So you 'Juana Cut Corners, eh? Simple Comparison Grow in Progress...

Oh boy, gang - I seriously 'effed something up and left it in my friend's hands to deal with (I feel like an ass)! Here's the scoop: the night before I left for vacation, I followed GH website calculations for transition to flower. This was three part Flora series (micro, grow, bloom), plus Floraliscious and KoolBloom. I thought by also adding some FloraShield I would be giving my buddy a little insurance against root issues while I was away.
I've never had water or overferting signs with this grow, but suddenly my buddy sends me a pick of some seriously stressed plants (just two days later (apologize - no pics, working off of this phone on vacation). These plants looked like stewed spinach and didn't just droop, but damn near melted down to their bucket lids!
I asked my buddy to just dump the buckets and put 2 gals of fresh water (no nutes). We'll see what happens. I fear that by putting 3 gals of water in my res previously, I caused overwatering, and that combined with the nuts soup change up simply agitated the damaged roots that much more.
Also, and chime in at any time gang, am I supposed to swap my MH out for the HPS when I mix the transition nutes, or wait until I go full flower nutes? Peace!
It's up to you. The more blue (MH) light you have during the stretch phase (first 2-2.5 weeks) the less they'll stretch.
Well, I'm one sad em'effer. As usual, the grower is to blame! I'll post some nasty side by side pics tonight or tomorrow - heading back from vacation. At this point I'll either assess some growth of the destroyed plants for cloning options, or throw a handful of seeds in a towel to start this thing up again.
My overall assessment (since failures are as important, not necessarily as great, as success) is that my transitional nute soup was too much for my root systems, and the overwatering on top of the root stress was a fatal one two punch.
I will get a grip and adjust my head and then we'll get this damn thing back on track - sorry for the let down, but like I originally intended, I'll show my fuck ups just as well as my achievements!
Newbs can learn from newbs afterall. Peace, and stay tuned.
Don't worry, Hydroponics are very man-made you know..

If it was dirt then maybe we could get a little angry.

Good luck, what all did you have alive?
Just four lil' girls - 2 pineapple express, 1 purple diesel, and 1 Headband Kush. I'm not exactly crushed, but it's a little shocking to see such beautiful girls turn viciously ugly overnight, and even more so when I'm the one that made 'em that way. Have no fear, I'm comin' out swinging in the next round.
Just four lil' girls - 2 pineapple express, 1 purple diesel, and 1 Headband Kush. I'm not exactly crushed, but it's a little shocking to see such beautiful girls turn viciously ugly overnight, and even more so when I'm the one that made 'em that way. Have no fear, I'm comin' out swinging in the next round.

Wow I hope you get clones from them. That sucks big time.
Could you get as many shots as you have of the Headband?

Either in a PM or through here.
I'm on a quest for Headband through some unmarked seeds I have.

50/50 chance Trainwreck/Headband, need all the identification I can get.
Thanks a ton in advance:leaf:
Don't know if veg pics are really gonna' help you identify, but I have no bud pics, of course.

Sorry, as you can tell, a pineapple express picture got in there - be aware of that. Notice the horrible condition the clone is in? I did that myself too - as you can tell by the vibrant green branches later on, she was a strong specimen afterall.

If you happen to have an internet access (hehe, I suppose you wouldn't be on here if you didn't), you're going to have a lot better luck researching your strain with something like "Leafly" (which you can type in Google and get a link for). Peace C.Indica.
Day one - round three.

Not sure if I'm just a newb following old wives tales, but I like to scratch my beans on an emery board, and then I soak 'em for 24 hours in pH'd water. After that I'll drop them into a damp paper towel (again with pH'd water, though I think the paper towel may actually fuck with the pH anyway) until they pop. After that, 4 inch rockwool and hello buckets of balls.

By the way, I've got 3 femmed seeds (indica/sativa unmarked) and a wildcard bagseed - and I don't know any of them apart, so we're just going to have to name them something arbitrary and see what pops out - sorry if you guys are strain snobs, but sometimes it's fun growing something when you don't know what it is.

