So what if weed was LEGAL, would it be that great?


Well-Known Member
By the way, very impressed with the opposition. Especially the ones directed towards me and not the subject at hand. Sorry to offend anybody with this post, its been very amusing for me. I'll try to keep up with the points made against.


Well-Known Member
He should have gotten his tax stamp.You can make your own,you just have to be smart about it.

Even with pot being legilized many would still grow their own, because we can grow better pot than a tobacco company.There would still be a market for high grade pot no matter what.

To the original poster.Ask the 400,000 people being busted every year and the few who are killed because of raids on the wrong house,how much fun it is for them.You must have put alot of thought into that question,way to go_OPH :clap:
love this one. so your trying to guilt trip me here .just because a bunch of punk kids and homeless people get busted i should feel bad about what i have said. And i'm sure cops constantly raid house guns blazing and then find out that its the wrong house. where did you get your numbers and where did cops raid the wrong houses? post a news link plz


Well-Known Member
just caught up in reading that nasty dispute. anyways, i have no rebuttle or however thats spelled. i've been beaten. your points are very good. just my opinion, but i like things the way they are now. I like saying "eff the police" when i'm high. I like using a hooter (anti smell device) when my landloard is supposed to show up. I like having to deal with interesting sometimes scupulous characters to get my pot. I like having to troop a km and a half into the woods to find my plants. I like finding isolated places to get high, in order to not get caught and for the fun of it. and i really like being the only person with weed for a 20 minute car ride(if weed was in store people would just buy shit there). enjoyed the opposition, thoroughly. keep it coming


Well-Known Member
enough, with the "just wait till you get busted". i know the risks and i am taking them. if i get busted, its my fault. the law is the law. i just like breaking it i guess.


Well-Known Member
Weed being illegal is not fun at all, though I can respect that you enjoy the adrenaline rush of breaking the law...but it would be just as fun high legal as illegal.


Well-Known Member
well, yeah, i know being high would be the same, and being able to get what ever amount you want would be easy as pie. I never said it being legal would make things shittier. Its not the adrenaline rush, maybe 7 years ago when i was 12, but that has long since past. I guess its the old "rebel" attitude coming into play, but i just like knowing that what i do pisses a bunch of old conservative or republican battle axes off. I live in canada so its probably a lot closer to being legal than in the states.if anything i just don't want the conservatives to get credit for legalizing it. one day when the green party has a majority government, then weed will be ready to be legalized.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather smoke without the paranoia of getting busted.
Also one friendly suggestion to the OP, could something like skydiving be a "funner" hobby for you? If you like adrenalin rushes.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
love this one. so your trying to guilt trip me here .just because a bunch of punk kids and homeless people get busted i should feel bad about what i have said. And i'm sure cops constantly raid house guns blazing and then find out that its the wrong house. where did you get your numbers and where did cops raid the wrong houses? post a news link plz
Punk kids and homeless people huh.Go here, and read.You should also go .What a asshat.OPH :wall:


Well-Known Member
I'd rather smoke without the paranoia of getting busted.
Also one friendly suggestion to the OP, could something like skydiving be a "funner" hobby for you? If you like adrenalin rushes.
i just just said how it wasn't an adrenaline rush. when i want i rush, its called hard drugs...


do you actually feel that it SHOULD be illegal... or you just enjoy it being illegal?

from what i gather, i think he just enjoys it being legal.... i imagine there are plenty of people who feel the same way... most of them probably the younger demographic; but this just furthers the reasoning that it should be legalized. if pot were legal, this guy, and possibly plenty others would lose interest in it and stop... doing more to curb use than the billions of dollars we have wasted in the "drug war"


Well-Known Member
from what i gather, i think he just enjoys it being legal.... i imagine there are plenty of people who feel the same way... most of them probably the younger demographic; but this just furthers the reasoning that it should be legalized. if pot were legal, this guy, and possibly plenty others would lose interest in it and stop... doing more to curb use than the billions of dollars we have wasted in the "drug war"
ah good point man :clap:... we dont need ppl like representing us "stoners" :wall:


Well-Known Member
yeah, wtf.. why??? i dont even understand the logic behind this thread, if u smoke weed for the "rush" its time to grow up, or just not voice your opinion,... say that shit around your friends, alot of us have been smokin long enough to say its bullshit that the most beautiful lgod givin plant is "illegal", but eh where woullld we be today without ignorance