Well-Known Member
That statement is used by the sheeple minded jw drones that walk around..... There are basically two types of JW... The realists that understand that you need to have a job and you can't walk around for 600000000 hours a week witnessing and we generally go out only on sat for like 1-2 hours tops. Then you have what you all hate and I understand it.... THE SUPER WITNESS!!!!! The super witness thinks that god will provide always and that you should live as a complete poor person in order to do nothing but preach.... This is WRONG! But no one ever remembers the "normal" witnesses and yes some of us toke up. Some of us also watch tons of anime and still give gifts to certain friends but we just make sure the Super Witnesses don't hear about it. Most don't celebrate because we are supposed to give each day to god and the extreme witnesses think it is "false worship" of that person to make a day just for them.... I give gifts and I LOVE CAKE!!!!!! But seriously the people that I have pulled into fellowship with me I had a personal relationship with for a long time. The pamphlet is more of a "Hey bro are you feeling all the hard times that we all are? Well if you are then here is some info on spirituality and if you want more information I will be happy to arrange a meeting." kind of deal. Most of us are happy to discuss things in an open forum of thinking. As for science I mix mine in with my religion. I know the Earth isn't 6000 years old like some sort of whack job. But who's to say that god didn't create everything and let evolution finish off his plans like a built in code like for a computer program. I have no problem with this because you will notice humans are evolving even now. We are supposed to be created in his image so whats to say god is nothing more than a human shell with the ability to use 100% of his brain functions as we are limited to 10%. I love these discussions and bring them up with Super Witnesses just to troll them. But any way the Super Witnesses make up 25-35% of the pool so just brush them off and look for the guy chillin walking up to your house joking with his field service partner. (this is what we call witnessing is going out into field service). I only average like 5-10 hrs of this a month. Feel free to ask questions as long as you are respectful at the same time guys and gals.ha ha yes please answer that. And don't answer like the people at our doors that say, "you should celebrate each and every day as your birthday." lol
P.S.- I have hair almost to my butt and I'm a male plus I grow trees in my closet.... LOTS OF TREES!