So my idiot friend just blew $200 at the dispensary for a half ounce of pot and a bag of gummies

Plenty of Colorado dispensaries have moved into my neck of the woods. It seems it takes money to make money and the being Colorado was first to legalize there are plenty of folks with it. Being a newish home grower it still is nice to go in and take a look at what places have to offer. I see many tiny buds that look like they were machine trimmed down to their core so that most of its actual material (flower) could be sold off for all the other products now being offered. The prices are what they are which is one of the many reasons I decided to learn to grow my own.
They cut every corner possible for sure. The machine trimming really creates a inferior end product and it let's them write off a capital expenditure instead of pay hourly trimmers which would create better quality
Not going to be as good as the Orange Camilion she get but hoping for close. I guess I see it as the dispensary is a treat and mine is for daily use.
My goal is be to equal or better than the dispens. I think did twice. Once with a clone of Amenisia Haze, the other from a seed given to me of Moonshine. The Moonshine, I didn't want to keep it in the house. Rocket fuel. Sold it all in one day.
Spent 3 hours or so yesterday trimming and still at it this morning. Ugh! Hate it. Worse yet my idea was to hang them for a couple of days then trim. Forgot them, went 5. Buds are nice but know little leaves curl around the bud.
Next time I'll trim them green as I cut them down. Did it before. I think it's much easier.
Spent 3 hours or so yesterday trimming and still at it this morning. Ugh! Hate it. Worse yet my idea was to hang them for a couple of days then trim. Forgot them, went 5. Buds are nice but know little leaves curl around the bud.
Next time I'll trim them green as I cut them down. Did it before. I think it's much easier.
The long slog is good though, the longer it takes the more you have when you are done!
I just want to sell a little bit at a farmers market. Is that to much to ask. It would be packaged all artisanal and such. Fancy tomatoes if you will. Some sort of license that is reasonably priced that let's you sell like 5 or 10 lbs a year would be great. Wrap it together with something allowing people to sell like 100 gallons of fancy homemade beer. Fine artisanal intoxicants for the fine artisanal man....maybe some of that non pasteurized milk and cheese as well.
There are some markets like your describing in Mi. Well sort of anyways, they seem to operate in a grey area using the medical laws. I’ve never actually been, my patients get everything I don’t smoke. But if your patients didn’t smoke much or you wanted to mark it up more or something, there are events where you can buy a booth or those couple clubs that function sorta like a farmers market.
Spent 3 hours or so yesterday trimming and still at it this morning. Ugh! Hate it. Worse yet my idea was to hang them for a couple of days then trim. Forgot them, went 5. Buds are nice but know little leaves curl around the bud.
Next time I'll trim them green as I cut them down. Did it before. I think it's much easier.
If you only got a small amount hand trim is best, but if your growing enough that it takes more than a week or so of work, check out the trim bag. Both of these pics and I got way more are done with the trim bag and a final touch up with scissors. We went from 2 weeks of work for 3 people, down to 4-5 days for 2 people.

There are some markets like your describing in Mi. Well sort of anyways, they seem to operate in a grey area using the medical laws. I’ve never actually been, my patients get everything I don’t smoke. But if your patients didn’t smoke much or you wanted to mark it up more or something, there are events where you can buy a booth or those couple clubs that function sorta like a farmers market.
I was at the G3C yesterday in Genesee. Very cool spot. Everything I saw was of better quality than the dispensary except a few guys that had some boof dark looking bho. However, those guys were few and far between. There were quite a few old timers that knew what they were doing and it showed in the products. One guy had slabs of BHO on styro foam plates filled edge to edge at least 1/4" thick clear as honey without a single bubble. He had around 10 plates like that. That was infinitely cooler than anything I've ever seen in a dispensary. Most of the flower was high grade mids unless you went to the old timer's tables. I'd say at least 10 vendors had impressive product. It was the first time in my life I ever smoked a joint inside a business. Plenty of workplace smoke outs, but we had to hide that shit. I kept feeling like someone was going to walk up to me and tell me to put it out even though I knew that wasn't going to happen. Growing up in the 90's during the peak of drug war funding was terrifying and I think the brain washing and fear to a certain degree linger in my headspace. Law enforcement pretty much treated marijuana busts the same as meth back then. Some good cops would let you skate on a small bag, but those guys were few and far in between. And if you got a female cop you could bet your motherfucking ass you were going to jail and getting your car towed. Female cops are the worst. Always trying to prove they got as much testosterone as their male counterparts. My pop who has never even gotten a traffic ticket in his life once got pulled over by a female officer in a little po dunk town we lived in. 3 additional offers showed up for a fucking improper lane usage violation. Yeah, the 90's rocked as long as you didn't have to deal with fucking cops on a power trip. I keep trying to retrain my brain but that shit was traumatizing. I feel like a fucking PTSD survivor :)

By the way, I feel the drug war that was basically an assault on poor people throughout the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's was the precipice to the present hatred towards cops that's now become a national pass time for a large group of americans. LEO got away with destroying people's lives since the nixon administration for crimes that harmed no one else. America endured 40+ years of that bullshit completely unrestrained by funding or policy. In short they got away with murder because they could. Like I said, they bought the ticket now they're on a ride they don't know how to get off of. Citizens are demanding their rights back and the LEO establishment and politicians have no fucking idea how to deal with it.

