So Much Sweeter the Second Time Round (I Hope)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
You're not wrong las!

hahahah, wowgrow will you come and play and draw on my photos too please. lol

ghb, dude, your garden is so full of life and joy. Its a pleasure to look at your buds a dryin'. They do have so much personality. Its really really kinky how you have your girls swinging from chandelers ! hhaahha.. I was really laughing at a thought i had about one picture you displayed. You have a pictures of your lady in a really long rectangular black pot. It looks so shallow from the birds eye perspective that you took it from. To me it looks like you planted it in a kitty littler did you? anyway congratualtions on a magnificant harvest..


Well-Known Member
fug king shell. funny how you never get bored of seeing copious amount of weed. cracking job mate, really is so much sweeter the second time round, hope the same can be said for mine as well!

oh i would never tire of such a sight wow. it's all down now and boxed/jarred up, the majority has gone to a new home where it will be treated badly and eventually smoked.

Lol........i 2nd that also!!!!!
third mate, i wish i had to duck everytime i wanted to make a brew

ill be back to big up all those pics!!
cheers mate, you are a true gent

bro i need 2 dry some washing ;) FUCK ME MATE hahahaha thats one of the best pics i've seen on here :) great work

wasnt ur kitchen stinking with ur clothes drying lol ;)

come on wow thats begging for a little bud face :)
used to be my kitchen las, now it's just a full on weed growing den, i give up cleaning up after myself about 3 months ago, everything is getting taken out this week and i will have a good clean up.

You're not wrong las!

looks like bob marley alright, love the dreads

las likes very much all even and shit, perfect growin bro :)
don't get too hasty now las, it's very good if i say so my self, not perfect though.
i'm ironing out the kinks one grow at a time man, there is still plenty of room for improvement i can see.

WOWgrow likes all of the above :lol:
i dont just like it, i love it, because it's so much sweeter the second time around!

hahahah, wowgrow will you come and play and draw on my photos too please. lol

ghb, dude, your garden is so full of life and joy. Its a pleasure to look at your buds a dryin'. They do have so much personality. Its really really kinky how you have your girls swinging from chandelers ! hhaahha.. I was really laughing at a thought i had about one picture you displayed. You have a pictures of your lady in a really long rectangular black pot. It looks so shallow from the birds eye perspective that you took it from. To me it looks like you planted it in a kitty littler did you? anyway congratualtions on a magnificant harvest..
kitty is now shitting in the garden amb!, her droppings acted as a kick ass fertilizer and made all my buds go crazy and finger shaped.

again, i've been very busy lately and not had a chance to look at anybody elses threads, i'll have a good look through/catch up next time i get a bit of free time

thanks everyone, peace to all of you cool cats, it's been a pleasure, i'm glad i found this site, i hope we can keep shooting the shit freely without the mods getting too pissy.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hahhahahah, Geeb.. you are so Grady from Sanford and son.. check this clip out. lmao:joint:
:peace::joint::peace::joint: hahaha, i love this show.. I have the entire DVD collection. this episode is a CLASSIC!!!! its only the beginning part of it.. Peace dude, dont worry about coming over to my journal .. i like how yours is rolling so ill be over to harass you on a regular basis... hahah .. later Amber:mrgreen:


Active Member
Man I love the way your plants have well I call it "crowned". I've only ever seen it usually in hydro setup's.

Must say they look to good to smoke .


Well-Known Member
ahhhhhhh HE SAID IT!!!!! !:D:D:D:D:D

hahhahahah, Geeb.. you are so Grady from Sanford and son.. check this clip out. lmao:joint:
:peace::joint::peace::joint: hahaha, i love this show.. I have the entire DVD collection. this episode is a CLASSIC!!!! its only the beginning part of it.. Peace dude, dont worry about coming over to my journal .. i like how yours is rolling so ill be over to harass you on a regular basis... hahah .. later Amber:mrgreen:
thanks for the laugh, you are not far wrong. i have never even heard of that show before but it's that sort of timeless comedy that eveybody can relate to

Man I love the way your plants have well I call it "crowned". I've only ever seen it usually in hydro setup's.

Must say they look to good to smoke .
i'm very happy with the smoke, thanks man. i call it foxtailing when the buds shoot out ne growth in strange directions you call it what you like, these buds were unique alright.

coco is in essence hydroponics, with added perlite and hydroton it is even more so.


Well-Known Member
i wonder is anybody still subbed to this thread lol.

some pics of the cheese harvest, i got 2280g from the two tents, the best yield i have had from the cheese yet, i still have a half oz in a jar and its delicious.

the critical ended up giving me 1400g from the one tent, well over 1gpw but it doesn't come up to my usual high standards, it was a pheno unlike any other i have grown before, pretty tasteless and not very exciting so i wont be doing critical again.

its super lemon haze and og#18 this time with some more cheese to come, i'll get aan update on soon, if anybody is still watching that is.



Well-Known Member
i have grown 2 plants of the critical and was happy with the way they both turned out, this grow was from a different seed and it turned out to be the worst of all three which was unfortunate.

as you say, life is far too short to be growing bad genetics.

watch this space for some real dank.


Well-Known Member
i was just patiently waiting for you to come back to us!!! very nice harvest!! lots of weed to be had over in those parts! keep us posted on the next batch and dont stay away too long again.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the kind words, you know i love my rollit up family, just been very busy of late and the internet was offline for a long time too.

i'll post updates of my new grow soon.

an las i got a extra special treat for you man!.


Well-Known Member
wicked man, i was just thinking about this thread the other day, glad you came back an kept us in the loop :D hows your OG growing man? I dunno if I got a dud pheno or what cause mine is absolute dog tits, tiny bud formation, stretchy as a mother and been under the same conditions as the others :fire:


Well-Known Member
well i don't have much experience with the pheno i am growing now but the first one i had was wank, the second one was amazing and i'm gutted i didn't keep a cutting, the third one was lovely too but not as good as the second and we'll have to wait and see how this current one goes. i'm not a fan of growing from seed as i have seen a few dodgy phenos before, when you have cuttings you know what you are getting.

as i have said a few times before, it's all the smoke with og strains, they always look terrible, hope you are happy with the end results.


Well-Known Member
yeh its always a pheno lottery with seeds. how far along are you in the cycle now then?

i hope something good comes from it mate, been vegged for about 6 weeks and taken up a tonne of room in my tent!