So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

Rrog, do you recommend leaving pots fallow for a period of time after harvest before putting a new plant in there, or is it better to chop and immediately plug a new clone right in?
Well, with my previous routine, I didn't do clones, but others have done the chop -n- drop with a clone. In my new place I'm figuring I'm doing the clover / fallow.

Clearly the microbes figure out that the old plant is dead and now food for the new one, and the digestion of the old one happens fast and completely.

So your trench idea, and the staggering of the plants as you described, would work great. I plan to keep clover perpetually growing on the tops of my 30 gallon pots.

EDIT- you know I'd totally help arrange your system to accommodate this. I'm handy! I have a cordless drill and everything!
Well, with my previous routine, I didn't do clones, but others have done the chop -n- drop with a clone. In my new place I'm figuring I'm doing the clover / fallow.

Clearly the microbes figure out that the old plant is dead and now food for the new one, and the digestion of the old one happens fast and completely.

So your trench idea, and the staggering of the plants as you described, would work great. I plan to keep clover perpetually growing on the tops of my 30 gallon pots.

EDIT- you know I'd totally help arrange your system to accommodate this. I'm handy! I have a cordless drill and everything!

I appreciate the offer Rrog! Might just take you up on that. Still trying to figure out a base for air flow under the raised beds per your recommendation. I just can't give any height away unless I switch to LED's where I can have the lights a little closer to the canopy.
No way to route the light movers up into the joist cavities? Run them parallel to the joists. Maybe you have them running perpendicular to the joists now?
They are mounted right on to the joists, running parallel with them. If I go to LED's I would probably try to build/buy ones big enough to cover the 3x6 area, so I could get rid of the light rails all together.
Well, if blocking were installed in between the joists, up in the cavity several inches, then you'd pick up space and use what you have. The LEDs would be quite the stack of nickles to outfit a space like that!
Well, if blocking were installed in between the joists, up in the cavity several inches, then you'd pick up space and use what you have. The LEDs would be quite the stack of nickles to outfit a space like that!
I would be afraid of the heat between those joists.
Dunno, i would have to see it, i know these lights get hot and most people dont have a smoke detector in their grow room, just thinking out loud as it where.

That wouldn't be a concern with the light rails as the hood hangs down a good 12-14 inches from the rail
I appreciate the offer Rrog! Might just take you up on that. Still trying to figure out a base for air flow under the raised beds per your recommendation. I just can't give any height away unless I switch to LED's where I can have the lights a little closer to the canopy.

Careful with bringing LED too close. I have seen this mistake made a few times. You can bring a cooled hood quite a bit closer than those lazer-like LED's. They are great for keeping temps down and the berries for stealth because of the lesser amount of ventilation needed. But if you need to get REALLY close and personal, electronic ballast, cooled hood. In your position I think LED would be wasting money really. Over here CoolTubes are really affordable.
For me these things are the nuts. Incandescent puts out mucho heat (IR) per watt. So more $ per photon delivered.

LED has no IR, so does not heat the surroundings. Bright light, runs cooler. I think it's the future. But St0w, I wouldn't switch out your stuff. Just raise it. Heat isn't an issue currently, is it? The only issue is the height, right?

Fattie- what is happening man? How are you? Long time. I'd inoculate the soil with amendments, including the standard crab, neem, etc. and get some predatory mites, maybe. These things will eradicate whatever's in there while cooking. Plant some clover as a cover crop to speed things along.
I was having some wierd stuff happen, for awhile I couldn't get any clones to take and was having some pretty wimpy yields. So I bit the bullet and did a full tear down and have cleaned everything and am fumigating with a no pest strip for a week and starting over. I am just trying to get back to where I can grow some effective meds for myself and the ms.
I am 99% sure I have predator mites, little machinelike white things ? Like a centipede but almost invisible. I still am running the same dirt you helped me mix last year rrog.