So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

I'm going to limit my scope to Michigan, but people are abused everywhere... by other people. Mans dominion over animals and lower men, I guess. The human brain is easily warped.
I'm going to limit my scope to Michigan, but people are abused everywhere... by other people. Mans dominion over animals and lower men, I guess. The human brain is easily warped.

I find the human mind is also easily inspired :) Up to each individual to be the change he or she wants to see!
So anywho- Powdered rock is selling for $1 a pound from a quality place online. Seems just crazy to me these days to order basic stuff from the other half of the country. So we'll start busting it up here in MI. We have lots of rocks. I'm not wanting to sell anything at all, just looking to see if anyone's interested in learning more about the rock dusts or the machine to make it.
Well, it is your idea to start doing it. If it helps you out financially this will be excellent too man. You are passionate about this. You will make sure it is done RIGHT. You will clearly be what I call a 'reputable supplier'. Do it, Rrog! And your Bio-Char!! People will LOVE buying from you mate. It's like me and Bodhi, and the guys at Gage: Now that I know what kinda people they are, they have earned my loyalty for life. I am going to invest in gear from Gooey too, on grounds of his wonderful personality alone. It makes a difference man, a HUGE one. I want to buy from the NICE guy, and most people share that instinct even if it is on a more subliminal level. You Can Do it!

what machine are you thinking rrog? the jaws kind? they get really really big but i don't think anything industrial mining style would be needed. more a smaller trailer unit maybe?
Funny vid!

I'd rather get someone else set up doing this locally. Thinking about a rotary smasher that uses simple hardened steel chain. Works great and easier to maintain than hammers. That's about all I have so far!

HGK- cool link on mineralization. People assume if a field produces a plant, it must be OK. We know differently. Lack of minerals = lack of nutrients. Microbes finish the breakdown for the plant. Freakin microbes do everything...

The point is that our fields need rock dust, so let's bust us some rock
I am running a 50/50 mix of Sunshine Advanced #4 Soil, FF Ocean Forest, and Advanced nutrients Iguana Juice Veg and Bloom (organic)
so far so good....

(I am not a f-ing stranger, thanks)
Funny vid!

I'd rather get someone else set up doing this locally. Thinking about a rotary smasher that uses simple hardened steel chain. Works great and easier to maintain than hammers. That's about all I have so far!

HGK- cool link on mineralization. People assume if a field produces a plant, it must be OK. We know differently. Lack of minerals = lack of nutrients. Microbes finish the breakdown for the plant. Freakin microbes do everything...

The point is that our fields need rock dust, so let's bust us some rock

that table discussing mineral content of our food over the last 50 years is pretty real. I'm gonna hold on to that to show others.
HGK, no question this is big-time important. Rock dust isn't profitable to chemical companies so the poor rock dust gets no advocate...

Here's your table:

Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 5.30.46 PM.jpg
Funny vid!

I'd rather get someone else set up doing this locally. Thinking about a rotary smasher that uses simple hardened steel chain. Works great and easier to maintain than hammers. That's about all I have so far!

HGK- cool link on mineralization. People assume if a field produces a plant, it must be OK. We know differently. Lack of minerals = lack of nutrients. Microbes finish the breakdown for the plant. Freakin microbes do everything...

The point is that our fields need rock dust, so let's bust us some rock

My 'surrogate' dad, let's call him Uncle B, turned me on to an idea as he loves to do with everybody. The man is arthritis-riddled, can hardly move, so his brain does all the moving his body cannot.

He told me about something very interesting. I cannot remember the name, but there was a town in the UK that was known for growing GIANT vegetables. And I mean HUGE. As in tomatoes of several kilograms each, HUGE. Took people forever to figure it out. So it turns out that what was happening, was they irrigated using canal systems. The canals were made with mostly limestone. The water wearing away the limestone carried with it traces of the rock all the time. BINGO.

He has tried to get me to try the same thing with my outdoor reefer. I am starting to think that I will, when I have the kind of land that can accommodate HUGE cannabis trees. Because one thing about this guy, he has zero percent BS in his body.

Thanks for reminding me of this Rrog.
You mean this video? Pretty sure he is using Root Spin Out which is not organic. It is all about root production. IF it was limestone that grew vegies this big then everyone on earth would use limestone additives. Vegy is much different though...he explains it to Snoop Dog

something similar to Root Spin Out... some super root thrive... and remember that there are different chemical restrictions in the UK
You mean this video? Pretty sure he is using Root Spin Out which is not organic. It is all about root production. IF it was limestone that grew vegies this big then everyone on earth would use limestone additives. Vegy is much different though...he explains it to Snoop Dog

Oh hell no. This was in the early 50's. Uncle B won't be caught dead on the interwebs.

EDIT: I will ask him about it when next I see him. Should be Christmas. I will follow this up.
Some strains are more resistant. Also, getting the plant's natural immune response is key also, and that requires a good soil / plant / microbe relationship. If that's in good shape, the plant's natural immune response will be "on" and ready when the nasties show up.

So the process starts a lot earlier, as it's hard / bad to spray the flowers now. Is a dehumidifier a bad idea? This is indoors, obviously, right? LOL

hey fellas sorry it has been a couple days since i posted..been busy!!

but yes this is any indoor grow.. and i can buy a dehumidifier deff have thought about it just trying to find the "DEAL" or on sale..