Soil other than oceanforest


Active Member
so im going to be growing soon and i want to go chemical. anybody know any non organic soil that has a good ph for marijuana.

i mean i know organic is great and oceanforest is the shit but sometimes you just gata go off the hinges.

any sugesstions would be appriated

Big Raw J

Active Member
You can still feed with chemical ferts in an organic soil. Doesn't really matter.. It's the nutes that make your grow chemical or organic. I would just go with the FFOF.


New Member
Check out "Roots Organic" if your looking for somthing in a bag ready to use Ingredients: Coco fiber, peat moss, perlite, pumice, premium worm castings, bat guano, kelp, fish bone meal, soy bean meal, feather meal, greensand, leonardite, and alfalfa meal. really good stuff iver seen out door gardeners who just planted in the bag its already cammo check it out


Well-Known Member
get a big bag of MG moisture control, i just popped 5 seeds in some of this stuff and they are doing great.


Active Member
canna terra pro/ pro plus or plagron bat mix organic tho but probably better than the chemical shit out there anyway


Well-Known Member
"Soil" is organic, so you're screwed. Better pick a new hobby. :razz:

Yea pretty much.

Why you wouldnt want to go full organic is beyond me. You want dense beautiful tastey buds, you better spend the money on quality.

Do it right or dont do it all.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I think I may have stuck my foot in my mouth, on that one. I believe "organic" means something to the effect "derived from living organisms", in which case "soil" wouldn't fit. It's derived from rocks, which for the most part, were never composed of living organisms. Hmm...ahh well, I don't feel like Googling it, so whether wrong or right, sounded good, ATM. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ya, but theres not exactly much "chemical" additives in soil.

I dont think you can actually create a synthentic soil lol.

I guess it depends on what your definition of organic is.


Regular home improvement store potting soil that 'feeds for up to 6 months' is what you're looking for.

It is essentially 'organic': until the urea, potassium chloride and micronutrients chelated via ethylene-diamine-tetraacetic acid are added; creating an environment in which beneficial microbes cannot thrive.


super soil potting mix.... 8 bucks per 2 cubic feet @ home depot.... full of good stuff....can intro nutes slowly @1/4 strenghth


Active Member
First of all all the smartass comments arnt necessary. lots of people on here have no lives. anyways mg ph level is sky high so thats a no. thanks for all the useful info and for the douch bags with the dumb ass awnsers, get a new hobby. (you try to make people feel dumb because you feel dumb all the time)