Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.

if the bible recognized the pineal then it must have some actuality. It is describing actual things. Please be willing to accept things. You don't have to believe in it, just accept its existence and how FOR SOME it is a textbook to physical and non-physical things or concepts. It's another way to learn about life. So in that sense you could even call it 'just a good read'.

You know that saying, the mind is like a parachute, works best when open.
...I would not say to you while reading a book that YOU like, "hey man, put that sht down, it's pointless." How would you look at me? Would it be one or two middle fingers you'd be waving?
...I would not say to you while reading a book that YOU like, "hey man, put that sht down, it's pointless." How would you look at me? Would it be one or two middle fingers you'd be waving?

So simply because I believe something, that's enough to remove it from criticism?

What if the book I was reading was titled "How to murder babies and get away with it!"? Do you think you would have a different opinion then?
if the bible recognized the pineal then it must have some actuality. It is describing actual things. Please be willing to accept things. You don't have to believe in it, just accept its existence and how FOR SOME it is a textbook to physical and non-physical things or concepts. It's another way to learn about life. So in that sense you could even call it 'just a good read'.

You know that saying, the mind is like a parachute, works best when open.
how is a 6 to 10 thousand year old book full of ,sadistic nonsense a good way to learn about life ? and im sure 99% of christians would be appalled at your 'just a good read ' quote lol
...don't you think that's obvious?

I'm not looking to remove anything from criticism. If I end up an atheist one day I'd be just as happy. Night / day - white / black... eternal change and rotation.
if the bible recognized the pineal then it must have some actuality. It is describing actual things. Please be willing to accept things. You don't have to believe in it, just accept its existence and how FOR SOME it is a textbook to physical and non-physical things or concepts. It's another way to learn about life. So in that sense you could even call it 'just a good read'.

You know that saying, the mind is like a parachute, works best when open.
dude its you you who needs to open your mind you have been brain washed , i opend my mind , looked at religion in depth and come to the conclusion i have right now .you on the other hand have been indoctrinated with religion and close your mind to the truth and evidence .
How could that possibly be when I can prove the desk here in front of me. I accept science and also have faith. Is there something wrong with not being 100% scientist? And, can you tell me why?
eye exaggerate, PLEASE start quoting people when you reply to them. it looks like youre just making a bunch of one-liners
ok here nor there. i am nothing. to be athiest i must believe there is no god, which signifies a recognition of god. i live life with no one watching over my shoulder saying wrong or right. i know whats good or bad. dont need a book to tell me. also, the bible, read it good. i know it from cover to cover. the devil, "satin",killed no one. god, the saviour however,killed a freakin shit ton of people. argue? sodom and gammora, more? the flood of noah ark. bahhh humbug.
"satin",killed no one. god, the saviour however,killed a freakin shit ton of people. argue? sodom and gammora, more? the flood of noah ark.

The flood is christ consciousness as far as I know. Not a lot of the events in the bible happened on the earth, it happened IN the earth. God / You should kill your enemies...they, those enemies, are thoughts that take you away from who you really are. Whoever that may be.