So you 'Juana Cut Corners, eh? Simple Comparison Grow in Progress...


Active Member
Ah - thanks for the direct link! I'm a bit of a slow learner when it comes to these forums...not so on-line until I got interested in growing what I've been smoking. I'll give them thorough attention, and thanks again for any and all advice.


Active Member
Okay, had a chance to read up on the threads - very entertaining; especially all the hot chick bumps. Let's sit tight and see if I can actually produce some medicine that's worth a damn. Peace.


Active Member
After 24 hours of running FloraKleen and pH'd water (day 5 to 6), I change the reservoirs and add only pH'd water. For this res change I stabilize the systems for placing newly sprouted seeds, meaning that I've now placed my halo drips on a timer (15 minutes every hour for now, but as with any grow, I'll listen to the plants to make any adjustments in time).

On the evening of day 6, I planted three sprouted seeds (the fourth was a dud; I put another one in a towel - she'll only be a few days behind):

Day 7:

Fingers crossed when sexing time starts - remember, I don't know which is which on the femmed versus the bagseed.


Active Member
I must have missed something, somewhere..but what's the bucket with the holes in the bottom for?


Active Member
:-) that's my ball rinsing bucket - I used to use a net pot, but I cut holes in the net pot for my irrigation halo, so now my net pots don't hold the balls. I essentially just made a 5gal strainer.


Active Member
Ok thanks..I kept looking for it and didn't see it lol. I need to make one of those for rinsing coco in


Well-Known Member
Stopping in and checking things out, looking good mate. I used to live in the beautiful city you call home. Ever been to the Honey Hole?


Well-Known Member
Those true leaves seem super "bright"
Are they getting enough Nitrogen in their diet?
Is the pH allowing them to process it?

I'm not a hydro guy. But my seedling @ the same age has dark true leaves.
Just my $0.02


Well-Known Member
Hey Fykshun... great reboot of your grow so far - looking promising! The lighter-edged leaves may be due to your holds excess water and could be the reason for that - I doubt it will be an issue though. :leaf:


Active Member
Hey guys, thanks for chiming in...I believe the issue to be related to the fact that I use tap water (pain in the ass for me to purchase RO - though I may look into buying a machine myself). I agree that both water retention and poorer quality combined make my seedlings strive a bit. I have no fear though, as this same system produced a hell of a canopy last time, with lush foliage, from imperfect clones that I yanked out of soil. Unless I see something truly alarming, I'm going to try not to over compensate for issues this time around.
Having said that at this stage, I would very much appreciate all input from leaf gurus - this seems the hardest thing to assess sometimes - root assessment is cake, of course. Thanks again for the feedback guys.


Active Member
Okay, you helpful contributors; I have indeed noticed the brightness of the green in my first true leaves increase. I have also noticed that my rock wool is a bit heavy on the water side, so I have dropped my timed halos down to 15 minutes every 2 hours. I am preparing 4 more reservoirs (because I use tap water I actually do subscribe to the growers' tale about letting it sit for 24 hours to leach out the chlorine), and I will add only the slightest bit of micro nutes (I'll be measuring in drops, not even mL). I hope to increase the N while minimizing potential over dose on other elements.

SOOO, you were right! And I appreciate the eyeballs. I'll keep you tuned in as to progress.


Oh yeah, and my fourth one finally popped. Ever known a girl named Tim? If so, and this one's a girl, I'd like to call her Tiny Tim in the spirit of the Holidays (hehehe, when you crack yourself up, you know you're plenty lit).


Well-Known Member
I crack myself up all day, people think I'm crazy.
Just baked. Bahaha:leaf:

I avoid rockwool because of overwatering issues..
And RO is bullshit, I've been using tap water for ages, most people on this site use tapwater.

As long as you have a trusty water source,
and I'd trust Seatown's tapwater.


Active Member
Yeah, thanks for the water backup; the co-op growers that I've spoken with say the same thing, though some say they would use RO if it was easier and the return were more noticeable. By the way, do you let tap water sit to "off gas" or do you just say eff that too? I hate wasting a day letting it sit if this holds no value. I also looked into some GH Subculture (m or b...?), but one of the reasons I'm not using it is that the indications say not to use in chlorinated water; some days I can smell the chlorine in my tap.

Anyway, like I said, I'll update when/if I see progress.


Well-Known Member
I hate chlorine, especially when i'm drinking the water.
I don't have the patience anymore to have it sit,
but if you stir it up frequently you'll oxygenate it and it should evaporate faster.

You can boil your water too.


Active Member
I use tap myself and I have 2 spare gallon jugs I use to let the chlorine evaporate from. When I use one of the gallons, I refill it and use the other one for nutes the next time. I have thought about boiling it as well