How did you end up using the light mover?Just wondering if anyone has used the Solar Revolution Light mover. I am looking into getting it and want to know if anyone likes it or dislikes it for any reason. I have an aeroponic garden. Thanks for your help.
O well worth a try. Not getting any replies probs pushed him to another forum. Ive used the forum for yrs without logging trying to get a responce from someone that hasn't been on since Oct 28, 2009
Very old thread
LOL! You must be talking about those ceiling fan looking lights. Forget what they're called. Not even sure anyone uses them or if they're even around anymore. They came out about 10 years ago.Unless ofcourse it's spinning in a circle at 1000 rpm lol
Interesting lol View attachment 4037924
tape a boxcutter to the lower shadeInteresting lol View attachment 4037924
tape a boxcutter to the lower shade
and you can harvest once they get tall enough too
Exactly! Light movers are around the same cost as an extra light! Much better solution. Plus, with dimmable ballasts, you can turn the lights down and move them closer, since each light would only have to cover half the space. That means lower temps and energy usage!an extra light don't cost that much either
Youtube is full of them.IMO, As inexpensive as light movers are, I'd think that tons of people would be using them if they made a significant enough difference in yield. I'd also have to imagine there would be tons of DIY tutorials.
Ah, didn't know that.Youtube is full of them.
I seen a lot of the commercial growers are using 1000watt hps on parallel movers with the light less then 12 inches from the top of canopy. Some say there are noticeable increases have been recorded with movers then the ones who haven't used them are saying waste of time. The money for a unit at the local hydro shop is about 300 bucks. The savings on equipment plus extra penetration from the light moving and closer to the plant seems to be very attractive. Im on the fence with with it. May go one more grow with the same old then have a few tests with movers. See if i can dial it in.Ah, didn't know that.