Somebody needs to pay for my 15 kids

If you pay extra for each child a woman pops out it is like a raise every time they do it...

The outrage is that she feels entitled and that someone else has to pay for all these kids.

Im sure you'd invite them all into your van for candy, right?

Wow, how very pathetic....Unfortunately the truly tragic consequences of this woman’s' selfish deviant behavior is that she is probably going to produce young men who have no fathers....

Fatherlessness is what is shredding the fabric of a once successful society....

Any attempt at gun control cannot be serious without some provision to address this increasingly rampant destructive behavior...:leaf:

Chicago doesn’t have a gun problem; it has a father problem.
Gun control isn’t the problem on Chicago’s streets; self-control is.
When young men don’t have fathers, they don’t learn to control their masculine impulses. They don’t have fathers to teach them how to channel their masculine impulses in productive ways.

Back in 2005, William Raspberry, the late Washington Post columnist and no conservative, wrote “The Elephant’s Tale,” a column on inner-city black fatherlessness.
It turns out that, some years before, game managers in South Africa had had a problem with an elephant herd at Kruger National Park. It was growing beyond the park’s ability to sustain it. The experts came up with what they thought was a brilliant two-phase solution: They moved some of the herd to the Pilanesberg game park and killed off some of the elephants that were too big to transport.But that decision had ramifications. Years later, some of young males started attacking Pilanesberg’s herd of white rhinos, an endangered species.Raspberry described the problem, and the solution:
The elephants used their trunks to throw sticks at the rhinos, chased them over long hours and great distances and stomped to death a tenth of the herd — all for no discernible reason.
Park managers decided they had no choice but to kill some of the worst juvenile offenders. They had killed five of them when someone came up with another bright idea: Bring in some of the mature males from Kruger and hope that the bigger, stronger males could bring the adolescents under control.
To the delight of the park officials, it worked. The big bulls, quickly establishing the natural hierarchy, became the dominant sexual partners of the females, and the reduction in sexual activity among the juveniles lowered soaring testosterone levels and reduced their violent behavior.
The new discipline, it turned out, was not just a matter of size intimidation. The young bulls actually started following the Big Daddies around, yielding to their authority and learning from them proper elephant conduct. The assaults on the white rhinos ended abruptly.

Fathers matter. And though it is possible for a young man to get along without a father, it is difficult for young men to get along in fatherless communities, or in fatherless cities.So why don’t the media focus on the epidemic of fatherlessness in our inner cities and on the tragic consequences for boys?

excerpts from--​
Her last line..."Somebody needs to be held accountable, and they need to pay."

Translation: "I'm a worthless leech, please kill me."
This is disgusting. I'm pretty friggin liberal, but shit like this infuriates me. People should be cut the fuck off of social assistance after so many kids.

Any pro-life peeps gonna step up and take a stab at this one?
First off, all 15 of those kids will know the value of work and independence better than any inheritor of wealth, by far.

Secondly, your sig is not a Rawn Pawl quote, it is Rawn Pawl paraphrasing George Orwell.

Thirdly, what alternative do you have? Make it illegal for poor people to have 15 kids? Have the gov't take them? Eugenics? Let them starve in the streets? Yeah that sounds like a country I would love to live in.

"First off, all 15 of those kids will know the value of work and independence better than any inheritor of wealth, by far."

You can't be serious. With a role model like their mother, they will learn how to scam the system, and become lazy parasites just like her. I'd be willing to bet that the majority of them end up on social assistance, or in jail, or both.
If the Government took away our guns, it would allow those 15 kids to be more efficient at their night job...bongsmilie
"First off, all 15 of those kids will know the value of work and independence better than any inheritor of wealth, by far."

You can't be serious. With a role model like their mother, they will learn how to scam the system, and become lazy parasites just like her. I'd be willing to bet that the majority of them end up on social assistance, or in jail, or both.

