yeah, misdirected hate..
blind faith, whatever gets ya through the day..

(im not bashing.. heck, if booze gets ya through the day and you are an allright drunk, well, its a sucky world, we need all the comforters we can get till the day people wise up and start loving one another (or at least be nice..)
its just that when religion starts to take advantage of people...
and particularily the middle eastern religions with all their shame and dire threats..
do it or fucking burn... (distorting our view of sex as well, taking away its beauty (and ecstasy) and leaving shame instead)
its sad, when there is really much beauty in some of the messages from muhammed and jesus and wisdom.
you just have to take it in with the knowledge that these were primitive folks. (meaning some stupidity came along with it)
not too mention the fact that alot of closetqueers in the middle ages tampered with the text (the reason for the hate towards women and sex in christianity

(they were repressed and were spiteful because of that.course they kept the homohate going out of selfhatred (similar to many preachers today that chanted hate against gays and then were revealed to be gay (seems to be some sort of disorder caused by the repression against them)