ThE sAtIvA hIgH
Well-Known Member
your kinda hot morgan lynn yeahhhhhh man and like rain drops is like gods shower and the wind is like god farting a way, the Gods are electric and the storm is a fight in that sense.
lol ohhhhhh sorry i cant compliment a fellow rollit upper now lol you christian folk are so uptight . and its your rediculous veiws im laughing at ....yikes, just realized I'm having discourse with someone who says "you're kinda hot so-and-so" on a forum.
one question ive always asked and i never get a straight foward answer is this. if christians have the right god and you're suppose to believe in and love that god and no other...then what is gonna happen to ppl who live in places where they dont have believe that? is like more than half of the world gonna be sent to eternal damnnation just because of the place they grew up? they grew up thinkin buddha is the right god, or allah, whatever other god you wanna choose. they're all goin to hell because thats how they were raised? and you have a slight answer these days with technology being able to put anythin anywhere on the earth information-wise, but what about before then when they had no comps, radio, phone, no kinda communication with other contents how could they have learned a different way? and since they couldnt they're all gonna go to hell?
...those 'words' are people.
so basically if you act bad, you just turn off when you die and nothing happens? but if you believe in jesus, you get a reward?
and the idea of hell has been around for many centuries
funny that i interpretate it to mean ......... IM JUST PULLING YOUR PLONKER THERE IS NO HEAVEN . and as you said the bible is open to interpretate it how ever you like .It's about 'vesica piscis' and if you haven't experienced it, you're loosing out. I don't often quote the bible but "if thine eye be single"..."you'll see the kingdom of heaven"
...means that if you can integrate your two hemispheres, heaven is here. Right now. Heaven is peace of mind.