Well-Known Member
Rrog, do you recommend leaving pots fallow for a period of time after harvest before putting a new plant in there, or is it better to chop and immediately plug a new clone right in?
Well, with my previous routine, I didn't do clones, but others have done the chop -n- drop with a clone. In my new place I'm figuring I'm doing the clover / fallow.
Clearly the microbes figure out that the old plant is dead and now food for the new one, and the digestion of the old one happens fast and completely.
So your trench idea, and the staggering of the plants as you described, would work great. I plan to keep clover perpetually growing on the tops of my 30 gallon pots.
EDIT- you know I'd totally help arrange your system to accommodate this. I'm handy! I have a cordless drill and everything!
I would be afraid of the heat between those joists.Well, if blocking were installed in between the joists, up in the cavity several inches, then you'd pick up space and use what you have. The LEDs would be quite the stack of nickles to outfit a space like that!
Dunno, i would have to see it, i know these lights get hot and most people dont have a smoke detector in their grow room, just thinking out loud as it where.If he's already mounted to open joists, how would this be much different?
Dunno, i would have to see it, i know these lights get hot and most people dont have a smoke detector in their grow room, just thinking out loud as it where.
Rock on brotha, im still not done with this frickin grow room, my son is a pesky little 24 yr old who thinks he knows more than i doThat wouldn't be a concern with the light rails as the hood hangs down a good 12-14 inches from the rail
I appreciate the offer Rrog! Might just take you up on that. Still trying to figure out a base for air flow under the raised beds per your recommendation. I just can't give any height away unless I switch to LED's where I can have the lights a little closer to the canopy.