Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.

i tend not to read every post by you but just to clarify , you dont believe in what your bible says ?

The bible says we will be sent to a grave (which was originally Sheol, translated to hell when it should have just been translated to grave) when we die (unless you go to heaven, which I'm not counting on), so I don't go against my beliefs.
lol at the bible and the people who read it like it's all truth.

Lol at others who scoff at people because they think they are superior to others. We are both gonna be worm food, so no matter how great you think you are at some point in the future you will literally be nothing but shit, :).
The bible says we will be sent to a grave (which was originally Sheol, translated to hell when it should have just been translated to grave) when we die (unless you go to heaven, which I'm not counting on), so I don't go against my beliefs.

so if your not going to go to hell for sinning etc and your just going to go to your grave,then why the heck are you worshiping this homophobic sadistic evil mass murdering god ?
it really dosent make sense ,
so if i go against the ten comandments etc i will just go to my grave and rot but if im a good boy and worship your god etc i get to spend eternity in this heaven lol eternity anywhere would some become tourture , could you possibly imagine spending eternity anywhere lol no matter how good of a place it was to start with it would soon be sheer tourture
funny thing is ,real christians like the west bourough baptist church folks say totally the oppisite to you , infact every other christian ive ever met thinks hell is a real place , but i kind of like your twist on this , it amuses me .
so if your not going to go to hell for sinning etc and your just going to go to your grave,then why the heck are you worshiping this homophobic sadistic evil mass murdering god ?
it really dosent make sense ,
so if i go against the ten comandments etc i will just go to my grave and rot but if im a good boy and worship your god etc i get to spend eternity in this heaven lol eternity anywhere would some become tourture , could you possibly imagine spending eternity anywhere lol no matter how good of a place it was to start with it would soon be sheer tourture
funny thing is ,real christians like the west bourough baptist church folks say totally the oppisite to you , infact every other christian ive ever met thinks hell is a real place , but i kind of like your twist on this , it amuses me .

I know what you mean about eternity. I can't lie (because obviously my god would know) but I would soon become tortured by heaven. But the grave is just ending existence. You're putting words in my mouth, IDK what happens when we die.
...the bible is truth to whoever reads it. each will have his own interpretation. there is no truth per-se, rather, levels of interpretation. if you don't want it to be truth, it won't be...if you want to be truth, it will be. truth changes 'hopefully' as much as your underpants.
...the bible is truth to whoever reads it. each will have his own interpretation. there is no truth per-se, rather, levels of interpretation. if you don't want it to be truth, it won't be...if you want to be truth, it will be. truth changes 'hopefully' as much as your underpants.
what utter nonsense , the bible says what it says . its not open for interpretation atall ,if it was, i could interpretate it to mean, literally anything i wished .wich would render the bible completly useless if i can interpretate it to mean anything i like then i may aswell be reading george bush's autobiography .
i love how modern christians now say the bible is not alltogether the truth etc etc when say 500 years ago it was the the total truth and everything in it should be followed lol
...I quote rumi - "there is psychology for every mind".

The bible is a psychological handbook.

*Love is the ark appointed for the righteous,
Which annuls the danger and provides a way of escape.
Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.
Cleverness is mere opinion, bewilderment intuition.
...yet again I go back to another post... At one time you would have clubbed a girl over the head and dragged her to your cave. Would you still?
...this is why I said "maybe Christ would have said that he'd wish he never became a christian". He didn't come here to start a following, he told people not to follow.
I know what you mean about eternity. I can't lie (because obviously my god would know) but I would soon become tortured by heaven. But the grave is just ending existence. You're putting words in my mouth, IDK what happens when we die.

i think your a confused puppy , religious indoctrination as a child has led you this way .
...because I don't feel any different than them. I don't even feel right calling them 'them'.

It's us. Period. One mind - with different levels if description.