So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

It appears that the tRUmpenstein monster has turned on it's creator.

Donald is trying to put the heat on Mitch now and I'll bet he won't sign any covid relief until Mitch helps him to retain power. I still don't think Pence will pardon him, if he did, he better not show up for the inauguration, Pence is playing him because of Georgia, just like Mitch. If Pence pardons him then he and the republicans will have to live with him and be enslaved to him and whatever crazy shit comes out of him. I'd be surprised if Pence pardons him, if he does Donald should take Marco Rubio's Florida seat by forcing him out and having DeSantis appoint him, then take Mitch's job and lead them all to prison.
It appears that the tRUmpenstein monster has turned on it's creator.

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About 2000 morons showed up in Washington for the dog and pony show. Here is an example of proud boys wearing dresses, are these the gay ones? It's hard to tell from the picture, usually kilts are tartan, but these guys are breaking new fashion ground.

When I wore a kilt in the military, you weren't allowed to wear underwear (on regimental parades) and the RSM knew it by looking at your shiny boots, since tidy whites were white in them days. Cape Breton highlanders 2nd division, combat arms.
About 2000 morons showed up in Washington for the dog and pony show. Here is an example of proud boys wearing dresses, are these the gay ones? It's hard to tell from the picture, usually kilts are tartan, but these guys are breaking new fashion ground.

When I wore a kilt in the military, you weren't allowed to wear underwear (on regimental parades) and the RSM knew it by looking at your shiny boots, since tidy whites were white in them days. Cape Breton highlanders 2nd division, combat arms.
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Those boys not gonna be chasing *anybody*
Donald is trying to put the heat on Mitch now and I'll bet he won't sign any covid relief until Mitch helps him to retain power. I still don't think Pence will pardon him, if he did, he better not show up for the inauguration, Pence is playing him because of Georgia, just like Mitch. If Pence pardons him then he and the republicans will have to live with him and be enslaved to him and whatever crazy shit comes out of him. I'd be surprised if Pence pardons him, if he does Donald should take Marco Rubio's Florida seat by forcing him out and having DeSantis appoint him, then take Mitch's job and lead them all to prison.
I'm really enjoying watching Trumpkins go into mental runaway. They can't believe gawd failed them.
I'm really enjoying watching Trumpkins go into mental runaway. They can't believe gawd failed them.
They call that feeling schadenfreude, not necessarily a bad thing, provided they had it coming and fucked themselves. It's either that or they fuck you and everybody else including themselves. They somehow got it in their minds that Trump is gonna "git" those people they hate and resent, they anticipated a little schadenfreude themselves. That need is placed before all other considerations, faith, patriotism and even their own welfare and that of their families. Someone posted a brain scan study on how retribution is similar to addiction, people do the same kinds of things with their priorities. Most junkies live in anticipation of the high, not high, that becomes somewhat disappointing and unfulfilling at a deep level for many.

It is the anticipation of pleasure that is the real motivating factor, not the pleasure itself, that might disappoint them. We all anticipate Trump in chains, but when it happens there will be more relief than pleasure, many will feel sorry for the broken creature who shuffles out of court to a remaining life of Hell in solitary. I will feel sorry for him, but I will weigh the people he destroyed and murdered in the balance too and if the law said to put him down like a rabid dog, I would have no objection. Actually I hope they drag him out of court kicking and screaming in rage, it's hard to feel sorry for the angry, it tends to close off empathy in others and that would be a good thing with Donald.
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They sent out the fat guys in skirts because they got sick of all their 'ripped' goons being made fun of for having weak calves.

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Notice all the pants covering their tiny legs.
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Hard to see from the bridge photo, but the line looked real thin, lacked depth, a flying wedge would plow right through the center of them dividing them into two forces who then might end up in the river being forced against the sides and over... If yer gonna fight like Romans use their tactics... :lol:
They call that feeling schadenfreude, not necessarily a bad thing, provided they had it coming and fucked themselves. It's either that or they fuck you and everybody else including themselves. They somehow got it in their minds that Trump is gonna "git" those people they hate and resent, they anticipated a little schadenfreude themselves. That need is placed before all other considerations, faith, patriotism and even there own welfare and that of their families. Someone posted a brain scan study on how retribution is similar to addiction, people do the same kinds of things with their priorities. Most junkies live in anticipation of the high, not high, that becomes somewhat disappointing and unfulfilling at a deep level for many.

