So you want to grow legally under 502?

I did a quick google for marijuana insurance and there are a few companies that have been in the medical mj insurance business for awhile that will do product liability. Cannasure was one. That said, I think deebickle may be right that you won't be able to get a quote until the rules are final.

Nearly a year after Washington’s voters legalized marijuana for recreational use, Seattle’s City Council has voted to set limits on where pot-related businesses can locate.

The council on Monday approved a zoning measure for marijuana grow operations, processing facilities and retail stores. It limits indoor grows to 20,000 square feet and allows them only in certain industrial areas.

Washington’s legal marijuana law already includes zoning requirements keeping the businesses away from schools, parks and playgrounds. Seattle’s measure additionally keeps them out of historic and landmark districts and residential areas.

Seattle’s ordinance also addresses medical marijuana operations in the city, making clear they will have to obtain state licenses if they want to continue operating past Jan. 1, 2015.

The state currently has no regulated medical marijuana system, but officials are considering ways to regulate medical marijuana so that it doesn’t undercut recreational pot sales or prompt federal crackdowns. Recreational pot stores are expected to open by next summer.
Seattle City Council passes marijuana zoning rules


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Seattle City Council passes marijuana zoning rules

By Graham Johnson
The Seattle City Council approved a landmark zoning ordinance Monday after months of discussion.

Because state law prevents pot businesses from setting up within 1,000 feet of schools, parks and day cares, they will be effectively confined to industrial land and some commercial areas.

The heaviest industrial areas near the Port of Seattle will be largely off-limits to pot growers after business groups raised concerns about traditional industry being priced out by marijuana businesses.

"Marijuana on a per-square-foot basis will probably generate more money than the Boeing 737 plant does," said Dave Gering of the Manufacturing Industrial Council.

"I think that's ridiculous," said Ben Livingston of the Center for Legal Cannabis. "I don't think pot growers are going to displace current port businesses."

Livingston has created detailed online maps showing where businesses can go, and charges for access.

Existing marijuana grows in the newly-prohibited zones will be allowed to stay, provided they are less than 5,000 square feet.

The new city ordinance sets the maximum size for marijuana growing operations at 20,000 square feet in some areas, even though the state will allow them as large as 30,000 square feet.

The city ordinance also requires medical marijuana businesses to comply with the new rules by January 2015 and obtain a state license.

Right now, there are no state licenses for medical marijuana. The state legislature is expected to take that issue up next year.

In the meantime, medical cannabis businesses are very concerned about the new ordinance.

Steve Sarich of the Cannabis Action Coalition was visibly angry as he gave public comments before the city council.

"You've declared war on the patients of the State of Washington and the patients of Seattle," Sarich told the council. "The four of you who are up for re-election, we'll be gunning for you. And the next election in 2015, we'll be gunning for the rest of you."

The council passed the zoning ordinance 8-0. Tom Rasmussen was absent.
maybe someone can help me out with this.
What if I just wanted like 5 plants in my house just for me. I won't sell and it won't leave my property really. I'll just smoke it and share it with friends whenevs. Do I need a license too??
I'm no different than a gardener who grows tomatoes for their salad. You know what I mean??
maybe someone can help me out with this.
What if I just wanted like 5 plants in my house just for me. I won't sell and it won't leave my property really. I'll just smoke it and share it with friends whenevs. Do I need a license too??
I'm no different than a gardener who grows tomatoes for their salad. You know what I mean??

Under 502 not allowed, and you won't be able to get a permit.

Currently you can get a medical recomendation and grow for yourself.

The Dept of Health, Dept of Revenue are recommending to legislature that medical home grows are eliminated. Sounds like new age communism to me.
Under 502 not allowed, and you won't be able to get a permit.

Currently you can get a medical recomendation and grow for yourself.

The Dept of Health, Dept of Revenue are recommending to legislature that medical home grows are eliminated. Sounds like new age communism to me.

Damn! I think in CO you can have like 6 plants. But I can be wrong.
At least there's gonna be some weed shops for anyone 21 & over in like Seattle....or is that not really the case too??
I just spoke to a Spokane Attorney who is in the process of helping future growers get set up and he indicated Spokane County and Stevens County are going to require the growing be done in Agriculture Zoned areas. FYI. Does anyone have an update on where a person can find insurance that would comply with the WAC?
yeah, I sent an email to the LCB and they sent me a list of companies that they think will provide the proper insurance:

Washington State
· Farmers Quincy
· Greenpoint Insurance Advisors LLC
· Premier Southwest Insurance Group

I talked with Doug Banfelder from Premier Southwest. Real nice guy, seemed like a straight shooter. He can get insurance that meets the regulations, and if you comply with some of their additional requirements (safe, etc.) you can get fire and theft coverage also. Haven't compared with anybody else yet.

