Somebody got banned?

tell me all about how you would build a climate controlled, insulated 10'x16' grow room for $300, plagiarizing welfare farmer.
I already told you how to build it in the other thread, I never said I could build the whole thing for $300, but the climate control part I could.
yes you were. you were poking fun at some one to hurt their feelings for your enjoyment. real creepy dude real creepy...

I was laughing at the fact that there were people mocking him on his grow setup so now he feels the need to prove himself over it. It was not me who was mocking his grow setup though.
I already told you how to build it in the other thread, I never said I could build the whole thing for $300, but the climate control part I could.

yeah, your "climate control" only cools and does not heat, and it throws stinky air for the neighbors to smell.

your solution did not satisfy the parameters of the build.

you receive another F.

now go check the mailbox for your welfare.
yes you were. you were poking fun at some one to hurt their feelings for your enjoyment. real creepy dude real creepy...
No sorry dude, you don't know anyone here, about 20 of us made serious fun of his setup in another thread, you are ignorant now go away.
yeah, your "climate control" only cools and does not heat, and it throws stinky air for the neighbors to smell.

your solution did not satisfy the parameters of the build.

you receive another F.

now go check the mailbox for your welfare.

Go sell some dope for more beer money.
yeah, your "climate control" only cools and does not heat, and it throws stinky air for the neighbors to smell.

your solution did not satisfy the parameters of the build.

you receive another F.

now go check the mailbox for your welfare.
My solution has heat, cooling, everything, and is more secure than yours.
610 - 500 = ?


stupid fucking idiot.

plagiarizer, racist, welfare farming hypocrite.

i laugh every time you try to act like we are some type of friends, even online.

i would never be friends with a douche like you.

You get to snuggle up to that every night. LOL
I like whisky. I walked for hours down a pitch black country road one Xmas morning after a pub lock in, then turned back cos I'd gone the wrong way. Then I slept for an hour in a bin of road salt cos it started raining.
Eventually I flagged down the first car I'd seen, and blagged a lift... back to the pub. 7 hours after I left, I arrived back. And still had a 2 hour walk back to the farm. I DO like whisky.

Your rellies seem to know how to party, Buck. Good times. :)
It's hard for him to read the screen when he has Uncle Buck's dick in his mouth.
why are u having sexual thoughts about guys sucking guys dicks. its cool that your gay bro. however I'm married. stop pushing your gay thoughts on me. thats the only thing i don't understand about gay people like you. always pushing people to act gay like yourself.
I like whisky. I walked for hours down a pitch black country road one Xmas morning after a pub lock in, then turned back cos I'd gone the wrong way. Then I slept for an hour in a bin of road salt cos it started raining.
Eventually I flagged down the first car I'd seen, and blagged a lift... back to the pub. 7 hours after I left, I arrived back. And still had a 2 hour walk back to the farm. I DO like whisky.

Your rellies seem to know how to party, Buck. Good times. :)

jews really know how to party.
why are u having sexual thoughts about guys sucking guys dicks. its cool that your gay bro. however I'm married. stop pushing your gay thoughts on me. thats the only thing i don't understand about gay people like you. always pushing people to act gay like yourself.

Um, I'm a girl. I love a fat dick in my mouth.