It is the anticipation of pleasure that is the real motivating factor, not the pleasure itself, that might disappoint them. We all anticipate Trump in chains, but when it happens there will be more relief than pleasure, many will feel sorry for the broken creature who shuffles out of court to a remaining life of Hell in solitary. I will feel sorry for him, but I will weigh the people he destroyed and murdered in the balance too and if the law said to put him down like a rabid dog, I would have no objection. Actually I hope they drag him out of court kicking and screaming in rage, it's hard to feel sorry for the angry, it tends to close off empathy in others and that would be a good thing with Donald.
I liked the monopoly study where those that "got wealthy" in the game become like dumpy. The game was tilted towards one individual to win and both players knew it. The rich player became a d1ck. Brain chemistry is amazing. Years to hone mankind's d1ckyness.
So, I’m one sentence he calls to destroy the GOP and in the next sentence he calls Loeffler and Purdue RINOs. How insane is that?

Stupid motherfuckers.
They ain't the sharpest knives in the drawer Canuck, even those who lead them are a few bricks short of a full load. That's why once they get to work on them, they are so easily defeated, they are stupid and the stupid are easy to beat at games. First cut off their spoon feed media of hate radio (go digital), win the senate then regulate cable TV (OAN & Newsmax) and large scale social media. Put Fox in a box with new FCC regulations too. Sooner or later many of them will be getting their news from regular respectable media and those on the right will be in a regulated box. Win the senate and they can have big public hearings on media in America and remove hate radio, Newsmax and OAN as public health menaces. Use their covid disinformation to destroy them, they helped murder tens of thousands of citizens for profit.

Sure you can still find shit on the internet, but ya really gotta want to find it and if social media doesn't spread the links around, then only the fanatics will be moved by it. Ya gotta make it like a lunatic on a street corner proffering his manifesto to reluctant passers by. Remove this shit from streaming media like radio and TV that many simpletons rely on and give free or dirt cheap basic cable to everybody, like over the air broadcasting. Many poor and young folks don't have cable TV or satellite and rely on the internet for news and are thus prey to Facebook and algorithms that lead them down rightwing ratholes. Free basic cable with the regular broadcast channels and others will do a lot to curb disinformation, besides it will give the cable companies a chance to sell them on other packages. Since TV went digital, I'll bet reception in rural areas is shit and many are getting their information from the internet, many rural places don't have cable service.

The federal government has to change the information environment these people are subjected to by regulation and expanding options for rural areas. This is one of the reasons for the rural urban divide, there are others, but all the factors that gave you Trumpism have to be broken down and tackled, this is one of them.
I liked the monopoly study where those that "got wealthy" in the game become like dumpy. The game was tilted towards one individual to win and both players knew it. The rich player became a d1ck. Brain chemistry is amazing. Years to hone mankind's d1ckyness.
They are just peeking inside to see the causes of what the wise already knew.
Hard to see from the bridge photo, but the line looked real thin, lacked depth, a flying wedge would plow right through the center of them dividing them into two forces who then might end up in the river being forced against the sides and over... If yer gonna fight like Romans use their tactics... :lol:
OR the Elwood and Jake neo-nazi break-up party, tomato/tomatoe LOL
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[ Disclaimer : Non US person commenting ]

The best interpretation I have heard for the current "Trump was robbed" challenges is that it has nothing to do whatsoever with any real or imaginary hope of overthrowing overturning the 2020 election result.

It's all just PR folks.

It's all just intended to create a rallying call for the MAGA fantasists to fume and splutter and unite behind the cries of a brotherhood of self-righteous outrage.

It's all early campaigning for TRUMP 2024

Consider the above for a few moments, and current events just all make so much more sense.
[ Disclaimer : Non US person commenting ]

The best interpretation I have heard for the current "Trump was robbed" challenges is that it has nothing to do whatsoever with any real or imaginary hope of overthrowing overturning the 2020 election result.

It's all just PR folks.

It's all just intended to create a rallying call for the MAGA fantasists to fume and splutter and unite behind the cries of a brotherhood of self-righteous outrage.

It's all early campaigning for TRUMP 2024

Consider the above for a few moments, and current events just all make so much more sense.
Or you could look at it as a way to destroy our political norms, erode confidence in democracy and pave the way for dictatorship. The motivation behind it is pretty irrelevant.
Lets talk about that sweet wall that already has tunnels and holes in it that mexico was supposed to pay for
OR the Elwood and Jake neo-nazi break-up party, tomato/tomatoe LOL
A good example of the effects of the flying wedge, only using a car. Notice how their rhetoric hasn't changed along with the motives? Same kind of losers too, just another generation, and of course they have the "chosen one" to lead them now, it's a good thing he's a socially and emotionally retarded moron. They blew their shot with Donald, they won't get a second one with the people Joe will appoint to solve this particular problem. There never was a deep state before, but there will be one now and these clowns will come to fear it, including their politicians, since many are corrupt and that is their weakness. The democrats better make sure they are clean as a cat's asshole too, political corruption can be and has been exploited by enemies. Much will depend on winning the senate, if the democrats do, it will be game over for them.