SoG Grow Room Discussion

Lumatek Duel ballast run 2 of the same spectrum lights at the same time. SO instead of buying 2 ballasts for 2 lights, only one duel ballast is required. See link: If anyone has any good or bad please let me know. As I said, one 600 W duel is about the same cost as 2- 600 W ballasts. I wonder if the energy consumption is the same too. Should be. One advantage is less ballasts and less wires.
SOG, i gotta give you props man i been following your thread for a couple of months now, u really are trying to make the best grow room ever.....but are you ever actually gonna start growing?? We wanna see some bud not schematics.....and this isnt supposed to be rude i just wanna see you grow some shiznet man.....keep up the good work tho it looks great....peace
are you ever actually gonna start growing?? We wanna see some bud not schematics.....and this isnt supposed to be rude i just wanna see you grow some shiznet man.....keep up the good work tho it looks great....peace
i know bro; non taken, i cant wait myself!
its time consuming doing everything by myself with no help what so ever
sometimes i get overwhelmed with what need to be accomplished to make this successful crop
i was about to start two weeks ago; when i opened the tents up
but quickly realized the heat is to much of a problem up there
working in the attic in the afternoon it was maybe 85 outside
inside my attic it climbed up to almost 100, and we are not in full summer yet

the good news is, i finished the framing part yesterday
need to sheet rock it; insulate and I'm good to go
somewhere in the next two weeks
SoG...sounds like the "security" issue you had as been solved. Did you find a new abode, or did everything work out for the place you were originally going to grow in? Can't wait for you to get going...I plan on getting tents similar to your's and I'm dying to see how everything looks all set up and growing in them...your subject's wait with bated breath for the grow to begin:lol:

i know bro; non taken, i cant wait myself!
its time consuming doing everything by myself with no help what so ever
sometimes i get overwhelmed with what need to be accomplished to make this successful crop
i was about to start two weeks ago; when i opened the tents up
but quickly realized the heat is to much of a problem up there
working in the attic in the afternoon it was maybe 85 outside
inside my attic it climbed up to almost 100, and we are not in full summer yet

the good news is, i finished the framing part yesterday
need to sheet rock it; insulate and I'm good to go
somewhere in the next two weeks
SoG...sounds like the "security" issue you had as been solved. Did you find a new abode, or did everything work out for the place you were originally going to grow in? Can't wait for you to get going...I plan on getting tents similar to your's and I'm dying to see how everything looks all set up and growing in them...your subject's wait with bated breath for the grow to begin:lol:

sup bro
security issue has subsided for the time being, but may still show up
i am still on the look for a new abode, while moving along with my plans
Good to know you can move ahead, but I don't need to remind you that security trumps everything. As much as I'm dying to see this grand project truly take off, I hope you've weighed risk vs reward very carefully. I'm sure you have...just can't help looking out for you, bro. Don't know you personally, but we're all one big family on here.

sup bro
security issue has subsided for the time being, but may still show up
i am still on the look for a new abode, while moving along with my plans
Good to know you can move ahead, but I don't need to remind you that security trumps everything. As much as I'm dying to see this grand project truly take off, I hope you've weighed risk vs reward very carefully. I'm sure you have...just can't help looking out for you, bro. Don't know you personally, but we're all one big family on here.

thanks Shrike,
i will only be growing 12 plants as my MMJ allow for two people
not doing mothers or cloning until i secure a new abode
i know its crazy, but I'm invested so far in this place
i might as well use it for what I'm legally permitted

i will deploy with all the bells and whistles i have waiting,
it will be a great learning curve for my next...
Cool...I wasn't sure if you were carded or not. So, it doesn't allow mothers or cloning? That's can only grow from seed or a clone, but then you're not allowed to clone? Is that right or am I just dense (probably dense;-)).

And you're not crazy in the slightest...with the money and sweat labor you've pored into this project so far, you would be crazy not to see it through...and your learning curve is certainly ours. We all are learning a great deal from you and I thank you once again for your generosity in sharing this fantastic project. You and Stink are great people!:lol:

thanks Shrike,
i will only be growing 12 plants as my MMJ allow for two people
not doing mothers or cloning until i secure a new abode
i know its crazy, but I'm invested so far in this place
i might as well use it for what I'm legally permitted

i will deploy with all the bells and whistles i have waiting,
it will be a great learning curve for my next...
Cool...I wasn't sure if you were carded or not. So, it doesn't allow mothers or cloning? That's can only grow from seed or a clone, but then you're not allowed to clone? Is that right or am I just dense (probably dense;-)).

lol :bigjoint:
i am carded, MMJ permits up to 24 plants per patient in ca
out of these only 6 are allowed to mature over 18"
i will only mature 12 plants to stay on safe side
Yup...I'm dense. You explained it perfect to me.:roll: Hey, did you ever finish putting up the 300? I would have liked to have seen a few perspective pic's of that one too, the way you did it with the 240.

