Smoking oxycontin???

has anyone ever tried it? does it work? i mean crushing up the pills n smoking it in a blunt or something???

It could be too late for you already.

FYI: Prescription medicines use different types of binders (the stuff that holds them together). In most cases it is a type of wax. The actual "medicine" in the tablet makes up approximately 5-15 percent of the pills total size.

So if you were to crush them up and smoke them, not only would it taste, and smell like your sucking on a candle. You will also be inhaling all sorts of other nasties. Moral is DONT..... but as i said before if you asked this question its probably too late anyway.
Ya, I fking need them and can't get them cause I have no insurance! Skateboarded for 13 years and fked my body up now I need meds and can't get em....??
are you retarded dude. why would you smoke a pill. it's alot easier to take it and get the same effect. and everyones right that says it will ruin your life. believe me. throw it away youlle be happier in the long run
lol I know someone who crushed up 3 512's and put them in a dutch weed.

Glad I didn't hit that shit,they started puking like crazy.They did say it got them high though.