So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?


Well-Known Member
No evidence of voter fraud
federal judges have throw out trumps cases asking for the fundamental thing in a case: evidence

All I hear from there is

"voter fraud! millions of votes stolen from him!!"

Okay where is the evidence for this?

Biden won because of a last minute mail in ballot approval. People to lazy to go to the polls mailed in their votes and fucked it all up. But honestly, it didnt matter of the douche bag or the turd sandwich won.
You conspiracy theory types sure make things complicated. The reality is not complicated:

Trump lost because he was a terrible president.
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Biden won because of a last minute mail in ballot approval. People to lazy to go to the polls mailed in their votes and fucked it all up. But honestly, it didnt matter of the douche bag or the turd sandwich won.

I mailed my vote in and I can tell you I'm the farthest from "lazy"

I fucking work 70 hours a week. Mailing in my absentee ballot is more practical for me and it gave me a better opportunity at democracy and my voice to be heard

You going to call our soldiers overseas "lazy" because they mailed in their votes? What about all the other truck drivers that mailed in their vote, that were out on the road working their asses off so you can sleep in and get to the polls to vote when you feel like it, are they "lazy"? Are the doctors and nurses that mailed in their vote, stuck in the hospital doing double shifts caring for people sick with covid-19 "lazy"?
Biden won because of a last minute mail in ballot approval. People to lazy to go to the polls mailed in their votes and fucked it all up. But honestly, it didnt matter of the douche bag or the turd sandwich won.
In Michigan we voted for absentee voting in 2018. Not exactly last minute.

Trump tried to hurt our ability to do that by screwing around with the post office, but that wasn't enough to stop all the minorities from having their voice recorded. Trump lost because over 80 million people did not want a Dear Leader who is fully incompetent. And enough to win enough states to take the EC and win the right to be the POTUS for the next 4 years. Shot 2020-11-28 at 6.59.27 AM.png
A proposal to bring same-day voter registration, no-reason absentee voting and more sweeping changes to Michigan's election law was approved by voters Tuesday by a better than two-to-one margin.

With 99 percent of the vote counted, the tally was 2,724,234 yes to 1,353,653 no, a margin of 66.8 percent to 33.2 percent.

The Promote the Vote question — Proposal 3 on the ballot — brings Michigan in line with at least 17 other states when it comes to same-day voter registration. They include Idaho, Colorado and Wisconsin.

The proposal was largely funded by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Michigan and endorsed by many officials and organizations across the state, including Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, the League of Women Voters and the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Supporters of the proposal say it will prevent fraud through a mandatory auditing process and also make it easier for working parents and other voters with time constraints,to vote.

Read more:

Proposal 3 in Michigan: How it would change the way you vote

Critics have argued that the proposition may increase voter fraud, though opposition has been small.

Here's what the proposal does:

  • Protects the right to vote a secret ballot
  • Ensures military service members and overseas voters can obtain ballots
  • Provides Michigan residents with the option to vote straight party
  • Automatically registers citizens to vote at the Secretary of State’s Office unless the citizen declines
  • Allows a citizen to register to vote anytime with proof of residency
  • Provides all registered voters access to an absentee ballot for any reason
  • Ensures the accuracy and integrity of elections by auditing election results

Many states already allow voters to register up to and on Election Day at the polls, as long as they have a photo ID and some form of proof of residency. Idaho's law went into effect in 1994.

And at least 37 other states and Washington, D.C., allow voters to obtain absentee ballots with no given reason. But Michigan currently requires a voter under 60 to choose from at least six reasons as to why they need to vote absentee.

Proposal 3 gives voters the ability to register to vote by mail on or before the 15th day before an election. It also allows voters to register with proof of residency up to and on Election Day. It would also restore straight-ticket voting.

The Republican-led Legislature voted to end Michigan's 127-year practice of straight party-ticket voting in 2015 and in early September, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to intervene in the dispute over whether to revive it.

But Proposal 3 would bring it back, giving voters the ability to just check one box on a ballot to cast a vote for one party, across all positions.
Ones belief system is created by nurture and nature. The belief that god impregnated a woman or belief that angels had sex with humans (it's in the bible) is taught and believed. Culture and religion have helped society become closer yet created hatred. His followers only believe in manifest destiny and god appointed him. Some voted for him because they are selfish greedy fuchs. Crazy that self centered people and the religious zealots are on the same side. Maybe not.
In Michigan we voted for absentee voting in 2018. Not exactly last minute.

Trump tried to hurt our ability to do that by screwing around with the post office, but that wasn't enough to stop all the minorities from having their voice recorded. Trump lost because over 80 million people did not want a Dear Leader who is fully incompetent. And enough to win enough states to take the EC and win the right to be the POTUS for the next 4 years.
I'm not a minority race but I dropped mine off at the polling box. I didn't feel like dealing with trumptards.
Ones belief system is created by nurture and nature. The belief that god impregnated a woman or belief that angels had sex with humans (it's in the bible) is taught and believed. Culture and religion have helped society become closer yet created hatred. His followers only believe in manifest destiny and god appointed him. Some voted for him because they are selfish greedy fuchs. Crazy that self centered people and the religious zealots are on the same side. Maybe not.

i thought adam got eve pregnant hence the whole forbidden apple (peaches) thingy.

That is the purpose of absentee voting, people who physically can not go to the polls.
So you think that forcing people to stand in lines for several hours (well after polls close in way too many cases) is the only way that they should be able to vote?

Especially when there is a lawful accessible way to vote that doesn't require that during pandemic?

Cult logic.
So you think that forcing people to stand in lines for several hours (well after polls close in way too many cases) is the only way that they should be able to vote?

Especially when there is a lawful accessible way to vote that doesn't require that during pandemic?

Cult logic.
No. I think there needs to be a standardized, efficient method of voting across the entire country. And our votes should never be sent outside the country to be counted.
No, I believe it's unable to attend, not linked to a physical condition.
Soldiers are geographically unable to attend, as are persons being held for a variety of reasons.
Many reasons, yet physical ability is not a voting requirement. Where do you come up with this stuff?
Your right, geographically unable to attend is a better way to put it.