lol :bigjoint:
i am carded, MMJ permits up to 24 plants per patient in ca
out of these only 6 are allowed to mature over 18"
i will only mature 12 plants to stay on safe side
i know bro; non taken, i cant wait myself!
its time consuming doing everything by myself with no help what so ever
sometimes i get overwhelmed with what need to be accomplished to make this successful crop
i was about to start two weeks ago; when i opened the tents up
but quickly realized the heat is to much of a problem up there
working in the attic in the afternoon it was maybe 85 outside
inside my attic it climbed up to almost 100, and we are not in full summer yet

the good news is, i finished the framing part yesterday
need to sheet rock it; insulate and I'm good to go
somewhere in the next two weeks

Bro - you are doing great - I am actually amazed at how much you have done! A system like yours takes time to do it right... My room is small scale compared to you and it is still a work in progress - that has taken much longer than expected. The wife gave me the go ahead in December of last year. I feel like I have been going gung ho on the project since then, and I just now got my first 2 batches in flower, April 1! I thought I would be blazing my first Stink harvest by now! Keep up the good work.
did you ever finish putting up the 300? I would have liked to have seen a few perspective pic's of that one too, the way you did it with the 240.

yes i did put it up; right next to the 240
i realized i wasn't going to run the tents this way exposed in the attic,
i ended up not throwing the canopy on top of it, and I'm glad i didn't!
it was a bitch to fold the 240's canopy back

i did take pictures of the two next to each other(check my albums)

Bro - you are doing great - I am actually amazed at how much you have done! A system like yours takes time to do it right... My room is small scale compared to you and it is still a work in progress - that has taken much longer than expected. The wife gave me the go ahead in December of last year. I feel like I have been going gung ho on the project since then, and I just now got my first 2 batches in flower, April 1! I thought I would be blazing my first Stink harvest by now! Keep up the good work.

Thank you Lions, you made my day :clap:
you have no idea how guilty I've been feeling; I'm not up and running yet!
it toke me almost 4 month putting my plans and schematics together
i figured it should be a cakewalk from there; man was i wrong
it takes so much work and I'm doing it all by myself
its overwhelming sometimes ;-)
SOG, so you won't be using the Dark Room tents after all? Will the IR shield work in much the same fashion behind the sheet rock? Absence of the DR would definitely explain the serious joist support you installed in the last segment of pics.

Would a veg. setup benefit from the enclosed tent 'room within a room' the DRs offer?

With the numbers you now propose to do in the room, do you still plan on using those sawed-off aero-arms, or what?

it takes so much work and I'm doing it all by myself
its overwhelming sometimes
Amazing. This begs the next question of what nutrient system you yourself are on. What does a hybrid system of scholar and draft-horse eat to stay ahead of the game? :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Joking aside, you do get Most Thorough Setup of the Year Award by default. :peace:
1. you won't be using the Dark Room tents after all?
2. Will the IR shield work in much the same fashion behind the sheet rock?
3. Would a veg. setup benefit from the enclosed tent 'room within a room' the DRs offer?
4. do you still plan on using those sawed-off aero-arms, or what?

Thanks Old Frog
1 => i still be using the tents; inside the attic space i created
2 => not sure yet, ill be contacting the company to find out in a day or two
3 => i have no other option due to excessive heat buildup in my attic
i had to separate the space from the rest of the attic and external walls, then insulate it
4 => for sure, ill be spacing more apart and use double clipping to increase yield (four main arms) while in my legal limits
called Easy-Grow to find out about applying the easy grow foil
behind the Sheetrock, and was assured this will be effective

why not polyshield from lowes or home depot?

I'm doing this layer between the studs and the Sheetrock strictly for reducing IR heat sig,
the films your talking about don't have that feature in their property

this item is actually being tested by professor from NASA based in Florida, who is testing the foils in regards to infra red protection, as they have a need for a product to protect some of there equipment, once the full results of these test are available they will publish them on their website.

this is a direct quote from the person i spoke with at Easy-Grow
even with the styrofoam attached to the film?

it seems the hydro stores sell a different version than lowes.

the 4x8 sheets at lowes come with a film with a styrofoam backing.
even with the styrofoam attached to the film?

it seems the hydro stores sell a different version than lowes.

the 4x8 sheets at lowes come with a film with a styrofoam backing.

these are used mainly for insulation and for reducing thermal heat by deflecting heat away
I'm referring to something complete different, which is blocking IR rays
watch this, should explain this more easily


and here is the differences with and without,
as demonstrated with a similar product; that protein to have similar properties
note the heat signature in the middle pic, and compare with the last one
also note that this will not be visible with any the Secret Jardin's dark rooms
the test tent is a simple plain tent with no PET coating
