So fucking mad

was suppposed to stay the night at a friends, been hanging out all day, and leave early tomorrow.
Not once during this night do i get any forewarning, I smoke them out, and then we go back to her place.
30 minutes later that 1:30 she tells me she doesnt want me to stay anymore so that she can "get some sleep"
Who sends their friends home walking at 1:30 in the morning in only pjs?
thank god her ex was bullied into walking me home, but still, im so mad, why invite me over and not let me know all night that you didnt want me to stay, when the plan was for me to stay! Like seriously, dont rescind your invitation when its 2 am and im half asleep

I had wanted people to leave, that I invited over.. Respect prevailed & I acted like a decent human being.

That being said, maybe your are bad annoying company. Then it is not completely her fault. :)
okok in all seriousness, I am sure you were fine.

But in REALITY, we all KNOW that having company over to spend the night, friends or not.. is never 100% comfortable.. I NEVER sleep the same when ppl are over, it's more of a Semi-sleep.. where I HAVE to be the last one to fall asleep.. and 1st to wake up. I am not the type to be Knockedout 100% with strangers/friends in my house..

I do not trust human beings. & I refuse to allow human beings to ever get used to "my trust". Thus eliminating risk from 1st time greedy fks, and longtime trustworthy ppl who go sour.
Hey Phil, welcome! Did you bring some extra hot dogs? Someone ate a fucking hotdog without a bun again...
lol im sorry i got the time mixed up.
and im sure i wasnt bad company. lmao im like the most respectful person who goes over there. Shit I respect her mom more than she does
lol im sorry i got the time mixed up.
and im sure i wasnt bad company. lmao im like the most respectful person who goes over there. Shit I respect her mom more than she does

have you ever eaten out the mom while you're friend was in the other room?
Maybe she always hopes that one of these sleepovers is going to lead to you having some sort of dominating lesbian experience with her, and when she saw it wasn't going to end like that...well......You know what they say about bossy women; They just really want someone to boss them around.
I don't understand why people like staying at other peoples houses anyway.

First off you either sleep on a dirty ass couch, or the dirty ass floor.
Second, you sleep with a dirty ass blanket and a dirty ass pillow.
Third, you sleep like shit at other peoples houses.
And fourth, others peoples houses are mysteriously 30 degrees colder at night than your house for some odd reason.

Fuck. That.

i agree completely i HATE sleeping at other peoples houses, its annoying like i like to just chill do my own thing at night, not at someone elses house,
except in the time that its you + me + bed. well then thats an exception ;)
who has slumber parties at 20?

Michael Jackson and Mcaulay Culkin?

not a slumber party, just asked me to stay there over night so we could do stupid shit, like we used to.
its not bad staying over there, we usually have a great time
have i confessed my love for you lately? if not, I LOVE YOU<3 hope your new job is going ok

it's alright, i don't go back until thursday. so i get to spend today and tomorrow watching movies and painting.