What I'm trying to say is light up a joint, grab a bowl of popcorn, and enjoy the shit show :)

Back on track here - the farmer's market rocked! I can't imagine how a dispensary around that area could ever survive. Definitely going back!
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Because the same guys vend at local dispensaries

My shocked face :o
Only if they're unregulated. Michigan did away with unlicensed dispensaries a year or so back. A few survive in ghetto fabulous areas where the cops have better things to do with their time. What I'm seeing now in my neck of the woods are these stores popping up selling "stickers" with a free gift of marijuana. They seem to be avoiding taxation and regulation while making some money in the process. We have 2 of these where I live. Great fucking business model. Cops don't give a shit. Prosecutors don't give a shit. It's really an awesome situation for the owners. And they're creating jobs. Power to the people dude. Fuck the tax man :)
Only if they're unregulated. Michigan did away with unlicensed dispensaries a year or so back. A few survive in ghetto fabulous areas where the cops have better things to do with their time. What I'm seeing now in my neck of the woods are these stores popping up selling "stickers" with a free gift of marijuana. They seem to be avoiding taxation and regulation while making some money in the process. We have 2 of these where I live. Great fucking business model. Cops don't give a shit. Prosecutors don't give a shit. It's really an awesome situation for the owners. And they're creating jobs. Power to the people dude. Fuck the tax man :)
Dude good flower sells
I couldn't keep up at GC3 prelegal on flower for years
When legalization hit my boy opened a dispensary and the guy hired me
"ghetto fabulous' in Livingston

Burt cool story bro
Dude good flower sells
I couldn't keep up at GC3 prelegal on flower for years
When legalization hit my boy opened a dispensary and the guy hired me
"ghetto fabulous' in Livingston

Burt cool story bro
You're proud to work at an illegal unregulated dispensary that could have the front door kicked in any day of the week? I hope you're friend has good legal representation guiding him in how he runs the business. That's the only reason G3C has survived. Well paid attorneys. Best of luck to your friend.
If you only got a small amount hand trim is best, but if your growing enough that it takes more than a week or so of work, check out the trim bag. Both of these pics and I got way more are done with the trim bag and a final touch up with scissors. We went from 2 weeks of work for 3 people, down to 4-5 days for 2 people.

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Nice looking nugs sir. Love those trichomes!
You're proud to work at an illegal unregulated dispensary that could have the front door kicked in any day of the week? I hope you're friend has good legal representation guiding him in how he runs the business. That's the only reason G3C has survived. Well paid attorneys. Best of luck to your friend.
He had more money than god before he opened and is legal

But keep repping GC3
He had more money than god before he opened and is legal

But keep repping GC3
Licensed dispensaries can only buy their product from licensed and regulated growers. They can not legally stock their store with caregiver grown / produced product. Since you do not have a recreational grower's license and your friend's dispensary isn't licensed the business is not legal. I could give a fuck if he's selling crack behind the counter. It isn't my problem or concern. However, please tell your god-like friend money has little to no value when you're behind bars. I'm fairly certain you're just one of those guys that's completely full of fish stories and nothing more. You claim you couldn't keep inventory in stock at the rate you were moving it at the G3C, but then you disparage their establishment. Do you have anymore fish stories you'd like to share with the group? I've got lunch in 20 minutes and there's nothing good on tv :)
Licensed dispensaries can only buy their product from licensed and regulated growers. They can not legally stock their store with caregiver grown / produced product. Since you do not have a recreational grower's license and your friend's dispensary isn't licensed the business is not legal. I could give a fuck if he's selling crack behind the counter. It isn't my problem or concern. However, please tell your god-like friend money has little to no value when you're behind bars. I'm fairly certain you're just one of those guys that's completely full of fish stories and nothing more. You claim you couldn't keep inventory in stock at the rate you were moving it at the G3C, but then you disparage their establishment. Do you have anymore fish stories you'd like to share with the group? I've got lunch in 20 minutes and there's nothing good on tv :)
I am not the grower
I am management
Thanks for your concerns on my legal place
But over fifty years of growing illegally thickened my skin quite a bit
I no longer experience paranoia either

