So you want to grow legally under 502?

My understanding is that final inspection by the LCB will mainly involve seeing that you have an operating security system in place- cameras and and an alarm system-, verifying yoiur floor plan and that you are tied into their tracking system with your computer. Along with a double check of the 1000 foot rule
When the county comes snooping around is anyone's guess
Over 1000 applied for tier 3. That's a minimum of 10 million square ft. They are permitting only 2 and even if they double it to 4, they are obviously going to have a lottery to weed the tier 3s out. And only about 1 in 10 will get a retail license. The tier 1 dudes should make it through just fine. They will hardly add to the glut with only 600,000 sq ft of canopy applied for in comparison with tier 3s minimum of 10 million. Oops gotta go. Super bowl time. Go Hawks!
Another option is to , just like the big Guys are going to do, just go ahead and PAY the $250 a day fine as a cost of doing business. My production cost is going to be around $12 an ounce thanks to no labor costs- and I can prove it on paper. I could harvest 20- 24 ounces a week off of 6 plants-- or a say $3000 a week in revenue minus $1750 for the weekly fine- equals ony about $1000 a week in profit but still not a bad SS supplement

Your forgetting about our taxes .....what % are you going to be paying to the State 25?..... how much to the FEDS?? 28%?

what about rent and lights....costs us $2 a g to manufacture
Your forgetting about our taxes .....what % are you going to be paying to the State 25?..... how much to the FEDS?? 28%?

what about rent and lights....costs us $2 a g to manufacture

The 3k on 24 ounces a week assumes a wholesale price of only $125 an ounce-- before tax- a reasonable assumption
As for the Feds, probably closer to 15-18%
As for rent, its part of my existing mortage, no extra cost
Power consumption will be an about 28.5 cents per gram-- or $8.04 an ounce--and THAT is assuming 24 hr lighting in the veg rooms with 8 bulbs per fixture. I COULD go 18/6 and only 6 bulbs in the veg room and still get 40- 45 watts per square ft ( 61 in the bloom rooms is the average assuming 8 bulbs)
Here's the math for my power bill
12 lights at 432 watts each = 5.184kw/hr x 24 hours a day = 124.416 kwh per day x 365 = 45411.84 kwh per year
assuming 8.2 cents per kwh that = $3724 a year

Note: if 18 hour days were used instead of 24 hour days, the bill drops by 16.67% to $3102
if 6 bulbs are used instead of 8 the bill drops by 25% to $2326

20 lights at 432 watts each =8.64 kw/hr x 12 hrs a day = 103.67 kw/h per day x 365 = 37839.55 kwh per year x .082 cents per kwh = $3054 per year

ventilation adds about another $1500
It all adds up to about $8400 a year in power to produce 1040 ounces a year -using a reasonable assumption of about 3.3 ounces per plant
The 3k on 24 ounces a week assumes a wholesale price of only $125 an ounce-- before tax- a reasonable assumption
As for the Feds, probably closer to 15-18%
As for rent, its part of my existing mortage, no extra cost
Power consumption will be an about 28.5 cents per gram-- or $8.04 an ounce--and THAT is assuming 24 hr lighting in the veg rooms with 8 bulbs per fixture. I COULD go 18/6 and only 6 bulbs in the veg room and still get 40- 45 watts per square ft ( 61 in the bloom rooms is the average assuming 8 bulbs)

remember Federally your not allowed the normal business deductions that business owners get until the FEDs reclassify

Existing growing from home??

Washington State has Puget Sound Energy with cost of .9 cent a kwh until you hit 1000 then its .11...I go .10 average

Im still trying to figure it all out myself
remember Federally your not allowed the normal business deductions that business owners get until the FEDs reclassify

Existing growing from home??

