SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
When do you install the "intelliPOT????:lol:

I wish you 10 successful grows for each trich on this bud...:eyesmoke:
ty G :hug:
the intelliPOT is installed ;-)

saw these mad trichomes earlier, i just don't know what to say to ya anymore
other then, stop rubbing it in ya :cuss::cuss::cuss:

you, you just wait



Well-Known Member
Hell, you deserve that and more...:lol:

If it wasn't for you, my house prolly woulda caught fire a long time go...:lol::hug:

the intelliPOT is installed ;-)

Where??? them gizmos???

You smoke them things????

Seems expensive and foul...:roll:


saw these mad trichomes earlier, i just don't know what to say to ya anymore
other then, stop rubbing it in ya :cuss::cuss::cuss:
I just think that if we keep showing you pictures of pot plants, one of these days you'll break down and actually grow one yourself...:bigjoint:

you, you just wait

Sure... hell we've ALL been waiting since NOVEMBER OF LAST YEAR:sleep:

What's another YEAR???;-):eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
harsh. haha. its coming along. i am having heat issues sog come on with that heat exchnger allready. gah


Well-Known Member
Hell, you deserve that and more...:lol:

If it wasn't for you, my house prolly woulda caught fire a long time go...:lol:

hell we've ALL been waiting since NOVEMBER OF LAST YEAR:sleep:

What's another YEAR???;-):eyesmoke:
you know i was thinking that myself, it's no biggie :bigjoint:

harsh. haha. its coming along. i am having heat issues sog come on with that heat exchnger allready. gah
na... were just having fun bra ;-)

hold your fingers crossed for me guys
the exchanger is in testing; under full production load as we speak
I'm dialing it to work under 2000 cfm, and possibly more!!! :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Sog there is no doubt in my mind that this is one of the most technologically (?) built rooms Ive ever seen for growing. I just hope it works out better for you in this room, than someone with zero technology who keeps it simple in his garage. I mean I hope for what your putting into it, that you will be gettting much better results than anyone else on the planet for that matter. Big huge nugs / yeilds / quality... I too cant wait for some plants in here, however, coming from a man that never fully finishes anything, be patient lol. Good luck man. Keep that engineering brain train of yours a tuggin.


Well-Known Member
I just hope it works out better for you in this room, than someone with zero technology who keeps it simple in his garage.
ty Lenny,
its important to remember; my goal isn't to harvest the biggest bud's ever seen
although that who'd be a great added value, I'm looking to build a self sustained system
in which i don't have to physically tend to it constantly or loss sleep over it
i want to come in once in two weeks; cycle clones with mature plats, and that's it!

i will be able to make just about any changes needed remotely,
view the conditions remotely, of past and present conditions
this is crucial for fine tuning and tweaking the environment
alarmed only when something goes wrong and the system
really needs a person to attend a crisis situation
(the system will shut down and signal me)

the next phase will be to automate the nute's and water cycle to the same level
nute's, ph, etc... all will be constantly adjusted on the fly,
this will be done for each res individually, with a complete flush and refill schedule

to sum this up, I'm not looking to make this my full time job, ...yet ;-)



Well-Known Member
Yes the details truly are amazing sir, If I get a strand of good luck goin perhaps I will dive little by little into your big leagues. I love the idea of automation I totally see where your coming from.


Well-Known Member
automation... maybe if I hang around this thread long enough I'll be able to afford something like that? haha... I'm with ya 100% on that SOG. If you got the money to do something like that :) . How do you plan to alert yourself? What type of software are you or would you be using to monitor conditions? Also... what type of equipment are you using to automate nutrient mixing and res flushing?



Well-Known Member
automation... maybe if I hang around this thread long enough I'll be able to afford something like that? haha... I'm with ya 100% on that SOG. If you got the money to do something like that :) . How do you plan to alert yourself? What type of software are you or would you be using to monitor conditions? Also... what type of equipment are you using to automate nutrient mixing and res flushing?

little midgets? lol... SOG your the man dude.. I could never throw this much money into this... the wife would kill me... LoL


Well-Known Member
What would you say is the best temp for my res water, in my aero/nft system. I just bought my first chiller and am setting up.



Well-Known Member
What would you say is the best temp for my res water, in my aero/nft system. I just bought my first chiller and am setting up.

roots don't like too cold or too hot of water
ambient room temps are ideal around 76
double check with Stink's thread,
this issue came up few months back
