So fucking mad

I don't understand why people like staying at other peoples houses anyway.

First off you either sleep on a dirty ass couch, or the dirty ass floor.
Second, you sleep with a dirty ass blanket and a dirty ass pillow.
Third, you sleep like shit at other peoples houses.
And fourth, others peoples houses are mysteriously 30 degrees colder at night than your house for some odd reason.

Fuck. That.
And this is why they say not to go to sleep angry...Cause you'll wake up angry. And despite what they say, us trolls love you, Erica.
I like sleeping over there, its not too bad and I've been doing it for the last seven years.
and the thing is, she hella asked me to stay, made plans, said i miss the nights like this, blah blah blah...
And this is why they say not to go to sleep angry...Cause you'll wake up angry. And despite what they say, we trolls love you, Erica.

well thanks :)
im just feeling not only angry but also hurt.
like thats supposed to be my friend, and she just booted me out for a selfish reason. I would never ever let that happen to anyone, even if I didnt like them
Not to mention you can't just pull it out and spank it over other peoples houses without it being awkward.
I don't understand why people like staying at other peoples houses anyway.

First off you either sleep on a dirty ass couch, or the dirty ass floor.
Second, you sleep with a dirty ass blanket and a dirty ass pillow.
Third, you sleep like shit at other peoples houses.
And fourth, others peoples houses are mysteriously 30 degrees colder at night than your house for some odd reason.

Fuck. That.

~cannot resist~
She could have brought her pillow pet. cn
I gotta sweet tooth come & get with meee.. .

Gotta sweet tooth for you girl, baby your too good to taste, I can't wait to drink your milk, your looking like a big 'ol piece of cake.
I'm all up in your miiidle oooh iit tastes like skiiitles..
was suppposed to stay the night at a friends, been hanging out all day, and leave early tomorrow.
Not once during this night do i get any forewarning, I smoke them out, and then we go back to her place.
30 minutes later that 1:30 she tells me she doesnt want me to stay anymore so that she can "get some sleep"
Who sends their friends home walking at 1:30 in the morning in only pjs?
thank god her ex was bullied into walking me home, but still, im so mad, why invite me over and not let me know all night that you didnt want me to stay, when the plan was for me to stay! Like seriously, dont rescind your invitation when its 2 am and im half asleep

That's not a friend. I think you need to look up the definition. Then find some real friends.