Washington State has Puget Sound Energy with cost of .9 cent a kwh until you hit 1000 then its .11...I go .10 average

Im still trying to figure it all out myself

I am growing in a converted outbuilding not attached to my home- so no 4th amendment conflicts as long as I use the facility strictly for growing pot-- and give them a key probably so they can conduct a surprise visit whenever
Puget sound energy schedule 8 applies since the power usage is above and beyond the normal residential usage and that averages 8.2 cents / kwh
Another thing I am doing is not choosing a name for my business that obviously shows that I am growing pot. When I go to the bank to open a business checking account, I will simply tell them I am a wholesale nursery, and my business name will back that up-- Northern Lights nursery.
I am also opening up an entirely different business -a wholesale nursery not growing pot-- for a lousy $34 fee and will call it Northern LIGHT Nursery. When the County eventually comes snooping around to see what I am doing with my LCB license, out comes the Northern LIGHT nursery paperwork to show that I am perfectly legit, if they knock on the door-- maybe even give them a free basil sample
I had a girlfriend once who was an insurance agent and she said I had the perfect mind for committing insurance fraud-- so be it. The County no play fair, neither do I
So the word is that my county is going to allow a 502 grow in residential zoning. Like it's no different than growing tomatoes, which is allowed in residential zoning. That would be great if it happens, I'll post when I hear the official word.On another note I called my insurance agent to ask about getting insurance as a producer/processor, he said there was only limited for dispensary at this point. The LCB rules currently call for insurance, including product liability. Don't know who would issue that, or if they did it would be at high prices, as to make it unavailable. Might make it impossible for the little guy.
Got my insurance through Mosaic. about $90 a month.
Over 1000 applied for tier 3. That's a minimum of 10 million square ft. They are permitting only 2 and even if they double it to 4, they are obviously going to have a lottery to weed the tier 3s out. And only about 1 in 10 will get a retail license. The tier 1 dudes should make it through just fine. They will hardly add to the glut with only 600,000 sq ft of canopy applied for in comparison with tier 3s minimum of 10 million. Oops gotta go. Super bowl time. Go Hawks!
According to my license investigator they'll make an across the board reduction by % of actual canopy. He also stated they can't make that determination until a year or more passes cause they don't know exactly what the canopy is.
Let me know if you find out something different. In all fairness though, it may just be since there are no final rules in place yet. They would be unwilling to underwrite anything until they know the lay of the land. Once the rules are finalized they might offer something. I would doubt that anyone would offer product liability for marijuana though, so hopefully that requirement will get changed.

The only insurance required is (1) Commercial general liability insurance:
I got a call from the LCB asking me the size of my Tier 1 canopy-- it's far less than the 2000 sq ft allowed so if they reduce it down by 80% to 400 sq ft max it's no big deal for me-
Just waiting now for one of the biggest phone calls of my life. It is a weeding out process and once you get that email with the documents you need to fill out, you are almost home free. I'm expecting it by the end of the month since they are doing producers first
I asked the LCB last summer when I started converting if my non attached outbuilding was to be considered part of my residence and they said no, as long as you are not LIVING in it and use it strictly for business you should be fine. I think one more stipulation is that they have easy access to it and that the facility is not locked behind a private gate. We shall soon see if that is so
Well well well! A WA House bill that would ban bans on pot passed a bipartisan commitee 9-0 and there is a public hearing on it today
Basically any mortorium or zoning ordinance concerning pot businesses become null and void and they must treat marijuana growing just like any other business.That means pot could be produced in Rural Residential zones in Kitsap county because "agricultural uses" are allowed there
They have already done this in King and Spokane Counties- so you can legally grow pot on a multitude of lots on Vashon Island but nowhere on neighboring Bainbridge Island
One nice thing about my legislature-- it only lasts two months so everyrthing gets done by the end of Feb. no keeping you hanging on for months and months like congress does. The ban on pot bans WILL have an up and down vote by the end of this month and it becomes effective IMMEDIATELY if passed. And I loved their logic-- Preemption of the cities and counties by the State may well BE illegal, but that will take years for the courts to decide but in the MEANTIME they have no time to diddle around on 502 or it fails. So all the whining this afternoon by the cities and counties about their violated zoning rights will go nowhere. THEY will have to take the State to court and not the other way around
Congrats to all those who got their light hoods all in a row in time to fire up an application! Sucks that I won't be joining you, but it just wasn't my time yet. I still have a lot to learn from about this amazing plant, but I will be joining you guys in the big leagues soon!