Well-Known Member
Ok step back and look at this WHOLE retarded back and forth bull shit for one second because this obviously isn't going anywhere. I did NOT come in here to troll, debate, argue, insult or piss people off. YOU are the only one that has taken offense to me offering the other side to the story/door. Sorry if you didn't like it but welcome to public forums man. I was offering the chance to talk about things and answer questions and what not because as a whole, people tend to misunderstand most door to door people. I know, I've been one
So I come in here saying such things, you get yer panties in a bunch and start in with the personal attacks as such:
Did I whine and cry about how yer a asshole bigot against door knockers? Did I classify you and your "kind"? Nope, I have no clue what you and yours is like. All I know about you is that you have an issue with homophobic people and you like to eye fuck peoples wife. You also have an odd sense of knowing everything about everyone due to the fact that they are part of, or were part of, an organization. Awesome! You come up with these off the wall comebacks by piecing together things out of context to make your argument valid, which in turn makes it look like you have issues comprehending the things you read. But that could be just to get a reaction out of me, which would mean you sir are the original troll.
Which brings me to my next point of what a troll really means. A troll is someone that will come in here, post things with the intent to provoke people into whatever emotion they desire. Also, they post with intent to side track people into off topic subjects. For example, the title of this thread is "So those people that knock on your door ...." and the OP went on to say how he would like to drug them. And people went along to relate their experiences with them. To go along with that, I offered what the door to door people see as to the opposite side of that. Still on topic, different side of the SAME story. Me being homophobic has NOTHING to do with that topic whatsoever. But whatever, my point is, that is the offtopic issue here, you are and have been, posting from the beginning as a troll.
I came in here knowing I was prolly going to get some flack about it, but it comes with the territory of speaking your mind I guess, but to have you as the person that is trying to give me flack is just insulting. You constantly make mention of me being a part of this religion still and that I'm here to teach you may ways. That was never once said, nor does it hold any weigh because I will not ever "preach" again. I do like discussing things about the bible though, which is why I did say "I'll dust off my bible arguing skills" which I know you were going to bring up after the previous comment and still might due to your taking things out of context. I also love this comment right here to go along with my thoughts:
I didn't know that I came in here trying to push an agenda! Is that what people do that offer to answer any questions? Ohhh, my bad! I guess my feeble attempts of offering the other side was just wasted on your close minded and ignorant self.
I also love this comment:
Isn't that EXACTLY what you are doing now? Being intolerant of me for one. Door knockers for the second? Never once did I say I was still part of this organization, but yet you PERSIST on keeping to it. I do not belong or cling to any of these beliefs. I do know how they operate and how they are taught and what goes on at the doors they knock on though. But yer skull is too thick to understand this apparently.
Also, since when is being disgusted by something intolerant? I've said it before, yet AGAIN you missed it or chose to ignore it. You can be as gay as you want, just keep it away from me. That does NOT mean they have to be clairvoyant or intuitive or what have you. Again making shit up to make your own arguments. It does mean however, when you realize I'm not a fan of it, keep it to yourself. THAT is what this world is today. People have the freedom to do what they want and the flip side of that, people have the freedom to not like it and keep it away from them. I'm the backwards one eh?
All in all, you've turned what started out as an offering to further your understanding and knowledge about a group of people, into a side show of questioning beliefs and personal attacks of the sort. You've constantly misinterpreted comments to fit it around what you want to say. There is no REAL argument or discussion here. Yet you persist to the point of saying I'm the intolerant one and I'm a religious nut and came in here to push my agenda when you couldn't be further from the truth. It would seem, and I'm speculating here, that you are afraid of what's out there and are afraid to listen to people because you are afraid you could be wrong. That may frighten you or piss you off, but you constantly will remain this closed off, defensive asshole of a person for whatever the reason. And THAT is why this continues. Again this is speculation, wouldn't want you to freak out and call my a racist some how out of that though.
Me apologizing for a misunderstanding is being a pansy? again!!!!! I'M NOT HERE TO ARGUE NEVER WAS! The only reason I'm still posting here is to practice my typing, which is horrible, and to let you keep making a complete fool of yourself.

Hahaha you'd punch me in the face would you? Whatever, go crawl under a rock with the rest of your JW friends. Btw, they WERE mormons, this is a fact. So now that you've jumped in, told me what it 'truly was' ,and then told me you'd punch me, you can crawl back under that rock with style.
I think you joined the wrong thread here man, no one is going to side with you except for Weed4Cash, and that's like saying you have the entire Special Olympics backing you up.
