IMHO- if you avoid anti-microbial soap, you're mostly there. Use diluted bleach more if you need to nuke an area. Sure it's nasty initially, but evaporates off fast and the remaining Cl in the air dissipates fast. This material does not linger in the environment like so many other things do. So it's a good nuclear option for us.
Nothing wrong with soap, but I try and stick with eco-friendly soaps. Soaps, detergents, lotions, vitamins, deoderants, bug spray, toothpaste, air fresheners, etc, etc. All of these things can dump chemicals directly into your bloodstream. This is not questioned by any scientific mind because we can measure all of these in your bloodstream after contact. So you can assume anything they'd let into your blood must be safe, or you can just say I'll avoid those, thank you.
There are safer alternatives to all of those product choices above is how I see it, but that's just me.