Thanks for hanging in here with me, even though my thread is losing focus.

Threw the beans into a towel and began the sad breakdown of the dead grow...then I got bored and bought another pump; I'll throw the halos on a timer this next grow, and I'll add air stones full time as well. My goal is to oxygenate the hell out of the reservoirs and at the same time prevent potential overwatering with more precision in the drips. Peace.

I've just stumbled upon the thread and read from beginning to end(not that that was a lot) Very good idea for a comparison man... I got a weird feeling when you said you were leaving for a week that something bad was going to happen to your ladies...Always happens that way...Im betting there will be a happy ending :)
Thanks for swinging through. I got that feeling too, but then my ego kicked in and I just couldn't let well enough alone. Live and learn - and so I will. I've got a solid chunk of time to put into these new girls (hehe...hopefully they're all girls).
hey Fykshun I just wanted you to see some of my clones. I clone a bit diff than most but have 100% rooted clones for over a year doing it this way. I cut the cutting long enough to go all the way through the net pot and in to the water. Then I fill it half way up the net pot I use half strength nutes right from the start. This is what I get every time so far.


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Jesus, you're blowing my mind! Okay, hold on...I just don't want to misunderstand something and eff up perfectly awesome advice; so, one difference I see is in our netpot size - I grow in a 10". However, if I read correctly, you take a long clipping (a branch, I'm picturing) that extends from three to four inches above netpot lip, all the way down into the res; maybe a 13" clipping, which means our netpot size differentiation is mute. Is this accurate?
Also, I'm using rockwool cubes (2" x 4") in a bed of hydroton - what are you using up top? And will the tips here be adaptable to what I've got up top? I very much appreciate the sound advice, and the pictures to back it up. Peace.
I believe a great meal takes a fair amount of concentrated preparation, and so do I believe that a great grow is no different.

1. Always wash yer balls

2. Prep. some cleaning solution for the buckets and tubes and other grow gizmos...

3. Assemble drip rings (halo irrigation kits from General Hydroponics - no water pump required)

4. Prep water for complete system flush

5. Prep airlines and stones in system flush mixture (2 lines, 2 splitters, 4 stones each bucket)

6. Secure airlines and stones, and fill 10" netpots with mostly clean balls. Add 2"x4" rockwool to be conditioned in system flush

7. Use system flush mixture to pour through rockwool and balls (3 gal each 5 gal bucket)

8. pH another bucket of water (not much needed) this will be for soaking 1"x1" rockwool plugs that will be inserted into the cutout of the 2"x4" rockwool block.

9. Clean the grow space and start putting in the buckets.

10. Set up the air pumps (I suspend my largest one with bungee cords to eliminate unwanted buzzzzzz - same thing I do with my 6" CanFan outside the tent).

11. Turn it on and let it run for 24 hours.

12. Watch the beans grow...

As they say in the islands, "Soon come, mon..."

Looks good, don't overwater those cubes though.
If you're into rockwool,
look up Collective Gardener's 20000w Medical Grow.
I haven't been able to locate that post - but I've actually fought the battle with rockwool, used to SureToGrow, went straight into balls, even tried hybrid silicate compounds...and then I began picking the brain of the operator of my favorite co-op (favorite because he grows beautiful plants with wonderful medicine, time and again); he is actually the one that turned me on to what I'm doing now, and I have to say, rockwool gets a bad rap. I now use 2x4 cubes, the 2" in depth, and the 4" in width - these babies are surrounded by a ton of clay balls (I'm in 10" pots, not 6") which are just simply better than SureToGrow and silicate products, for ease, for re-use, for water and oxygen retention - I love my balls (hehe). Anyway, onward - my biggest fear in switching to this grower's method was the potential for overwatering - he said, don't trust me, trust results - so I tried it, and I'm never going back. My last grow was problematic because of my lack of patience and inability to leave a good formula alone. This time, I'm not changing anything, I'm gonna' be a good little grower and not try to outsmart my plants, I'll just listen to them. Peace.
Howdy Fykshun cool thread, glad I found it. I like checking out PNW grows. I think I'll tag along if you don't mind?