Well-Known Member
so i had a few really good grows going, had... both hid and cfl... was living with my brother, who couldn't seem to get a grip on his lady problems... split up with baby's mom and i had to move in to help cover the mortgage, he says go ahead and grow, (first op in years) then 2 weeks into flowering he decides he wants to marry some other chick he dumped earlier in the year, shows her my grow when im not there, without my consent, then 3 weeks later dump her for his baby's mom.. who he also shows who isn't down with it, but i can atleast harvest... however when girl "b" finds out he's back with girl "a" she calls the cops... "your son doesn't need to be growing up in a drug infested environment" i wanted to stab her.. by this point was close to a week from harvest. was able to move the 2 cfl's right away, but he hid was not so easy.. all i could do was cut a grip of clones and commit herbicide. I've moved, and i re-setup my grow, in a whole room, lots of space, and its awesome.. as soon as i get batteries for my camera i'll post a new journal. however had to move to soil for ease in the move and jumping around. so kids i guess the moral of the story is you cant even trust blood to have your back or to look out for your best interests.. fuck em, never really cared much for any of my siblings anyhow.