SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!


Well-Known Member
just a quick Q. how long should roots be before transplanting into soil? ta
this is how long i let mine go PJ....this way i know a well developed root sysetem is going into that soil....the roots are the base of ur growth....shitty downstairs means a shitty will be rewarded if you let proper root systems develop before planting, i know i do....hope that helps ya a little....later on bro....ganja


this is how long i let mine go PJ....this way i know a well developed root sysetem is going into that soil....the roots are the base of ur growth....shitty downstairs means a shitty will be rewarded if you let proper root systems develop before planting, i know i do....hope that helps ya a little....later on bro....ganja
NO WAY!!! i transplanted mine today and the roots were about a inch long. several though not just one. i read somewhere that they transplant when they were half inch. i know what you mean about downstairs/upstairs. makes sense! will leave the next lot to grow longer.

although, the 15 Cali that i transplanted this morning are still looking good now. not gone droopy or anything yet so i think they should be ok. they in 24/0 now so roots will get cracking im sure!


woops, ive had a bit of a set back. in my aero cloner, i forgot to change the water as it had some light nutes in. when ive put my new cuttings in it they have all gone soggy, soft, fell over and died :(

just a little tip for any body using one.... DO NOT USE NUTES UNTIL ROOTS HAVE FORMED!!!

flower room looking awesome and the BLZ bud is now starting to frost a little but is very sticky!!! cant wait!!! i keep meaning to get pictures too but always forget!!!


quick question...

i dont have much space in my grow space unfortunately and all my ballasts are in the mother room which is the coolest room.

My Q is, is it ok to stack the ballasts on top of each other or will they become too hot and over heat?



Well-Known Member
r they digital????i would say, digital yes, not digital no

and i would still put space between them...maybe a peice of 2x4 at each end


Active Member
yep, keep magnetic ballasts well away from each other, digital ones aren't near as likely to arc.


cool, they are about 2 inches away from each other at the moment. they take up shit loads of space. i may have to construct a rack for them at some point.......


I have 3 in the mother room atm but when i put upanother 600w i will have another ballast too. I keep them in the mom room as its my coolest room, they would overheat for sure in the flower room. I think im going to need a A/C unit or something but at the moment im broke so cant afford one.

Would a a/c put too much moisture in the flower room? possible mould problems? or would i be ok?



Active Member
A/c's tend to dehumidify a bit, not a whole lot, but some. you should be just fine. the main issue with an a/c is finding the balance between your ventilation and cooling. you have to get fresh air in to the grow space and take old air out. too much air exchange and the a/c wont be able to keep up, too little and your plants will suffer. in a small space like yours, a simple co2 system will help a lot. a couple homemade co2 bottles should be all you need, but you could get a tank and control valve. depending on where you live and how hot your area gets during summer, you may be able to control your heat with enclosed, ducted hoods and a strong inline fan.


i was thinking a larger inline fan but its already loud enough on a night. i will deffo be getting ducted hoods when i get some £££ in but atm theres no chance!

you say co2 bottles keep heat down? or have i read that wrong? ( i think i have) i assume you mean co2 along with the A/c?


Active Member
the co2 is to help supplement the air if you have limited ventilation. to quiet the fan get insulated ducting and securely mount the fan to a stud with strong bolts and thick rubber washers. you would be surprised how much noise is created just by the fan rattling around and air rushing through the ducting.


Well-Known Member
i was thinking a larger inline fan but its already loud enough on a night. i will deffo be getting ducted hoods when i get some £££ in but atm theres no chance!

you say co2 bottles keep heat down? or have i read that wrong? ( i think i have) i assume you mean co2 along with the A/c?
what up pj...just letting u know im lurking...i think what scca was talking about, is that plants are able to handle higher temperatures better if theres a good supply of cO2 in the room....correct scca?

and Pj, i know im slakin about the mom post, but u know how it is....super busy with the indoor and outdoor running in circles...will do it...def will do it...just dont know when....If u have any specific problems i can help u with regarding ur moms, shoot me a pm...lata brother..ganj


Active Member
yes the plants will handle higher temps better with some co2, i just meant the co2 would help the plants if you weren't bringing in enough fresh air.


hi guys, another quick question....

is there any benefits to watering at the end of the 12/12 cycle so the roots are soaked in darkness?

or is it best to water in the "morning" of the cycle?



Active Member
its better to water in the morning, but if the plant is dry it doesn't hurt to water in the evening. i start with morning waterings, but by the end of bloom im usually watering at night one time and in the morning the next. its more important not to let the plant get too dry, the actual timing of the watering doesnt make much difference. just be sure not to let too much water bead up on the leaves if you water in the morning.