I think my county is going to allow producers to locate in residential 5 acre zoning, but nothing rock solid yet.
Wish I knew what the price was going to be, would make some decisions a lot easier. lol

Really tho, free market, who knows where it will shake out, but probably won't hit a stable level for a few years. Nobody's setting the price, so the question is how efficiently can you grow quality - and still make it worth doing?
Here in Canada the government has decided on industrial mj. Two production licenses have been issued all ready. I've got the gears in motion. I've found someone without a criminal record who is willing to spearhead the application and I have another guy who has been turned down already and figures he can get it right the next time. I'm kinda hoping they score the right to produce. Iknow where I'll be working:)
Apply for your marijuana business license November 18 through December 19, 2013Marijuana licenses are not distributed on a first come, first served basis. All applications received or postmarked by December 19, 2013 will be reviewed. Applications submitted after December 19 will be returned.

Is there anything I should do now?
If you are forming a corporation or limited liability company (LLC), you must register with the Washington Secretary of State's (SOS) office. Register now. The Liquor Control Board (LCB) will not issue a license to a corporation or LLC that is not registered with SOS as a domestic entity.

How do I apply for a marijuana business license?
To apply for a marijuana business license, you must file a completed:

  • Business license application
  • Marijuana license addendum (available November 18, 2013)
You must also pay all required application fees and your license application must be approved by the Washington State Liquor Control Board (LCB).

How do I file?
The fastest and easiest way to file an application is online.

  • Online:
    On November 18, a link to the application will appear here. Pay using E-check of a MasterCard, Visa, or American Express credit or debit card. (Gift cards and refillable cards cannot be used.)
  • By mail:
    The paper application will be available on this web page November 18. Applications must be postmarked no later than December 19, 2013. Pay by check, cashier's check or money order only.
  • In person:
    The paper application will be available on this web page and at Department of Revenue offices starting November 18. You can drop it off, along with payment, at any Department of Revenue office. Pay by check, cashier's check, money order or cash only.

What will it cost?
All license applications must include:

  • A $250 nonrefundable fee for each marijuana endorsement you apply for (producer, processor, or retailer).
  • A $19 nonrefundable fee for filing the business license application.
  • A $5 nonrefundable fee for each trade name you register.
Depending on your business, other fees (some or all nonrefundable) may also apply, such as:

  • A weighing and measuring device fee if you are determining the amount to charge based on weight
  • City license fee

What are my risks?
If you aren't approved for a license by LCB, you will lose any nonrefundable fees.

Also, according to LCB:

  • The number of retailer licenses is limited; if too many apply, a lottery will be held for the eligible applicants.
  • Getting a license doesn’t guarantee that you can operate your business. Local laws may apply. LCB may issue a license even if the local authority has a marijuana moratorium in place.
  • I-502 also limits the size of the canopy grown by all marijuana producers to 2 million square feet. If the qualifying applications for producers exceed that limit, each producer license issued will have the square footage reduced proportionately.

What else do I need to know?
You should know:

  • Why the Liquor Control Board may deny an application.
  • Whether the local jurisdiction at your business location will allow marijuana businesses. Contact your local jurisdiction.
  • The distance restrictions for your business location.
  • The number of marijuana retailer licenses available in any city or county is limited. If the number of applications exceeds the licenses available, the Liquor Control Board will hold a lottery for the eligible applicants.
  • That no individual (principal) or business (entity) may have more than three marijuana licenses. Also, no individual or business can hold more than 33 percent of the retail licenses in any county or city that is allocated three or more licenses.
  • Retail marijuana licenses cannot be combined with producer or processor licenses. However, one owner may have both a producer and a processor license.
  • The LCB will approve or deny all completed applications submitted on time.
  • Information regarding medicinal marijuana can be found on Department of Health’s website.

When will the LCB begin issuing licenses?

There is no timeline established for the issuance of licenses. Visit the LCB I-502 web page or join the LCB listserv for the latest information.

What happens if I am approved for a marijuana license?
You will receive an electronic billing statement requesting payment of the $1,000 license fee for each license. Applicants approved for both a processor and producer license will need to pay $2,000. This covers the license fee(s) for your first year of operation

See also:

Great info, im in seattle area and trying to get my ducks in line so i can get my producer and processor lic. from what ive read you have to have a location to gow at befor you can get your lic, thats whats killing me right now :(
Great info, im in seattle area and trying to get my ducks in line so i can get my producer and processor lic. from what ive read you have to have a location to gow at befor you can get your lic, thats whats killing me right now :(

Just a location, not a signed lease to apply.


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I'm in! My business plan is almost complete. I've defined all the regs I need and I've just started a forum for this very discussion. please join as I just started it up and I go through a lot of the questions. I have property and plan on two level 3 producer and one processor license. I am looking for anyone who has capital that wants to see my business plan. I'm also looking for an experienced OUTDOOR grower who has knowledge and experience growing in Eastern Washington. Bought my business license Green Source and other trade names. Let's do this thing!
Probably a good guess. I'd say a bit more want to but once they read the WAC rules 60% will back out. More won't clear. Problem is they're putting a 2mil cap on production so my guess is everyone will be scaled back accordingly.