Social issues and pot -- not sure where to post this thread


Well-Known Member
I've been dating a woman since December. Like me, she's in her 40s, never married, no children, professional with a similar level of education. She said from the get-go to take it slow, so we did.

We've seen one another every weekend since December and have gotten together about once a week on weeknights. I deliberately didn't tell her that I'm a 30-year plus habitual pot user. I work in a sensitive field that would ruin me if it got out, so I figured I'd let her get to know me first. Then I'd tell her. I don't like being shady that way, but I wasn't going to tell her on the first date, nor the second, nor the third.

Since December, she's expressed complete intolerance about pot use. So oh boy, I thought, this will be a thing soon because the more we got to know one, then eventually I'd have to tell her. Given that she was a teenager and college student in the mid-1990s and went to a huge toker school, I figured it may not be that big of a deal after all.

My new GF is also obsessive-compulsive--planning every get-together down to minute details. It was getting tiresome. And not having a weekend to myself and my dog was taking its toll as well. So I told her tonight. We met for drinks after work, after our third beer and some good conversation I informed her of my big secret.

I kind of figured she'd dump me right there on the spot and she did. And that's kind of what I was hoping for because she was becoming kind of a pain in the ass. But her last words to me really pissed me off--and reveal how ill-informed she is on pot use.

She said "I have issues with substance abuse, and I just can't be around it. I hate it." Okay, she just killed three 9% porters in her 118 pound body and got in a car and drove (I walked to the bar). I haven't smoked at all today until now, and how is what I do "substance abuse" but killing three porters in a row is not?

Anyway, feel free to beat me up on how I handled this--that's fine. I know I fucked it up, but had I told her on date 1--there wouldn't have been a date 2 and a date 3. I just hate telling somebody that up front on the first meeting and that's all they know about you. I wanted her to get know other things about me before I revealed what's legal in four states and the District of Columbia, and quasi-legal in a dozen other states.

Substance abuse? Really?
I've been dating a woman since December. Like me, she's in her 40s, never married, no children, professional with a similar level of education. She said from the get-go to take it slow, so we did.

We've seen one another every weekend since December and have gotten together about once a week on weeknights. I deliberately didn't tell her that I'm a 30-year plus habitual pot user. I work in a sensitive field that would ruin me if it got out, so I figured I'd let her get to know me first. Then I'd tell her. I don't like being shady that way, but I wasn't going to tell her on the first date, nor the second, nor the third.

Since December, she's expressed complete intolerance about pot use. So oh boy, I thought, this will be a thing soon because the more we got to know one, then eventually I'd have to tell her. Given that she was a teenager and college student in the mid-1990s and went to a huge toker school, I figured it may not be that big of a deal after all.

My new GF is also obsessive-compulsive--planning every get-together down to minute details. It was getting tiresome. And not having a weekend to myself and my dog was taking its toll as well. So I told her tonight. We met for drinks after work, after our third beer and some good conversation I informed her of my big secret.

I kind of figured she'd dump me right there on the spot and she did. And that's kind of what I was hoping for because she was becoming kind of a pain in the ass. But her last words to me really pissed me off--and reveal how ill-informed she is on pot use.

She said "I have issues with substance abuse, and I just can't be around it. I hate it." Okay, she just killed three 9% porters in her 118 pound body and got in a car and drove (I walked to the bar). I haven't smoked at all today until now, and how is what I do "substance abuse" but killing three porters in a row is not?

Anyway, feel free to beat me up on how I handled this--that's fine. I know I fucked it up, but had I told her on date 1--there wouldn't have been a date 2 and a date 3. I just hate telling somebody that up front on the first meeting and that's all they know about you. I wanted her to get know other things about me before I revealed what's legal in four states and the District of Columbia, and quasi-legal in a dozen other states.

Substance abuse? Really?
You did the right thing, having to hide who you are is not being yourself.
so smoking pot is bad but drinking and driving is O.K? does anyone else see whats wrong with this picture?
so smoking pot is bad but drinking and driving is O.K? does anyone else see whats wrong with this picture?
That's the world man. People have stereotypes pounded in their head, and you can't change their mind no matter what you say because it's part of their belief system.

You can go to Africa and see a ten year old kid with an AK47, and the kids not scared to use it.

It's all bs people have been trained to believe.
Obviously not a fit, next... Pretty typical of hypocritical views where alcohol which can literally kill you and has been proven to destroy lives is socially acceptable, yet "the evil weed" labels you as a stoner. I had an ex like that, even though she knew well that I grew and smoked (well before we ever married, not like I hid it), she always looked down on it. Yet pounding down a bottle of wine or two was acceptable. Tried to have civil discussion on the subject many times but she was just so closed to the idea that I just gave up, and eventually gave her up... life goes on, better and greener pastures. If you can't be yourself with someone move on, it's not worth it and the relationship is doomed from day 1.