• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

So heres your chance God (or god)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Todays scientists do not have a clue. They keep guessing, then they discover something else and the story changes.

You are however correct about humanities inhumanties towards one another.
This is from DNA evidence not scientific guessing.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
We all came from the same parents?
We may, at one point, have descended from a single pair of hominids with the necessary evolutionary survival skills to pass on to their progeny. Sub saharan Africans are the most pure and modern among us. The rest of us walk around with neanderthal and denisovan genes.


I had a discussion with a believer the other day. They said God won't be there when you call on him, only when you need him the most he will help you and only when you dont call on him.

MY reply was where was God during the holocaust? Got no answer to that one.
"God helps those who helps themselves" since i was like 10 i always thought this was bullshit lol

say you get a car stuck, and you need help getting it out and your in the middle of nowhere..if you ask god for help, he doesnt help those who dont help themselves right?, so when you push it out yourself theres "god" saying "your welcome, now believe in me"..umm hold on a minute..i got the car out and you didnt do shitt..

stupid religion, shading the view of the masses for power and money

as for the election, everyone vote ron paul, and i'll assasinate stephen harper, deal?..deal

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
ah, worrying whether god exists or not lol.

actually, if there was a god and it "took sides" and interfered in things and helped.

then there wouldnt be any free will.

would always be this giant god in the sky and these are the rules and these are the consequences (According to some religions (in others even the gods are subject to fate (and fate is just another word for "it wasnt my fault, its fate that it happened")

and then there is the question of the devil lol :)

try saying out loud "hey god, if you exist come and have a chat in the physical in the next 5 minutes and if you wont appear ill just take it as you dont exist or dont really give a fuck"

and as IT wont appear, then just go on and enjoy your fucking life :D
So next time I see someone drowning pleading for my help, I should tell him no, because I would be taking sides and interfering with his free will. He chose to drown afterall.


Well-Known Member
True faith is about being a better person by helping others and holding yourself to a moral code. From the sounds of it a few of you have confused G-D with Santa. Faith is not about asking for things that's just dumb. How can you hate somethi.g you don't understand.


Well-Known Member
Right on but no one is saying athiests are evil and dumb. I just think its sad that to justify their belifes they have to try to knock down others who do belive. You are a rational man and we have had disagreements but you have to see the folly in that reasoning, or am I just crazy? (there is a real chance I am lol)


Well-Known Member
Imo the anger is from the fact people were lied to growing up and were told all sorts of stories and given all sorts of promises if you just blindly believe. i went to my grandpa's funeral and was apalled at the way the pastor kept saying shit that basically summed up to that we are all shit and unworthy of existence but god in his infinite mercy sent jesus down to save us and only by kissing his ass all the time and saying how pathetic we are and begging for forgiveness for all humans are nothing but w/o jesus. listening to that i had to stop myself from laughing.


Well-Known Member
I can see your problems with religion I really can but how pathetic is it when one has to constantly smear those who do belive in something. And I will cede the point that some dirty shit has been done in the name of faith. I as a religious man make a point to not try to shove it down peoples throats, wich is one of the main beers I hear, but at the same time the people who belive in nothing constantly try to shove their brows down others throats. My question is how does that make an athiest any better than those they despise?


Well-Known Member
Right on but no one is saying athiests are evil and dumb. I just think its sad that to justify their belifes they have to try to knock down others who do belive. You are a rational man and we have had disagreements but you have to see the folly in that reasoning, or am I just crazy? (there is a real chance I am lol)
That depends. I myself loathe religion because I see what many people are too blind to see: the damage it has done to our world. If you have a belief in a god(s), I am fully supportive of that. Organized religion has done contrary to it's teachings and resulted in millions upon millions of people losing their lives all in the name of faith.

That's my digression on the subject.


Well-Known Member
And I totally agree with your point. The worst thing to happen to faith is religion. I just don't get how( and I'm not talking about anyone in perticular here) can talk shit about what makes another person happy, I think its awesome you have whatever belifes you have even if it is not in a G-D, I just don't agree with having to try to convince others they are wrong just to make ones self feel better about whatever they belive, by using the same tacticts they claim to despise.


Well-Known Member
And I totally agree with your point. The worst thing to happen to faith is religion. I just don't get how( and I'm not talking about anyone in perticular here) can talk shit about what makes another person happy, I think its awesome you have whatever belifes you have even if it is not in a G-D, I just don't agree with having to try to convince others they are wrong just to make ones self feel better about whatever they belive, by using the same tacticts they claim to despise.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That's how.


Well-Known Member
Right on. I'm on no way in agreement with you but it really doesn't matter. Are you excited for the 5th?
I'm rather indifferent to it. I know the establishment holds the real power, no matter how Ron Paul places they will find a way to keep the blindfolds on the masses. I recognize Ron Paul as the beginning of a decade long political movement in this country, not presently as our future President (though, I wouldn't mind that).

Citizen frustration toward the government and it's bureaucracies grows by the minute and those who will take the blame hold a D and an R by their name. A recent poll had around 52% of Americans think we need a third party. It's time people.


Well-Known Member
I can see your problems with religion I really can but how pathetic is it when one has to constantly smear those who do belive in something. And I will cede the point that some dirty shit has been done in the name of faith. I as a religious man make a point to not try to shove it down peoples throats, wich is one of the main beers I hear, but at the same time the people who belive in nothing constantly try to shove their brows down others throats. My question is how does that make an athiest any better than those they despise?
yeah but alot of people are told from the very beginning its all real and if they just believe in god and angels and jesus everything will be all right and you'll go to a magical paradise when you die if you listen to and obey what they tell you. so they threaten people saying you'll spend all eternity in bliss with loved ones if you obey them and if you dont listen to them and obey what they tell you then you will burn in hell forever in unspeakable torment seperated from everyone and everything you loved or brought you comfort. thats a very abusive and controlling thing and damaging thing to do to a child imo. people who can believe the things they are told w/o questioning it could never understand how it feels to a person told those things from a very young age who believed them fully to realize its just another fairy tale like santa claus or the easter bunny or any of the other supernatural things parents and society tricks young children into believing in that are totally not realistic which children realize as they learn more about the world and what is make believe/fantasy. the worldview starts to crack and eventually shatters and it can be hard to deal with at first. i used to really hate religion and said the idea of a god was total nonsense. i have learned more in my life however and have come to the conclusion its certainly possible their is a god of some sort. i do not consider any of mankinds legends and stories/religions as real but that from a scientific and somewhat philosophical view point it doesnt disprove their being a god or something like a creator of some sort. we currently have no evidence whatsoever either for or against such a thing existing and it being involved in what happened before the big bang and unfortunately its extremely unlikely we will ever find out as in the end its a total paradox wether you involve god or not. say their is a multiverse we are a part of and it describes/explains our universes origin we then have the question of where did the multiverse itself come from and if started because of something bigger where did that something bigger come from? honestly i think it would be great if their was a god and a heaven.


Well-Known Member
i dont think ive ever seen anyone here particularily bashing faith..

its all been directed towards Religion (as in organized..)

and particularily christianity (since we are mostly in the west of the world)

neither is belief in god being trashed, not really.

but christianity, as read from the bible and interpeted by many is just such crash nonsense that many cant help but speak out

particularily since, the biblethumpers are often going around influencing even politics (and since they are obviously idiots, thats a problem)

i dont think anyone sane has any problems with people of faith, people that believe in god.

its the crazy crowd thats the problem, the people that think everyone should be the same or die lol.

the people that want iron age nonsense being used as law.