so mad i could slap somebody


Well-Known Member
so i had a few really good grows going, had... both hid and cfl... was living with my brother, who couldn't seem to get a grip on his lady problems... split up with baby's mom and i had to move in to help cover the mortgage, he says go ahead and grow, (first op in years) then 2 weeks into flowering he decides he wants to marry some other chick he dumped earlier in the year, shows her my grow when im not there, without my consent, then 3 weeks later dump her for his baby's mom.. who he also shows who isn't down with it, but i can atleast harvest... however when girl "b" finds out he's back with girl "a" she calls the cops... "your son doesn't need to be growing up in a drug infested environment" i wanted to stab her.. by this point was close to a week from harvest. was able to move the 2 cfl's right away, but he hid was not so easy.. all i could do was cut a grip of clones and commit herbicide. I've moved, and i re-setup my grow, in a whole room, lots of space, and its awesome.. as soon as i get batteries for my camera i'll post a new journal. however had to move to soil for ease in the move and jumping around. so kids i guess the moral of the story is you cant even trust blood to have your back or to look out for your best interests.. fuck em, never really cared much for any of my siblings anyhow.:fire::fire::fire:
wow man. atleast you have your own space now. hope everything goes well. cant wait to see your setup. peace.
so i had a few really good grows going, had... both hid and cfl... was living with my brother, who couldn't seem to get a grip on his lady problems... split up with baby's mom and i had to move in to help cover the mortgage, he says go ahead and grow, (first op in years) then 2 weeks into flowering he decides he wants to marry some other chick he dumped earlier in the year, shows her my grow when im not there, without my consent, then 3 weeks later dump her for his baby's mom.. who he also shows who isn't down with it, but i can atleast harvest... however when girl "b" finds out he's back with girl "a" she calls the cops... "your son doesn't need to be growing up in a drug infested environment" i wanted to stab her.. by this point was close to a week from harvest. was able to move the 2 cfl's right away, but he hid was not so easy.. all i could do was cut a grip of clones and commit herbicide. I've moved, and i re-setup my grow, in a whole room, lots of space, and its awesome.. as soon as i get batteries for my camera i'll post a new journal. however had to move to soil for ease in the move and jumping around. so kids i guess the moral of the story is you cant even trust blood to have your back or to look out for your best interests.. fuck em, never really cared much for any of my siblings anyhow.
That's a bad situation. I am happy you were able to salvage part of the grow.

I moved for financial reasons a few months ago and had to mothball my entire operation because my new place is much smaller and affords no grow space. I killed just under 40 plants in various stages of growth. Mothers, clones, vegging, and flowering. Good shit, too. It was very painful, but it had to be done.

Hang in there.
im blooming everything, ive got 12, setup in a big space using a 250mh a 250 hps and a 70hps.. using both spectrum, so should do just fine, will post a new journal as soon as i get batteries for the camera.
I'd make sure that bitch didnt know where you moved to since shes a snitch.And to above Screw the stitches, 6 feet down would be better...

Its good no one knows where you live. Thats all I can say, because true rats always are hard to extinguish.
Good Luck :peace:
i cut my brother off like a cancer laden arm.. he knew for a few days and never said shit to me. it's all good, borrowing a camera today, i'm all back up and running, have been for a month, have flowering plants, so it's all ok in the end. i'll post in the next few days.
dude heres whats up ........your grow is your business.........dont involve anyone else ever............dont be mad at these dum girls thats a waste of time be mad at your bro and probably knew what kind of guy he was from the keep up the growing and stay awy from the showoffs like your bro who cant wait to spill the beans.
wow dude, i would have been pissed like...i would have gone up to my brother and punch him dead in the nuts ... shit i cant picture that happenning to me, good thing im moving to my own place in like 6 months...then i can make my growing up to a big scale.
be mad at your bro and let him know but don't hold it against him, just keep in mind what he did and use that information for future refference, it will help you determine if you should trust him with certain information. But thats your bro dude, you're lucky you have one, i wish i had a i don't want yours, lol
so i had a few really good grows going, had... both hid and cfl... was living with my brother, who couldn't seem to get a grip on his lady problems... split up with baby's mom and i had to move in to help cover the mortgage, he says go ahead and grow, (first op in years) then 2 weeks into flowering he decides he wants to marry some other chick he dumped earlier in the year, shows her my grow when im not there, without my consent, then 3 weeks later dump her for his baby's mom.. who he also shows who isn't down with it, but i can atleast harvest... however when girl "b" finds out he's back with girl "a" she calls the cops... "your son doesn't need to be growing up in a drug infested environment" i wanted to stab her.. by this point was close to a week from harvest. was able to move the 2 cfl's right away, but he hid was not so easy.. all i could do was cut a grip of clones and commit herbicide. I've moved, and i re-setup my grow, in a whole room, lots of space, and its awesome.. as soon as i get batteries for my camera i'll post a new journal. however had to move to soil for ease in the move and jumping around. so kids i guess the moral of the story is you cant even trust blood to have your back or to look out for your best interests.. fuck em, never really cared much for any of my siblings anyhow.:fire::fire::fire:
classic example of girls and weed, they just dont go, and into the bargain chicks will even tell you it was them that made the call to the cops, take a note of it dude and keep it in your head not for the future, BUT FOR LIFE. dont even tell your cat he might be wired, tell no one page 1 of the weed book of rules. :blsmoke: