Well-Known Member
You are not advocating for parental choice
You are advocating for eviscerating our public school system
Again you are too stupid to even understand what the euphenism "school choice" means
You are the one wrapped up in rhetoric. *Our* public school system is failing to educate *Our* children yet somehow you feel the need to defend it beyond it's reasonable death.
I want parental choice. I want parents to be able to choose where their kids go to school. If they want them to go to the public school then they can. If they want to make some other choice then they can. If they want to home school then they can. Which part of that is wrong? Which part of it is anti-parental choice?
Cheesy, you are all over the place. You accuse the rich of being the problem with illiteracy and then cannot defend the platform. It doesnt make you a bad person, it doesnt make you evil and it doesnt even make you wrong. What it does mean is that you havent thought it through. You are far less liberal than I am and you fail to see it... LOL!!!
I want parents to have a choice where their kids go to school - Parental choice. I want a woman to have the choice of what they want to do with their body. Consequently I also want a man to have the same right. That means all drug use should be legal with a doctor's consult. It means the government should not make any decisions regarding abortion, gay marriage, and a hundred other issues.
You just want the government to run people's lives the way you feel is right rather than who you feel is in opposition to you.
Maybe one day you will see the charade for what it is and stop thinking there are 2 sides.