Good luck with theater in Flint
I'm sure all the growers there took precautions on lead :roll:
I am not the grower
I am management
Thanks for your concerns on my legal place
But over fifty years of growing illegally thickened my skin quite a bit
I no longer experience paranoia either

Good luck with theater in Flint
I'm sure all the growers there took precautions on lead :roll:
So just another run of the mill dispensary buying from licensed growers that produce boof like all the others? Good job.
There's an interesting phenomenon that happens when someone enters a dispensary. It's like a shock and awe effect, but in a desirable way. Much like the gym some people just like to go for the experience. To feel important as a bud tender serves them. To browse around the shop and absorb the many selections that make your eyeballs drip with desire. I've fallen victim to the same shock and awe effect. I've dropped a lot of money at dispensaries when I had no other hookups. These days though most regular tokers have at least 1 reliable hookup on good dope without going to a dispensary and paying out that wazoo yet these same people will still occasionally walk into a dispensary and pay twice as much as they should for the shock and awe effect. It's really mind blowing.

With all that having been said my idiot friend called me to tell me how excited he was that he got a $200 tip. He says he can't wait to go to the dispensary. He has access to $150 ounces of amazing tasting fire bud and mind crippling edibles. I straight up asked him what the hell are you thinking? He tells me, "man they got this mandarin cookies and this rose' I really wanna try." Without seeing it, smelling it, or smoking it this fuck tard has his mouth watering with excitement to pay $55 for an 1/8 of pot. Mind blowing dude. Just mind blowing. I realized how stupid consumers of pot are. Even experienced consumers. They literally buy based on the name of the strain without knowing a thing about it other than what the dispensary is calling it. Pure stupidity. Nothing more. Yet people do it. I like to call this one of the many stupid human tricks one can observe in others that make no sense, but people do it anyways. Long story short this dipshit paid $200 for 3 eighth's of bud and a bag of weak ass gummies. My mistake in the title. As I added up the 1/8's he bought I realized it wasn't even a fucking half ounce. I just shook my head.

Since I'm one of those stupid humans like everyone else and I love to indulge in stupid human tricks I got a little excited as he unloaded his packages of boutique dispensary bud with these exotic names. I'll admit - the packaging was very cool. It was all downhill from there. He asks me what I wanna try first. I chose the most expensive which was rose'. It looked great, but had absolutely no aroma at all. Fired up a bowl and while it didn't taste like complete asshole I most certainly wasn't interested in packing another bowl of it. $440/ounce and that's the smoke report. I felt so bad for him I didn't even have the heart to rip him up over it. Then we tried his $35/eight berry something bullshit. Awful flavor tasting of chemicals. Burned to a black ash. Epic fail. I was so turned off by those 2 I didn't even take a hit when he fired up his chem dog.

Sampling those 2 strains basically reminds me of my dispensary experiences. Most folks aren't heavy smokers but those that are know and prefer quality and will accept nothing less. Casual smokers are far less critical. They simply have less experience. Kinda like when we were in junior high, right? Would you ever buy that bullshit as an adult? Absolutely not. You have higher standards these days because you have experience :)

I can remember only 1 occasion where my mind was blown by the bud I bought. And it was $350/ounce. What a deal eh? Sorry for the rant, but I had to vent. This shit is something I see over and over again. I almost think people enjoy saying, "yeah man so I was at the dispensary yesterday. Oh yeah man, me too. Which one you go to?" It's like a social thing for idiots. Stupid human tricks man. All you can do is sit back, burn one down, and enjoy the shit show.
Holy shit...440$ an ounce.......that's an f'ing hose job.......figures though, every body wants to squeeze blood out of rocks.....I'd start drinking more......I guess if people were willing to pay me that for an oz I wouldn't whine about it........just not right, especially when I use to pay 50$ for a quarter lb Columbian, however that was 1972. That's a real problem....prices will probably go higher like everything else. I never been to one of these rip-off dispensaries. I hear they make millions by leaving in some excess water.
Because the same guys vend at local dispensaries

My shocked face :o
You're a manager at a legal dispensary and you don't know the laws on where dispensaries are required to source their product? You claim the guys vending at g3c sell to local dispensaries even though caregiver provided products can no longer be sold at dispensaries. You're an idiot wearing a tin foil hat blowing snot bubbles. If you're going to lie you should at least think things out before you start pounding keys.

Must be cutting into your business plan...oh well
I'm surprised such a high profile manager at a dispensary that makes more than god has the time to pound keys on a dope growing forum all day with small time losers like me. I feel privileged. I went to g3c because they had an event with bbq and music that was a great time. I also had a chance to meet 30 or so growers and check out their products in one place while holding a cold drink in one hand and a joint in the other. It was cool to checkout strains I've never even heard of and scope out the variety available. I bought a couple t-shirts and made a donation to the club for the bbq I ate. I wonder what kind of person you must be to knock a place like that?