P.S. I whole heartedly invite you and your wife to come knock on my fuckin' door. Ill eye fuck her for a solid ten minutes, then shove a hot poker in your goddamn eye. Doesn't keep me out of anywhere, but explain that 'punch in the face' when you get to god for me.
Did I whine and cry about how yer a asshole bigot against door knockers? Did I classify you and your "kind"? Nope, I have no clue what you and yours is like. All I know about you is that you have an issue with homophobic people and you like to eye fuck peoples wife. You also have an odd sense of knowing everything about everyone due to the fact that they are part of, or were part of, an organization. Awesome! You come up with these off the wall comebacks by piecing together things out of context to make your argument valid, which in turn makes it look like you have issues comprehending the things you read. But that could be just to get a reaction out of me, which would mean you sir are the original troll.
Which brings me to my next point of what a troll really means. A troll is someone that will come in here, post things with the intent to provoke people into whatever emotion they desire. Also, they post with intent to side track people into off topic subjects. For example, the title of this thread is "So those people that knock on your door ...." and the OP went on to say how he would like to drug them. And people went along to relate their experiences with them. To go along with that, I offered what the door to door people see as to the opposite side of that. Still on topic, different side of the SAME story. Me being homophobic has NOTHING to do with that topic whatsoever. But whatever, my point is, that is the offtopic issue here, you are and have been, posting from the beginning as a troll.
I came in here knowing I was prolly going to get some flack about it, but it comes with the territory of speaking your mind I guess, but to have you as the person that is trying to give me flack is just insulting. You constantly make mention of me being a part of this religion still and that I'm here to teach you may ways. That was never once said, nor does it hold any weigh because I will not ever "preach" again. I do like discussing things about the bible though, which is why I did say "I'll dust off my bible arguing skills" which I know you were going to bring up after the previous comment and still might due to your taking things out of context. I also love this comment right here to go along with my thoughts:
Until then, i will troll you and your kind with the utmost diligence and persistence, and laugh at all of your feeble attempts to further your own religious agenda. And remember, that's exactly what it is, with every religion, an agenda.
I didn't know that I came in here trying to push an agenda! Is that what people do that offer to answer any questions? Ohhh, my bad! I guess my feeble attempts of offering the other side was just wasted on your close minded and ignorant self.
I also love this comment:
You and your kind hold this entire planet back. Your homophobic views keeps me, and plenty of other straight men at a distance. Times have changed dude, and i don't give a shit how your daddy treated you as a child or how hot your wife is, being intolerant in todays day and age is just pathetic, and your only being looked at worse and worse for it. Your a minority. Someday people will evolve passed their own fear of death and the unknown, they will wash their hands of all these children's stories we tell to keep people in fear, and we will actually make headway as a human species.
Isn't that EXACTLY what you are doing now? Being intolerant of me for one. Door knockers for the second? Never once did I say I was still part of this organization, but yet you PERSIST on keeping to it. I do not belong or cling to any of these beliefs. I do know how they operate and how they are taught and what goes on at the doors they knock on though. But yer skull is too thick to understand this apparently.
Also, since when is being disgusted by something intolerant? I've said it before, yet AGAIN you missed it or chose to ignore it. You can be as gay as you want, just keep it away from me. That does NOT mean they have to be clairvoyant or intuitive or what have you. Again making shit up to make your own arguments. It does mean however, when you realize I'm not a fan of it, keep it to yourself. THAT is what this world is today. People have the freedom to do what they want and the flip side of that, people have the freedom to not like it and keep it away from them. I'm the backwards one eh?
All in all, you've turned what started out as an offering to further your understanding and knowledge about a group of people, into a side show of questioning beliefs and personal attacks of the sort. You've constantly misinterpreted comments to fit it around what you want to say. There is no REAL argument or discussion here. Yet you persist to the point of saying I'm the intolerant one and I'm a religious nut and came in here to push my agenda when you couldn't be further from the truth. It would seem, and I'm speculating here, that you are afraid of what's out there and are afraid to listen to people because you are afraid you could be wrong. That may frighten you or piss you off, but you constantly will remain this closed off, defensive asshole of a person for whatever the reason. And THAT is why this continues. Again this is speculation, wouldn't want you to freak out and call my a racist some how out of that though.
Oh come on, dont pansy out now and try to be polite you homophobic nutbag. Klosethomo was soooooooo original!
Me apologizing for a misunderstanding is being a pansy? again!!!!! I'M NOT HERE TO ARGUE NEVER WAS! The only reason I'm still posting here is to practice my typing, which is horrible, and to let you keep making a complete fool of yourself.