So fucking mad

No, but revenge usually helps people feel better.

Nothing is wrong.. NO I have no family, my friends hate me, and my dog died!!! JKJK. Nothing's wrong ha.

I think it's kaendar's presence that is throwing me off..
Don't let him bother you, the internet isn't real, anyway.
Don't let him bother you, the internet isn't real, anyway.
Oh I know that ha. Honestly, I didn't even think I was acting differently. You said I haven't been myself lately so I assume you were talking about my dickish posts that are full of arguments.. If that's what you're talking about, then yeah that's on kaendar. As far as my real life and the rest of RIU goes, it's all good dude. :bigjoint:

I'm setting up a garden so I've been happily busy. need to look into getting a twitter account. seems like you want to rant about anything and everything and most of it is "one star"
He's on my last good nerve and it's VERY like me. :p

~pulls up comfy chair~ cn
was suppposed to stay the night at a friends, been hanging out all day, and leave early tomorrow.
Not once during this night do i get any forewarning, I smoke them out, and then we go back to her place.
30 minutes later that 1:30 she tells me she doesnt want me to stay anymore so that she can "get some sleep"
Who sends their friends home walking at 1:30 in the morning in only pjs?
thank god her ex was bullied into walking me home, but still, im so mad, why invite me over and not let me know all night that you didnt want me to stay, when the plan was for me to stay! Like seriously, dont rescind your invitation when its 2 am and im half asleep

I haven't been on RIU since february, did you get laid yet? Doesn't sound like it, or u wouldn't be bitching about shit this dumb still. Get over it your friend is a bitch blah blah blah.
Hey Urca,
I don't know if it has been suggested or not, but maybe the next time you see the bitch you could smack her right in the motherfucking mouth when she isn't looking and I bet she won't do it again....
Hey Urca,
I don't know if it has been suggested or not, but maybe the next time you see the bitch you could smack her right in the motherfucking mouth when she isn't looking and I bet she won't do it again....

Make sure somebody records this ....
I have a feeling it could go viral

Remember to keep that chin down
You don't want to be the reason it goes viral ;)
NOT FUNNY! THIS SHIT IRKS THE FUCK OUT OF ME. 8 DOGS IN A PACKAGE, 8 BUNS IN A PACKAGE...WTF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH AN EXTRA BUN, BUNWASTER! You think we can just afford ton throw food down the garbage can? Now eat that bun dry, bitch! EAT IT!
I think it's 8 dogs, 10 buns. You have extra buns every time.
So i went to the grocery store to buy corn, the sign says "33cents each or 1.28$ husk removed" seeing the pile of fresh corn next to the pre packaged "husk removed" corn i assume what u all do, ya wait lol my aunt starts peeling back some corn husks to pick the ones she wants when some emo kid walks up and points to the sign saying only these words" 1.28$ husks removed" all while sporting the most confusing look lol he repeats himself 30 more times until my aunt looks at him and points to the cob with half the husk peeled back rflmao asks "so it's 33 cents but if i pull back the husk u charge me 1.28$??" he says yes, we look at each other like dudes on crack lol. We continue to remove the husks...... and find out upon check out that yes the emo teen was correct, i'm still trying to figure this one out, hmm husk disposal fee???