Never failed a test, ever. Basically high all day long, everyday. The secret is, synthetic urine. Cleansers do not work (cleansers as in the drinks or teas that make you blow the back of the toilet out), the only cleanser that worked, I used one time was a $120 pill pack with a magnessium liquid to drink. Did not know till after, but fake urine would have worked for this test. I wanted to piss for real just in case it was an observed pee, because it was for a probation type of drug test. This pill/magnessium drink combe cleaned me up in less than 3 days, the kit also came with two thc drug tests, the first used after 3 days was a pass (any visible line on a dipstick type test is a pass, even if it is barely visible, it is a pass) and passed the second one on day 5 just before I went. I have passed about 10 tests using synthetic urine, I will say the first time was scary as hell, was shaking so bad I couldn't sign my name correctly.