Completely serious, did you turn out exactly like your parents? I was independent at age 15 because I was sick of sharing socks with 3 brothers. Another thing is, what exactly in this video indicated she is lazy? In what way is this woman inferior to any other woman? I posit that a woman capable of carrying 15 progeny and still looking that healthy and young and standing straight, is one athletic specimen and her kids are going to have bright careers. At least one will be a pro ball player. She obviously isn't receiving much gov't assistance if she couldn't even pay rent in a small place in Tampa. Don't begrudge future ball players 50 bucks worth of beans rice, tortillas and milk per day.

If anyone wants to talk about borderline racist genetics, I'll go even more Chris Rock on you. She is a descendant of not only a culture that values a woman capable of birthing 15 children, but when her bloodline was sold to Americans for slavery, she would still have been valued for the same reason. Clearly, eugenics is not the answer. There are 15 healthy kids in Tampa who will someday have very little choice but to perform the labor none of you want to perform.

I say, instead of perpetuating a system where it pays more to commit crimes, we perpetuate a system that gives socioeconomic upward mobility as a reward for work. I don't think she should be paid per kid, as that probably does incentivize bearing more children. Alaskan mothers have the same thing going on.
Completely serious, did you turn out exactly like your parents? I was independent at age 15 because I was sick of sharing socks with 3 brothers. Another thing is, what exactly in this video indicated she is lazy? In what way is this woman inferior to any other woman? I posit that a woman capable of carrying 15 progeny and still looking that healthy and young and standing straight, is one athletic specimen and her kids are going to have bright careers. At least one will be a pro ball player. She obviously isn't receiving much gov't assistance if she couldn't even pay rent in a small place in Tampa. Don't begrudge future ball players 50 bucks worth of beans rice, tortillas and milk per day.

If anyone wants to talk about borderline racist genetics, I'll go even more Chris Rock on you. She is a descendant of not only a culture that values a woman capable of birthing 15 children, but when her bloodline was sold to Americans for slavery, she would still have been valued for the same reason. Clearly, eugenics is not the answer. There are 15 healthy kids in Tampa who will someday have very little choice but to perform the labor none of you want to perform.

I say, instead of perpetuating a system where it pays more to commit crimes, we perpetuate a system that gives socioeconomic upward mobility as a reward for work. I don't think she should be paid per kid, as that probably does incentivize bearing more children. Alaskan mothers have the same thing going on.

Hey abandoned dumbass...Bet i put in more volunteer time than you do.
Salvation army,Va hospital and food banks ya moron.

I'm speechless and answered. That is such an amazing answer. Your contributions are so numerous and can never be topped. You're the savior of the poor!
Completely serious, did you turn out exactly like your parents? I was independent at age 15 because I was sick of sharing socks with 3 brothers. Another thing is, what exactly in this video indicated she is lazy? In what way is this woman inferior to any other woman? I posit that a woman capable of carrying 15 progeny and still looking that healthy and young and standing straight, is one athletic specimen and her kids are going to have bright careers. At least one will be a pro ball player. She obviously isn't receiving much gov't assistance if she couldn't even pay rent in a small place in Tampa. Don't begrudge future ball players 50 bucks worth of beans rice, tortillas and milk per day.

If anyone wants to talk about borderline racist genetics, I'll go even more Chris Rock on you. She is a descendant of not only a culture that values a woman capable of birthing 15 children, but when her bloodline was sold to Americans for slavery, she would still have been valued for the same reason. Clearly, eugenics is not the answer. There are 15 healthy kids in Tampa who will someday have very little choice but to perform the labor none of you want to perform.

I say, instead of perpetuating a system where it pays more to commit crimes, we perpetuate a system that gives socioeconomic upward mobility as a reward for work. I don't think she should be paid per kid, as that probably does incentivize bearing more children. Alaskan mothers have the same thing going on.
Paint it how you will. You know as well as I do that every one of those kids will end up a junkie, prostitute, in jail, dead, or sucking off the Government tit.
I've never seen a statistic that would show otherwise.

Maybe I'm wrong and 1 of them will buck the trend.

You don't seem to know what exactly the trend is.

The trend is, they have 4 choices.




Burger flipping

Even if they all have IQs below 80, they will still be capable of comprehending this and making a choice. It sounds to me like you want them to pick crime so you can pay for their incarceration with your tax dollars.