What Are Humic and Fulvic Acids?
In case someone wants to know - good for humans too - I use a similar product to my teas
Humic acid and fulvic acid are types of “humic substances,” the major components of organic matter found throughout nature as a result of the action of millions of beneficial microbes on decomposing plants (humification). Considered to be the most chemically active compounds in soil, humic substances contain many nutritional phytochemical groups, including natural sterols, hormones, fatty acids, polyphenols, and ketones, as well as phytochemical subgroups of compounds such as flavonoids, flavones, flavins, catechins, tannins, quinones, isoflavones, and tocopherols, among others. These compounds are some of the most valuable and promising anti-cancer nutrients known today.
In case someone wants to know - good for humans too - I use a similar product to my teas
Humic acid and fulvic acid are types of “humic substances,” the major components of organic matter found throughout nature as a result of the action of millions of beneficial microbes on decomposing plants (humification). Considered to be the most chemically active compounds in soil, humic substances contain many nutritional phytochemical groups, including natural sterols, hormones, fatty acids, polyphenols, and ketones, as well as phytochemical subgroups of compounds such as flavonoids, flavones, flavins, catechins, tannins, quinones, isoflavones, and tocopherols, among others. These compounds are some of the most valuable and promising anti-cancer nutrients known today.