Some are more equal than others...

You are not advocating for parental choice
You are advocating for eviscerating our public school system
Again you are too stupid to even understand what the euphenism "school choice" means

You are the one wrapped up in rhetoric. *Our* public school system is failing to educate *Our* children yet somehow you feel the need to defend it beyond it's reasonable death.

I want parental choice. I want parents to be able to choose where their kids go to school. If they want them to go to the public school then they can. If they want to make some other choice then they can. If they want to home school then they can. Which part of that is wrong? Which part of it is anti-parental choice?

Cheesy, you are all over the place. You accuse the rich of being the problem with illiteracy and then cannot defend the platform. It doesnt make you a bad person, it doesnt make you evil and it doesnt even make you wrong. What it does mean is that you havent thought it through. You are far less liberal than I am and you fail to see it... LOL!!!

I want parents to have a choice where their kids go to school - Parental choice. I want a woman to have the choice of what they want to do with their body. Consequently I also want a man to have the same right. That means all drug use should be legal with a doctor's consult. It means the government should not make any decisions regarding abortion, gay marriage, and a hundred other issues.

You just want the government to run people's lives the way you feel is right rather than who you feel is in opposition to you.

Maybe one day you will see the charade for what it is and stop thinking there are 2 sides.
More money
smaller class sizes
and parental involvement are the cures to our educational shortcomings

Something you would know if it wasnt for the constant drum beat of right wing lunatics willing to sacrifice young lives for partisan purposes

And when did I say that illiteracy was the fault of the rich?
You are one fucked up little bot arent you?

It was back in post #411.

"You do not seem to understand that the very government you look to as the fix for the situation is the monster that created the problem. You dont go to a meth addict and demand that he legislate himself out of his meth supply... If you think the politicians will take money out of their OWN pockets you are delusional. You still believe their promises because SCIENCE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT !!
The goverment created health care crisis , poverty and illiteracy?"


If you are not blaming it on the government, then who are you blaming it on???
You know one of the best days of my life?

When I found out that my brother in law was going to quit his job and start a business. Because I KNEW my nephews would get a proper education in LIFE. They can get indoctrinated in public and/or private school during the day and learn about business and the way the real world works on weekends working for their dad. School wont give them shit...
You are the one wrapped up in rhetoric. *Our* public school system is failing to educate *Our* children yet somehow you feel the need to defend it beyond it's reasonable death.

I want parental choice. I want parents to be able to choose where their kids go to school. If they want them to go to the public school then they can. If they want to make some other choice then they can. If they want to home school then they can. Which part of that is wrong? Which part of it is anti-parental choice?

Cheesy, you are all over the place. You accuse the rich of being the problem with illiteracy and then cannot defend the platform. It doesnt make you a bad person, it doesnt make you evil and it doesnt even make you wrong. What it does mean is that you havent thought it through. You are far less liberal than I am and you fail to see it... LOL!!!

I want parents to have a choice where their kids go to school - Parental choice. I want a woman to have the choice of what they want to do with their body. Consequently I also want a man to have the same right. That means all drug use should be legal with a doctor's consult. It means the government should not make any decisions regarding abortion, gay marriage, and a hundred other issues.

You just want the government to run people's lives the way you feel is right rather than who you feel is in opposition to you.

Maybe one day you will see the charade for what it is and stop thinking there are 2 sides.

lol, meltdown.
On a side note. I thought "Ignored Member" meant I should go jerk off until someone explained it to me ;]
You know one of the best days of my life?

When I found out that my brother in law was going to quit his job and start a business. Because I KNEW my nephews would get a proper education in LIFE. They can get indoctrinated in public and/or private school during the day and learn about business and the way the real world works on weekends working for their dad. School wont give them shit...

i'm not sure they're gonna learn much by mowing lawns and cleaning pools.
You know one of the best days of my life?

When I found out that my brother in law was going to quit his job and start a business. Because I KNEW my nephews would get a proper education in LIFE. They can get indoctrinated in public and/or private school during the day and learn about business and the way the real world works on weekends working for their dad. School wont give them shit...
And if his business fails then they can learn about food stamps.
You know here's a thought , maybe the young generation thats been brought up & led to believe unions are bad for business start supporting pro union legislators .

Wanna close the gap between the ultra rich jet setting 1%ers ? Stop voting for legislators who have been HEAVILY funded by the ABC , thats the largest union busting lobby for those not in the know .

The only way America is gonna see a large population of middle class again is to stop accepting sub par wages being paid & organize , you'll live better .
You know here's a thought , maybe the young generation thats been brought up & led to believe unions are bad for business start supporting pro union legislators .

Wanna close the gap between the ultra rich jet setting 1%ers ? Stop voting for legislators who have been HEAVILY funded by the ABC , thats the largest union busting lobby for those not in the know .

