who the youngsters are on this site,even though they proclaim otherwise the real adults here still know their youngsters.
Im prescribed Oxycontin 80mg along with Vicoden 7.5 & Stadol NS,i will take pain meds for the rest of my life & i know that,i have a choice to either live in a pain level 10 or to take what im prescribed, even though my pain management doc will give me as much as i need i try like hell not to take that shit,or to take as little as possible,the shits bad fukin news,i hate taking any of the meds but its a quality of life issue with me,without them im house bound.
You cant convince these kids,their all grown up & they know everything,only loosers get strung out,or other people,it cant happen to them because they know what their doing,they know when to stop,fukin idiots

Im close to 60 years old & most of the people i know are on some sort of pain meds from their doctors,i personally know 2 people who have died from oxycontin & these are people who were following the directions prescribed to them by their doctors,and these stupid kids think they can handel it.
This whole thread makes me sick,especially the idiotic asshole who keeps defending recreational use of oxycontin.
Im glad to see you keep on these stupid kids about this shit,plus rep.