So, I got a job

Ive had friends and family refuse jobs because they didnt pay enough...and it does suck not to make what you think you should..but some money is better than no money...

I would scrub toilets for $2.00/h if it was my only option.

I think minimum wage is really bad on the economy. Whats wrong with starting at a lower wage and getting those raises every 3 months. It give workers more loyalty to a business if they continually get raises.

Say bill goes up to his boss ,"hey i have been her for almost half a year and i still make as much as the new guys. Is there any way i can get a raise.?'

Reply, nope i don't have the money right now. I known you work harder then these other guys but the law says i have to pay the minimum wage. I really would but in this economy we just don't have the assets.

I am talking about small business and services BTW.
Let me give it to you straight. Businesses only pay what the competition is paying so if they can get away with minimum wage for as long as they can, they will.

Ryan starting at a lower wage would make it impossible to eat off the 99c menu. I dont know how it is out where you live but rent in my neck of the woods starts at $1000 for a studio and climbing fast. And guess what? Companies are still paying minimum wage because its "competitive with what other companies and markets are paying". Meanwhile people have to work 2-3 of these jobs because they each only offer 3 or 4 shifts a week. Forget it the working poor are fucked in this country.
I've been so lucky. I work in the US defense engineering industry, and my job has not been threatened at all, ever. Not even in the last 5 years. I'm so lucky. I love my job, and I think it makes a positive difference for the US. Did I mention that I feel lucky?

I don't know what or who to blame for the millions of able-bodied, willing, and eager people who want to work hard for a living, but can't because jobs aren't available for them.

IMHO, there's plenty of blame to go around. From republicans who give tax breaks to the wealthy and grow government while promising to reduce it, to democrats who promise escalated social programs during election years in return for votes...plenty of blame on both sides of the isle...

Our massive national debt certainly contributes...maybe our government will subsidize Chinese language lessons for us all since China pretty much owns us now.
Let me give it to you straight. Businesses only pay what the competition is paying so if they can get away with minimum wage for as long as they can, they will.

Ryan starting at a lower wage would make it impossible to eat off the 99c menu. I dont know how it is out where you live but rent in my neck of the woods starts at $1000 for a studio and climbing fast. And guess what? Companies are still paying minimum wage because its "competitive with what other companies and markets are paying". Meanwhile people have to work 2-3 of these jobs because they each only offer 3 or 4 shifts a week. Forget it the working poor are fucked in this country.

If a business can pay its entry level jobs less then they can give you better pay. If they can pay less for their grunt work then it would open more positions at higher pay for the rest of the workforce.

The kids will be fucked but now you can work 2 jobs instead of 3

EX: If MacDonald can pay 6/h for its entry workers, then that is another assistant manger for every 10 grunts. 23/h

You are right you cant eat off minimum wage anyway so at least make it so positions can be available for some. Minimum wages just fucks everybody.
If a business can pay its entry level jobs less then they can give you better pay. Most entry level jobs are kids. If they can pay less for their grunt work then they would be able to open more higher paying positions for the rest of the grown workforce.

and enterprises can collude to keep all grunt workers at ridiculously low, unlivable wages. especially if they're the only game in town, so to speak.
and enterprises can collude to keep all grunt workers at ridiculously low, unlivable wages. especially if they're the only game in town, so to speak.

so there is only one place of business where you live? At that point the other companies would get competitive with wages. You put a law in place and now that wont happen so wages will stay stagnant at the set level.
and enterprises can collude to keep all grunt workers at ridiculously low, unlivable wages. especially if they're the only game in town, so to speak.

United States antitrust law
There is already a law against that. The labor unions do this in reverse, so let the town start a union.

I though minimum wage was already unlivable? Wow I must have been wrong
Just curious...did you get a college degree?

If not, you're only about 50 hard courses away from getting a college degree...that equates to about 4 years of full-time unpaid difficult classwork...the sooner you get started, the better...take it from a financially independent person like decision to get an engineering degree 30 years ago has certainly paid of luck to you

Blame Bush, Mother Mary, or whoever...the only person to blame for your pitiful financial situation is YOU YOU dear Uncle Buck....would you like to borrrow some money?...I wouldn't charge more than prime interest...
I agree. I am lucky. but I made my own luck. I didnt give up and followed my dreams. And now I'm living it out. THATS what the American dream promises. The PURSUIT of happiness. Not the garuntee of happiness. Sorry your low skilled job dosent pay you the amount you feel you need to be happy. Life dosent work that way...
United States antitrust law
There is already a law against that. The labor unions do this in reverse, so let the town start a union.

I though minimum wage was already unlivable? Wow I must have been wrong

anti-trust laws are a violation of free market principles, according to old mcronald.
listen, this thread is not about my former shitty paying job, it's to rile up controversy. i've been clear about that.

is anyone gonna answer the question i posed in bumping this thread?
No one knows what buck does. One day he's a treadmill sales men. One day he works at a nursery. One day he works for his dads reputable company. One day all he does is grow and sell weed.

Whatever fits his argument that day is what he does. Get used to it.