The only way America is gonna see a large population of middle class again is to stop accepting sub par wages being paid & organize , you'll live better .
But Unions are evil.
They support pro labor candidates none of which seem to be Republican
ACORN was evil as well. They actually registered poor people to vote

Only Job Creators are good and pure and know whats best for America. Becuase they have our best interests in mind.

That is why we must eliminate the Department of Education which keeps religion out of schools, has the audacity to try and improve education and supports public schooling that is infested with Unionized teachers that think for some reason 5+ years of education and accredidation somehow relates to more than 25000 dollars a year salary
That is why we must eliminate the Department of Education which keeps religion out of schools, has the audacity to try and improve education and supports public schooling that is infested with Unionized teachers that think for some reason 5+ years of education and accredidation somehow relates to more than 25000 dollars a year salary

I know , they think the union teachers getting $25k a yr salary are paid too much , ive got cd players that cost damm near that much & people are supposed to support families on that wage , plus pay back student loans , ya get what ya pay for & we wonder why public school teachers dont give a shit about teaching inner city kids .
I know , they think the union teachers getting $25k a yr salary are paid too much , ive got cd players that cost damm near that much & people are supposed to support families on that wage , plus pay back student loans , ya get what ya pay for & we wonder why public school teachers dont give a shit about teaching inner city kids .
In actuality. Even teachers in inner city schools are dedicated and invested in their class. The big problem with teaching kids at least here in Milwaukee, is parental involvement and stress in the home and neighborhoods.

Taking away money from public schools isnt going to help, it will only exacerbate the problems. Want to know what the department of education does for Milwaukee and surrounding area schools? They send in additional teacher helpers at no cost to the local school district to help deal with the overloaded classrooms budget cuts and school closings have wrought on the school district.

We had our kid in a public elementary school. Almost 40 kids to a class and our daughters was a split grade becuase all the single grade classes had 40+ kids in class and they couldnt dedicate a teacher to a single grade with the remainding 20 or so kids so they combined them with the next grade up.

All these very stupid ass fucking anti union types are opposed to public schooling for the sole reason the teachers are in unions. Nothing more. Everything they say as their reasons for hating public schools is either their ignorance or something they heard from their Partisan handlers.

"school choice" is a euphenism for kill public education. every third party study of "choice" schooling has over all shown insignificant gains, no gains or worse test scores.
now the push is to disengage "choice" schools from the testing process so that cannot even be empirically compared.
"school choice" is a euphenism for kill public education.
Exact same thing they do with intelligent design, they disguise it as "free choice".. "teach the controversy and let the kids decide!", same thing NLXSK1 and DD do with the citizens united ruling, paint it up as opposition to free speech

There isn't a more transparent, disingenuous tactic
In actuality. Even teachers in inner city schools are dedicated and invested in their class. The big problem with teaching kids at least here in Milwaukee, is parental involvement and stress in the home and neighborhoods.

Taking away money from public schools isnt going to help, it will only exacerbate the problems. Want to know what the department of education does for Milwaukee and surrounding area schools? They send in additional teacher helpers at no cost to the local school district to help deal with the overloaded classrooms budget cuts and school closings have wrought on the school district.

We had our kid in a public elementary school. Almost 40 kids to a class and our daughters was a split grade becuase all the single grade classes had 40+ kids in class and they couldnt dedicate a teacher to a single grade with the remainding 20 or so kids so they combined them with the next grade up.

All these very stupid ass fucking anti union types are opposed to public schooling for the sole reason the teachers are in unions. Nothing more. Everything they say as their reasons for hating public schools is either their ignorance or something they heard from their Partisan handlers.

"school choice" is a euphenism for kill public education. every third party study of "choice" schooling has over all shown insignificant gains, no gains or worse test scores.
now the push is to disengage "choice" schools from the testing process so that cannot even be empirically compared.
Could you not fund schools based on results and attendance?

Good schools with lots of students equals lots of Fed Dollars, crappy schools get crappier and die out.
Could you not fund schools based on results and attendance?

Good schools with lots of students equals lots of Fed Dollars, crappy schools get crappier and die out.
Eliminating schools will not decrease classroom size, schools are majority funded by local property taxes not federal dollars
Citizens United:

The majority wrote, "If the First Amendment has any force, it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech."

Justice Kennedy's opinion for the majority also noted that because the First Amendment (and the Court) does not distinguish between media and other corporations, these restrictions would allow Congress to suppress political speech in newspapers, books, television, and blogs.[2] The Court overruled Austin, which had held that a state law that prohibited corporations from using treasury money to support or oppose candidates in elections did not violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments. The Court also overruled that portion of McConnell that upheld BCRA's restriction of corporate spending on "electioneering communications". The Court's ruling effectively freed corporations and unions to spend money both on "electioneering communications" and to directly advocate for the election or defeat of candidates (although not to contribute directly to candidates or political parties).

Neither I, nor NLSX are Anthony Kennedy.
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